

Love is not mere romantic gestures. It demands sacrifices. Just having candle light dinner isn't love. Love is when you stick together even in pain. Love is not momentary joy. Love is commitment to spend lifetime together. Love is not just a relief but a passion too. If it is darkness then light too is love. It is pain and remedy too. LOVE IS LIFE THEN DEATH TOO IS LOVE. ******* BLOSSOM, A normal girl from a small village. She is beautiful, kind hearted, cheerful girl who bring happiness in everybody's life. She respect elders and love children. She hate mafias with her life because of her past. She just want a normal happy life but WILL LIFE GRANT HER THIS WISH? BLOSSOM - EVERYBODY DESERVE SECOND CHANCE. NO MATTER WHAT HE/SHE DID. ADRICK JEON, Mafia king. He is cold ,rude , arrogant. He doesn't show mercy to anyone. He is completely heartless and merciless.He doesn't think twice before killing anyone who betrayed him. He is a man of words and absolutely hate liers and betrayals. ADRICK- THERE IS NO SECOND CHANCE IN MY WORLD. ******* Both of them are totally opposite to each other. One is Sun and another is Moon. What will happen when both of them crosses eachother's path? What will happen when both of them fall in love ? What will happen when Blossom will know Adrick's real identity?

rupali_Singh · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs


Next Morning

When Adrick opened his eyes next morning.He realised that he is not inside his bedroom and his body is covered by bandages. As soon as he realised this he stood up abruptly but oops it's a bad idea as soon as he stood up he immediately regreted his decision because he felt immense pain in his body. He groaned immediately and again sat down on the bed. He was curious that who in the world would help him?

He was thinking all this when suddenly room's door open and a beautiful girl walk inside with a tray in her hands.For a second he became speechless after seeing her beautiful face.

??- Good morning Mr. , Why are you sitting, shouldn't you be resting?

This bring him back to reality. He immediately compose his usual cold face and looked at her. He stood up and asked her in his cold tone.

Adrick - Who are you??

??- I'm Blossom. I found you on the road in preety bad condition. Now Why are you standing here. Comeon sit here.

Blossom smiled and approached him helping him to get back to his bed and surprisingly he didn't fight back and let her do what she want. She made him lay down on comfortable bed. She left the room and come back with first aid kit. She started to change his bandage when she caught him staring she smiled and asked him

Blossom- I told you my name. So tell me What's your name?

she said softly and Adrick on other hand spoke in his usual cold tone.

Adrick- I didn't ask your name.

He looked away from her. She looked toward him and then continued her work silently. He felt bad to talk to her like that but he shrugged his thought. After completing her work completely she pressed on his wound made him groan. He looked toward her with a confused expression on his face.

Blossom- This is for being mean to me and your Welcome.

She exit the room leaving a completely dumbfounded Adrick.

Adrick- How dare she disrespect me like this. Does she even know Who am I? But first I need to return and for that I have to contact my gang members.

With that he started to search for any device on him. His face lit up when he found his phone in his back pocket. He tried to open his phone and make his way out of the house but unfortunately his phone is showing no network and wasn't working properly. This thing is making him frustrated and angry at same time.

Adrick - Why aren't this stupid phone working. I just want to make a call. Is this that hard?

He asked himself being all frustrated. He started limping because of his injured leg. He made his way out of the house. But suddenly he saw some overexcited kids running toward him. He felt panicked. His body got stiffened when he saw them coming closure. He was not able to run because of his injuries. He was panicking when he felt a presence infront of him. He saw you blocking the way of children.

Blossom - Well, Hello cuties.

Blossom went to their level and hugged them. They also hugged her with a bright smile. Adrick was completely surprised. He was just standing there and looking and Blossom and the kids.

Kids - Sister can we hug brother aswell ?

All kids said in unison. Once again Adrick felt panick arising inside his body but Blossom started shaking her head as no while laughing. This made Adrick sigh in releif.

Blossom- Well as you see your brother is still not completely heeled. He couldn't handl so much cuteness.

Blossom pinched one of the kids nose and little girl giggled in response. She stood up and went toward Adrick

Blossom - You should also come inside Mr. It'll raining soon.

With that she went inside. He looked up at the dark sky and went outside. He is still badly injured but he needed to left this place and get back to his world where he actually belongs to. He keep looking at his phone in order to find network so that he could make a call to his members. In order to find network he reached near the lake. Their he found network but unfortunately when he was going to make a call. He slipped on his steps and fell inside the lake. Due to his injuries he couldn't move properly. He kept trying to swim and help himself out but he just couldn't. When he was ready to give up he heard a faint voice of child.

Kid - Here!! Brother is here!! SISTER Here!!!!

He opened his eyes. Blossom? ' Blossom!!! Here I am Here' He tried to speak but that made him loose more Oxygen. His eyes give up and became unconscious. Without thinking twice Blossom jumps in water and pulled his body out of water and immediately started CPR. Adrick was unconscious and his body was not responding.

Blossom- Please wake up don't give up on your life.

Her eyes became moist and she started crying while giving him CPR. She kept pumping his chest and people started gathering around them. After sometime Adrick start coughing and she immediately pulled him in a hug.

Blossom- What are you even thinking?

She hugged him more tighter. On the other hand Adrick was surprised and watching her every move. When she hugged him. First he become very surprised but hugged her aswell. He has a small smile on his face because first time somebody saved him not once but twice and cared about him. " IS THIS HOW IT FEELS WHEN SOMEONE REALLY DID CARE FOR YOU" He thought and hugged her tightly. After sometime people help them to get up and she take Adrick to home.

At Evening, Blossom was cooking for both of them when she suddenly felt a presence behind her. She turned around and smiled at Adrick.

Blossom- Why don't you go and sit in the dinning hall and I will be joining you their.

Without any complaint he followed . While sitting in dinning hall Adrick thought "Maybe i have a purpose why god doesn't want me to leave this place or maybe this is the time for me to clear my mind" He sighed. At the same time you entered the dinning hall with a smile which made Adrick happy.