

We were summoned to another world. A world where there is magic and martial arts. Space Fragment or also known as Dungeon is everywhere. A world where being different is not a crime. In a world that has many different races, the legends on Earth are here. Gods are watching us, they are the ones who summons us. The world that is called "Accra" I am a Clente. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Finally, I found you!" "Who are you?" I become vigilant as a beautiful man appeared out of nowhere in front of me. [Analyzing the subject...Failed] [Error! Error! Error!] [Unknown energy detected! Analyzing the energy!] [Error! Error! @#$&$-#@#] «!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!» Wisdom is shocked, he can't even provide information. Before I could ask what is happening, the beautiful man that is in front of me smiled then I lost consciousness. _ _ _ _ _ _

The_Fool_Bunny · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

First Mission

After getting separated, only me and Eram are left.

"Our first stop is the hall, let's get mission as many as we can."

Eram only nods, after a second we disappeared from where we stood before.

In front of us is now the door that will lead us to the hall.

Opening the door is a creaking sound, the inside is spacious unlike what we see outside.

Many different races can be seen.

But most of them are humans, there are elves but I think it is a half one. Our appearance attracted attention.

But not that many.

We are wearing our clown costumes. I have bunny ears while Eram here has a wolf one.

The notable is the cards in my hand, some cards are floating on my side.

We now stood in front of a big board. Getting missions that are not connected.

After the application of the missions, we disappeared immediately.

We are now in the middle of nowhere. We're already outside the territory.

"Let's do the Pollution dungeon first."

The pollution dungeon has a rank of B, there's also only one sentence in the description. "Be careful"

The reward is quite generous. But the warning which is the fatality of the mission is rated 5 stars.

This means it is at the peak of danger, some push it will become an A-rank mission.

The Pollution dungeon is located in the Death Zone.

Dungeons are also known as fragmented spaces of mini-worlds.

It is a creation of a high existence or a special item.

Some dungeons are repeatable while some are not. Mostly there are more repeatable dungeons, but all you can get there is mass ingredients.

While the dungeons that are not repeatable, you can get special items, even an artefact is not a problem.

It is called unique dungeons because it is mostly one.

There is also a moving dungeon, it moves its location after some time.

There are also the black dungeons where even your life is not guaranteed, in their estimation.

I know that I'm a special existence, and although I didn't do anything, I am improving.

That is my skill {Wisdom}, improvement in everything.

Even the slightest movement can be said to be an improvement. It is a big exaggeration but it is the truth.

After walking in the Death Forest for a while, we didn't encounter any living things.

Yes, it is a dead forest.

The trees are dead, the soil and corpses are everywhere and even the small lake is not drinkable with dead fish floating.

Death Forest is the haven of Necromancers and Black Magicians, but it is the hell for most classes. Death Forest can be purified, yes.

But that will take a ton of time, even years or forever.

It is not because of the lack of divine power but because of the lack of knowledge about purification.

In front of us now is an orange gate, it is a dimensional rift. It is giving some bad vibes, due to silence only our breathing and heartbeat can be heard.

[Would you like to enter the dungeon? Yes/No]

A hologram appears in front of us, but our holograms are different.

Only one hologram appears in front of Ciel while Eram.

[Would you like to enter the dungeon? Yes/No]

[Quest] Save the corrupted (B 5stars)

Description: A corrupted creature is inside the dungeon, he is doing experiments for pollution. The demons are involved. Be careful.

Condition: Clear the dungeon

Reward: Absolute Good blessing

Penalty: Death

It is. a brutal quest that is forced. There is not even an option whether to accept it.

It is automatically accepted.

Since they will enter the dungeon, Eram didn't talk back.

But if this happens in another situation, Eram may throw a fit.

It is not acceptable to force you to do something you don't want to.

[Celestial Gods are watching your adventure]

[The Sage is interested in you]

[Many Beings are watching you]

There is also the notification about gods watching him.

The gods appear on his 10th day in Accra, at first, it is only the [Man Who Has Butterfly Wings]. Then more and more appears.

The next that appears is the [I am a Sinner] and that two gods are flirting or to be said, the [I am a Sinner] is flirting [Man Who Has Butterfly Wings].

They are showing their romance openly. I don't know what is their gender.

More Gods appeared in the next weeks then. They give gifts to me, some wanted to make me an apostle.

There is always an argument.

But I didn't choose any of them, which leads to a decrease in interest but some still stayed.

When I got this body, I also got his memories.

I even unlocked his gift, the skill {Charity} can be said to be a link. I can sever the links using that skill so no one can observe me, but I didn't choose to.

Jack who is my mystic partner, I summoned him when I got the memories of how to use {Charity}.

He is a mystic that rules the thunder, tribulations are not effective on him.

You can also say that when I ascend, I don't need to be inspected.

I can discern who is strong and who is not. It is a feeling, but when I saw Ciel that day.

I can't, he feels way too normal which is to the point of abnormal. But my instincts keep reminding me.

It is dangerous, dangerous.

But now my instincts are not giving me any warnings anymore.

Ever since I accepted Ciel's offer, it stops warning me.

I am planning to tell Ciel about {Charity} but it will be later, and I have this feeling that he already knows.

We entered the dungeon, the inside is in a large hall. Tall pillars are in every corner, but the most notable are the creatures that are lining up.

They are skeletons, some are wearing armours while most do not. They're unmoving, they look like statues.

Ciel is the first one to make a move.

The surrounding atmosphere intensified like someone is pushing us down. But I didn't feel it, I'm not affected.

The skeletons got flattened to the ground, their body parts are broken.

When the pressure disappeared, heat and cold were replaced.

First, the heat that is too intense like a volcano that is ready for eruption then it will be replaced by the cold that is too much.

Things that are in a melted state solidify again.

We walk further and further in the dungeon, Eram can't even make a move. Ciel is destroying everything he saw.

There's no chance to move.

We met a dead end, a big door is in front of us. The door is in a design of Skulls and black inks like blood. Opening it is an old creaking sound, inside is a prison.

I saw it.