
|05| Surprising Lesson

| Heads Up: Sex scene numero uno. |


Whoa whoa whoa. Lewy junior, we'd talked about this!

Time to put my best poker face on. It's been a while since I'd trained myself to look so damned casual when I saw my brother naked, when we were younger and still living together. But now, he was wearing a kimono bathrobe, a little loose around his slim waist, so that v-shape went ways deeper and showing more of his youthful, hairless chest. He was standing near the bed, hands on hips while looking at me prettily. All cleaned and ready to dry.

I quickly scanned along his manly body frame as civil as I tried and I sure wished that didn't come out slightly wrong in his view. Wow, I needed more than underground training to overcome this!

'What's up, bro?' I nonchalantly said.

He tilted his head sideways, then without any impending questions he told me, 'You look tired. Go freshen up before we watch some more TV shows.'

'Right. Oh.' I fumbled through my wallet and handed him his change from buying those foodstuff. Anything to keep myself alert. He waved it off.

'You can keep it.'

Alright! Well, glad it was nothing urgent, or that there were no suspicions from him. So he sat on the bed and started checking on his cell phone while I stripped off with my damnedest willpower to think of sex aversion stuff. Man, that's hard labour considering he and I were in the same room and our bodies barely covered. I placed my wallet and jacket on top of the nearby dresser and swiftly hopped into the bathroom, leaving the door ajar.

Yeah, it's to hide my rising cock from his periphery. That's the real reason. I was definitely sure that footballers were supremely aware of their surroundings. No wonder I didn't want to join football. It's dangerous in the locker room. If only it's gay friendly.

Glad to feel the warm water splashing all over my face, I leaned back on the tiled wall and let the water rolled along my upcoming abs and calming manhood. I closed my eyes, but soon had them back wide opened when I heard my brother calling me again and his dreamy voice sounded too close for Lewy junior to take his full rest. Oh jeez.

'Yeah?' I responded, feigning tiredness and without pushing away the shower curtain to meet him.

'When did you last wash your hair thoroughly?' he said. Judging by the direction of his voice, he's probably at the sink, which was right beside the shower case I was in. Also, what? Why? What's with the question? That came out of nowhere...

I got that he's concerned with my well-being, but why would he care about my hygiene to that extent? Oddly specific too. 'Umm, last night. Why though?'

'Oh no, just asking. I'm making sure that you're taking care of your hygiene. That's all,' he reasoned, but there's no other sound from his side, or that the shower rain overcame all other sounds in the bathroom minus his voice. He continued, 'Hurry up.'

Whoa, he's acting extra...umm, bossy tonight. Usually he'd just leave me alone with my own stuff to do. Should I be scared? Did Mike text him about something I didn't want to know, that my brother wanted to have a serious talk with me?

Ugh, might as well shrug it off. It may be nothing and I might be overthinking things like normal.1

'Yeah, yeah,' I muttered and had my shower time fast-forwarded. Nate should've been out of the bathroom by now. So when I pulled away the shower curtain to reach the towel, well, crap.

Nate wasn't out of the bathroom yet! He's the one who handed me my towel. Oh hah, that's not all. The bathrobe now slid off his shoulders and his well-defined pecs and abs were coated with condensed shower mist the whole period he was in here. I really thought there were briefs underneath that robe, until I saw his exposed groin. His cock remained hidden though. One hand resting on his hip as he leaned on one leg, and his face displayed a mood of nothing beyond relaxed, even when he saw me.