

We were summoned to another world. A world where there is magic and martial arts. Space Fragment or also known as Dungeon is everywhere. A world where being different is not a crime. In a world that has many different races, the legends on Earth are here. Gods are watching us, they are the ones who summons us. The world that is called "Accra" I am a Clente. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Finally, I found you!" "Who are you?" I become vigilant as a beautiful man appeared out of nowhere in front of me. [Analyzing the subject...Failed] [Error! Error! Error!] [Unknown energy detected! Analyzing the energy!] [Error! Error! @#$&$-#@#] «!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!» Wisdom is shocked, he can't even provide information. Before I could ask what is happening, the beautiful man that is in front of me smiled then I lost consciousness. _ _ _ _ _ _

The_Fool_Bunny · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Mercenary Guild

We proceed to the Beast Forest. The first monster we encounter is werewolves. My skill already analyze them and understood their weakness. I share their weaknesses but didn't help the four fightings them.

As we proceed, more and more dangerous monsters are encountered. Ain and Bin is the one who is growing the most, Ain's swordsmanship has evolved further. The bin is great at assassinating monsters, they died without knowing themselves. As for Cin and Din, Cin rarely has a chance to use magic 'cause of its destructive power, it will only attract more attention thus he keeps minimise the spell he casts, as for Din he has the power to heal, he only uses it to Ain and he can cast a spell too but only the lowest. I am also guiding them, to be precise my skill is guiding them.

I don't know how to use a sword but my skill {Wisdom} knows and every time the explanation, I got the hang of it and know how to fight even though I didn't fight. My battle experience is accumulating 'cause of the scenario in my mind. It feels weird even though I didn't fight directly I got to experience it. I only interfere if it is really dangerous.

It is the same with using Scythe and other weapons. As for spells, I teach a lot to Cin and Din, and they absorbed it quickly. Din can now use buffs and Cin have a specialised spell only for himself even though I can copy it and use it I didn't. Cin modified the basic magic formula and make it to his liking, it is the same for Din but it is a spell for healing, protection, blessing and even buffs, all of the basics he modified to his liking.

They grow quickly due to the life and death battle. Ain's swordsmanship is now sharper and fast. Bin's use of scythe by assassinating is silent, there's no movement and he can even now use clones. A slim assassin with a big scythe but he is wielding it as if it is light as a feather. Cin's casting spell is worthy to be called wonderful, he is not only casting one spell he can even cast four at a time but also his magic is weird, it feels like it ignores magic defence.

<< It is true, Cin's magic has a 100% ignoring magic defence. Let's say that he eliminates the weakness of his spell. >>

'Interesting. I only teach him how to ignore the magic defence but I didn't expect him to exceed my expectation to the point 100% of it is ignored. But if my magic is tricky his magic is bold.'

<< Correct. Master's magic is maximizing damage while minimising consumption. As for Cin even though it is calculated he can't find the answer for not adding additional mana so he can ignore the defence of magic. If the master's magic consumption is normal while maximizing the effect, Cin's magic has a large mana consumption while maximizing the effect. But you don't have to worry because his mana regeneration is also fast so it feels like he is only consuming mana of the average. If any other magician tries to mimic him only 2-3 spell and their mana will now be depleted. >>

'That's also my conclusion. Even though I have a large mana pool and fast mana regeneration I choose to minimise the consumption so I will have a spare for other purposes.'

Well, that's for Cin. Din's way of using his mana is rare since Ain is rarely injured. Din uses the monsters as an experimental subject, he even tried to injure them to the brink of death and heal it. Now I think he is studying how to revive a dead. Crazy.

He also modified his spells, according to Wisdom normal healers will consume a large of mana and mental power just to heal a person who is slightly injured. But Din is another, his mana consumption is minimal while he can cast spell by spell, layer by layer. And I think there's no mental burden, it feels like as long as he has mana he can heal. His mana regeneration is also fast but not as fast as Cin's but faster than average Magicians.

