

We were summoned to another world. A world where there is magic and martial arts. Space Fragment or also known as Dungeon is everywhere. A world where being different is not a crime. In a world that has many different races, the legends on Earth are here. Gods are watching us, they are the ones who summons us. The world that is called "Accra" I am a Clente. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Finally, I found you!" "Who are you?" I become vigilant as a beautiful man appeared out of nowhere in front of me. [Analyzing the subject...Failed] [Error! Error! Error!] [Unknown energy detected! Analyzing the energy!] [Error! Error! @#$&$-#@#] «!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!» Wisdom is shocked, he can't even provide information. Before I could ask what is happening, the beautiful man that is in front of me smiled then I lost consciousness. _ _ _ _ _ _

The_Fool_Bunny · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

I just pick it up (2)

"I know that some of you have their cores broken, and it is also known that although a broken core can be fixed.

It is not that it can easily be fixed.

Fixing a core is a tough process, and each individual has a different core.

Some of you have their cores broken so it is deemed unusable. But I would like to say this here right now, I can fix your cores and I can also replace your cores.

I can also cleanse the impurities in your body.

Having the ability to fight even though you want to live a normal life is okay for me.

I have a clan, and that is called "Undyed" and we are a new one.

I know that some of you are already a member of a clan before or even a member of one of a tower. But I'll ask this, do you still plan to go back to your previous self?"

When I asked them about going back to their previous self, no one said anything. It is not that they don't want to, it is because they already learned.

I can tell what they are thinking, {WISDOM} already analysed them. I am slowly breaking their walls, the boundaries that keep them hesitating.

And the most effective way to do it is to point out their previous self. To point out what they are a minute ago.

To point out their dark past is not a shame but a trophy. That they are no different from others.

And I would say that I'm slowly and steadily building it.

The first is the two women who spoke but some still followed, those who have their cores still intact.

What I targeted now is the majority, the majority who have their cores broken. They even age and look like on a brink of death.

I found them more appealing than the ones who already grasp parts of the law. Having your cores broken is like saying you are useless.

It is like announcing that you are now ordinary, but those ordinary which is the majority here are still alive.

It is commendable how they struggled to survive even though they know that they are deemed useless.

Their mentality is great, and most of them are adults. Not the typical adult since age is now relevant.

The adult that can be seen has experienced something extraordinary.

I targeted them and I didn't fail. They move forward, although they didn't talk there is a sense of belonging that replaces them.

The last that I'll target is the rest, this is humans who are still rational or can be said to have the ability to think right.

"You're new, that is what your faces keep telling.

You're confused and in a horrifying state. Y'all didn't even know or can't comprehend immediately what happened.

You still can think, and since you are new you don't know what they experience. It is not ignorance, it is because you're all new that you don't know.

It is also because you're new that you're slightly lucky. But I'll say it here.

Do you ever question yourself why you are weak?"

When I asked that last question their expression is a sight to behold, they're terrified before because they're in a prison and the horrifying sight of beasts, monsters, mermans, mermaids, elves and any races.

Which have their body parts missing, there is even a chimera. The screams, noises, they can't sleep and nightmares keeps haunting them.

"Do you ever question yourself why you're in this situation?

Of course you questioned. Did you get the answer you like? No? It is not that you're weak, it is not thst the enemy is strong.

It is because you're ignorant. It is because you don't know, you didn't prepared enough.

It is because you're a waste."

My words are hurtful but it is my heartfelt words. You cant never improve if you surrounding is relaxing.

Among the human there is no summon. Maybe there is but they don't have the system. They're natives here.

"Your previous affiliation didn't care about you at all. Why still bother to go back? Is it because of someone you know? Relatives?

No right? It is because you all hear that once you entered that specific clan, the path of success is already ahead.

Success is not given, it is a reward of hard work. It is the reward of effort. You cant just attain it whenever you want."

You're not me.

I didn't continue, I let them contemplate. I let them think thoroughly.

I eyed those who agreed to me. They are in a group, although no one is talking, the difference is.

If previously their expression is full of fear, lifeless, dark, gloomy and more. Now it is a bright one, full of determination, hope and even a hint of cruelty.

They accepted their previous selves, they accepted it slowly. They are changing every second.

I talk to them, although my mask is that on a mischievous appearance. It is not a hindrance to make me persuade them. I talk to them, those who still can fight or have their cores intact.

They started moving, they healed those who are injured. Those who can cast magic, cast a cleaning spell.

It is like a block of domino, the first effect affects the others.

Now they are organised, the last batch still didn't answer. But I can tell that they will going to decide, they just wanted to reflect.

Just like that, {WISDOM} finished analyzing the elves. I talk to the elves.

Most of them are females, although there are males.

I talk to them in a calm tone, I try to bring back their life. What are their beliefs, I know the customs of other races because of the knowledge I've accumulated.

So it is not difficult to talk to them.

Just like that, I didn't even let a single one left behind. I converted them to my clan. I can't waste people.

People are the most obvious assets that you can invest.

I don't know how many hours passed, but each time it passed I succeeded, I keep breaking their walls.

I keep their rationality. {WISDOM} only analyze them and didn't heal them. I'll heal their them specially their cores when we're in the territory.

We not numbered thousands.

Elves and humans are numbered hundreds. While the beast man is on thousands and even the mermans and mermaids.

[Analyzing the Beasts... completed]

Now it is beasts, this one is a bit special since they have a different thinking.

But I still talk to them, I communicated thru telepathy. The Beasts are intelligent creatures but they have a simple thing that will them follow you.

They only follow the strong.

Since that is the case, I instill fear to them. The fear I instill is different to the fear they accumulated.

Mine is natural, It is in their blood. While the fear they have now is from the tortured they got. Their body parts being cut.

Since I also somewhat heal them, their affinity is slightly high. They even have a sense of trust. Then when I instill fear in their blood.

It is like a natural to follow me. There is no resistance. It is a follow with a favourable impression.

"I'm back"