I didn't see a magician for myself but my skill Wisdom confirms it thru calculations. He absorbed many skills and in each of that skills, he analyze and contain information he also understands it and started conducting experimenting with thinking. It also said that every time he got something correct he dismissed it as something not interesting. Even the hologram or system which is colour red, after he analyzes it he absorbed it naturally, as of now I only have {Wisdom}.

[Name: Ciel Clente

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Role: Wisdom Creator

Trait: Cold Blooded


-Master of Mana


-Full Awakened

-Skills: Wisdom]

[Cold Blooded

Rank: Epic

Effect: Can be calm and composed in any situation.]

[Master of Mana

Rank: Epic

Effect: Can control mana freely.]


Rank: Epic

Effect: Knowledge can be understood quickly.]

[Full Awakened

Rank: Unique

Effect: Releases the Full Potential.]


Rank: None

The entity that keeps thinking. Consist of

Analyze • Creator • Perfection • Record • Copy • Fusion • etc...]

The hologram is blue, there's no red anymore. My skill absorbed it. Wisdom analyze it for 3 days and after analyzing it he absorbed it, resulting in Wisdom having the same effect as that red one.

It changes, if the system the red one couldn't understand my Skill {Wisdom}, my Skill {Wisdom} itself can explain itself. It feels like an upgraded version.

Well, that's what changes. We are travelling in Beast Forest for more than 15 days already, it is a long since collecting monsters' by-products is more time consuming than killing them. Cin also learns how to cook, by now we are resting, I rarely eat but I still find Cin's cooking more comfortable than those I eat in the Inn.

Ain is good at fighting while Din is strategizing, I also confirm that Bin's clones are increasing, as for now, he can summon 40 or more clones of his. I even modified their weapons since some of the monsters we met are good for making weapons such as the sabertooth's fang and Black Mantis scythe. For the wand it is easy only the blood of monsters with high mana can create a good wand and we found one that is the Silver Phyton. Its blood is dense in mana but also full of poison but Din can cleanse it so it's not a problem.

If their weapon before is like Rare, now it is Semi-Epic, they also adapt to their weapon comfortably.

18th day in the Beast Forest, they are now experts. Their growth is astonishing, to be honest, they also killed a human because we are now near the entrance of the capital and the bandits who try to rob us got killed. I didn't expect that they will kill them without hesitation. I also make clothes for them since I rarely move so all I can do due to boredom is make clothes.

Ain's clothes are grey and black, the robe is also grey but has black lines and the A symbol on the back of the font is foreign. Bin choose black colour and red colours for the lines, his robe has the same but instead of A it is B. Cin choose white and black. Din choose the colours Yellow and White. The same for the symbol Cin for C and D for Din. The symbol is foreign.

I just didn't teach them how to fight, I also impart basic knowledge to them like how to read, write and so on. They have great brains and they understood it quickly in a matter of 3 weeks.

We are nowhere near the entrance of the Capital. 1 gold per person is the fee to enter. After paying I immediately rent an Inn and let them rest.

After resting I let Bin gather information while we are heading into the Mercenary Guild. Mercenary Guild is the biggest guild in Accra.

After entering the Mercenary guild, there's a big hall inside. There's a receptionist in the middle and bulletin boards in each corner.

Our group attracted attention, I wore a veil but the other three didn't and their faces are visible. They are handsome. The girls in the hall have their eyes twinkling but the three only follow behind me.

Our clothes are not that different from the others but the design is unique. I find a chair and sit there. Cin is the one who walks forward. Ain and Din are on my left and right like guarding.

Cin walked toward the receptionist and start asking.

"What are the requirements to become a mercenary?"

The receptionist which is a girl has a daze expression before blushing and coming back to reality.

"There's no requirement, you just need to pay 3 golds per person and fill up some basic information then you'll be F-rank mercenary," the receptionist said with a smile

"Hmm, ok. Can I get 5 forms?"

"But your group are only 4?" the receptionist asked with a frown.

Even the mercenaries who are watching frown. What's the use of the other 1?

"Oh, don't worry our group is 5, it's just the other one is... Oh, he's here."

After saying those words the others frown deeply but a shadow immediately materializes on Cin's back. The same face but this one doesn't have an aura and is holding a scythe.

Even though the others didn't feel an aura or didn't feel when did the man come, they felt danger as if death is nearby.

"Cin, where's the master?"

"There," Cin point a direction. After Bin follows the direction he immediately vanishes and reappears 12 meters ahead.

The receptionist and the others are still shocked when the door opens in a rush and three powerful aurae can be felt. They immediately bent their gazes at the door but Cin didn't do it. And only stare at the receptionist who is not doing her job.


Before Cin can continue his words a man was running in his direction and immediately come close to the receptionist while shouting.

"Get me a healer, a healer. Fast!!!"

The receptionist is still shocked because what they saw is 3 people with an intimidating aura but they all had injuries on their bodies. And behind the 2 of them are 2 more people, they are carrying it with care and it looks like in a minute it will die.

The 2 lay down what they are carrying and it is a sight to behold. One of them has 2 limbs missing, there's even a missing eyeball, and the bodies are full of injuries such as bites, and scratches. The other one has 1 hand and 1 leg missing, his head is covered in bandages even covering the eyes, and there's still blood dripping. Their breathing is rough and it seems anytime they will stop breathing.

The receptionist hurriedly calls a healer, it is an emergency so she uses a crystal. Then Cin spoke up in a calm tone like he didn't care about the commotion.

"5 forms"

The receptionist stares at Cin frowning like she wants to say 'Is that important?' but she immediately gets 5 forms and gives them to Cin.

The guy who shouts feels irritated at Cin's calm tone and he stares at Cin, but Cin stares at him too.

Now the guy feels angry and said in an intimidating tone "What are you staring at?"

Cin still stare at him before turning his gaze away and started walking toward his master.

The guy couldn't accept that he got ignored, so he shout so loud "How dare you! I'll kill you!"

The atmosphere is already tense since patients are lying on the floor, but since the guy who is looking for a healer for his friend shouts the crowd immediately looks at the two. Cin stops walking and faces the guy eye to eye.

The atmosphere got intense and the guy immediately pulled his sword and shout "I'll kill you!!" and started running no he only started.

Before he can take his second step Cin said nonchalantly "Wind Cutter"

Then before he can reach his arm fall off and he began groaning in pain. Cin continues walking toward his master and when he reached it he immediately bows.

"Sorry for the delay" then he give one of the forms to Ciel, Ciel accept it and didn't say anything.

Cin distributed the other form to his brothers. They began writing since Ciel also began writing. The crowd is still staring at the guy who got his hands cut off then when they hear Cin's voice they return to reality to turn to look at him. Fear.

After giving the forms they began writing. Then two healers come down the stairs and began examining the body of the two they even include the guy who got his arms cut off.

The crowd's attention immediately shifted to the two healers. The healers after examining got a look on their faces as if telling it is too late.

The girl healer spoke "This is beyond our capabilities, growing a limb is hard already but having his eyes grows too is impossible. He also loses too much blood, if we began healing him he might die due to the sudden mana."

The other healer is a boy and he nodded.

"No, please save them. I can pay, I don't care how much" one of the people who carry the two said.

"But sir Dion, even if we dispatch all of the healers available we really can't save them."

"We are sorry."

While they are talking Ciel's group is already in the receptionist and passes their form. The receptionist immediately checks it before reporting it and after a few seconds, 5 cards immediately appear. The receptionist says "You just need to drop blood of your own on the card and you're already registered. This card will prove your identity."

The card consists of my name, age, gender, race and rank.

Name: Ciel Clente

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Rank: F

The receptionist immediately explains its benefits of it. The benefits of F rank consist of the first 2% increase by selling the by-products, a 2% discount by buying the by-products, and identity.

The by-products that we get are in Cin's dimension, I teach him basic dimension magic that has a 2-meter area. But he modified the spell for 7 days then his dimensions are different from normal dimensions.