In this AU, Frisk is suicidally depressed, and it's up to Sans and Papyrus to restore his will to live. Just a heads up. Frisk does try to take his own life. Things get dark, so I'm warning you in advance. Also, spiritual themes! Created by: InGodzHandz all rights belong to them
Frisk woke up and saw the leathery texture of a couch. His head was on a pillow. He sat up and realized his top was still uncovered, his shoes and socks were off, his pants were off, and his key and cell phone were gone. Frisk was in his boxer shorts covered by a thin woolen blanket.
Frisk breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that besides a bandage on his left arm from where a blood sample had been taken he was fine. The same scars were there before. Frisk had not been dissected.
He smiled in relief before he heard a noise coming from further in the office. It sounded like two people talking, but Frisk's still dulled senses got in the way of figuring out what the voices were saying.
He looked around the office to find the source of the sound. Frisk noticed that his clothes were on the ground and that the couch was against a dark wood-paneled wall with a clock above it. As his weary eyes wandered the room, he noticed that most of the walls were covered with filing cabinets and heavy metal posters of skeleton bands.
Frisk's eyes then rested on the desk with a computer, bottles of alcohol, and paperwork where he saw his key and his cell phone plugged into a charger connected to an extension cord which ran under the desk.
Without much thought, Frisk stood up. His head was still light, and his steps were uncertain as he staggered over to the desk to grab his things. Once Frisk was there, he put his necklace on and took his now fully-charged phone out of its charger.
That was when he saw the bathroom door and heard their voices. They were the voices of Mettaton and Dr. Nova, and they sounded like they were kissing.
"I'd say your performance has improved, Mettaton," Dr. Nova said in between kisses.
"I told you this suit has benefits, Arial," Mettaton replied. "But I'm still upset with you, darling."
"You authorized me to do it, dear."
"I said you could use sedatives to calm him, not to knock him out to make the physical examination easier. That was quite irresponsible of you. I've decided to change doctors."
"But he was lying to me. I had to knock him out to find out the truth, love."
"I know. He's depressed, he's anemic, he's underweight, and he's taking medicine. Those were definitely things that you couldn't have found out if he was awake."
"Okay, maybe I overreacted a little. I know how to make it up to you…"
Frisk heard them kissing again. He grimaced while turning to walk back to the couch.
Frisk took his first step and felt his bare foot step on some paper. He looked down and saw his name written at the top, so he picked it up and looked at it. It was his medical information.
Frisk's tired mind didn't have the capacity to read and understand it, but he still figured it had to be important. So, despite his grogginess, Frisk used his phone to take pictures. He photographed every page and kept his camera as still as possible, so they wouldn't be blurry. When Frisk was done, he sent the result to Sans and waddled back to the couch.
Frisk pulled on his clothes while waiting for Sans to respond and for his blurry vision to clear up. When he was done, he sat down and saw that Sans had sent a text message.
"Oh, my God," Sans responded. "I haven't heard from you in an hour. I've been worried sick! Are you okay? What the hell did she do to you?!"
Frisk typed back slowly, "I don't think Dr. Nova did anything. She gave me a shot and I fell asleep because she got mad when I tried to hide my scars from her. I woke up on a couch. I think I'm in her office now. She and Mettaton are making out in her bathroom. It's so gross. My head feels really fuzzy inside, too."
When Frisk sent his message, Sans read over it and felt his eye sockets glow again.
"Hold it together," Toriel said looking over his shoulder. "For Frisk."
Sans took a deep breath and responded, "So, that means nobody's watching you right now?"
"Yeah," Frisk replied.
"Kid, that means you can escape right now."
"You're right. I'll do that now."
Frisk hopped off the couch and walked slowly to the door trying to be quiet despite his weary state. He stood in front of it and quietly tried to twist the knob, but to his horror, it wouldn't budge. It was locked.
That was when Frisk felt a hand on his shoulder and a shudder go through his spine.
"Darling," Mettaton said. "If you were that eager to leave, you should have said something."
"Hell, I'm surprised that he can even stand already," Dr. Nova said sitting on the corner of her desk.
Frisk looked back at him wearily and felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
"Oh, dear," Mettaton said picking Frisk up and holding him in a hug. "There, there. I know this punishment has been rough, but Daddy knows you're sorry and he forgives you. So, there's nothing to be upset about."
Frisk was still too tired to respond, so all he could do was reluctantly rest his head on Mettaton's chest plate.
"Awww, you're starting to warm up to me," Mettaton said. "That is so sweet…"
"Can we just leave already?" Frisk finally mumbled out.
"Are you gonna let him talk to you like that?" Dr. Nova asked.
Mettaton sighed and said, "Don't you worry, Arial. I'll win him over one way or another. It'll just take time. Thanks again for your help, even though your methods were…questionable. Your check's in the mail."
"You're giving me money on top of what you just gave me?" Dr. Nova said before she shortcut to her desk chair and pulled an electronic cigarette out of a drawer. "You're too kind."
Mettaton gave her a wink, created another trapdoor, and said, "Until next time, Dr. Arial Nova."
"I'm on standby if ya need me," Dr. Nova said before Mettaton jumped into the trapdoor with Frisk in tow.
Dr. Nova waited for her cigarette to warm up while she turned on her computer and pulled up the live stream of Mettaton's show. On the screen, she watched as Papyrus sat next to Undyne and healed himself while they were closely guarded by Mettaton's robotic drones.
Dr. Nova smiled sadly and said, "I'm glad you're so happy and strong, Papyrus. Please keep it up. Mettaton's going to put up a hell of a fight. You know, it's funny. Taking care of the human child almost makes me wish I didn't give you up to your Daddy so quickly."
A tear went down Nova's cheek, but she wiped it away, took a puff over her cigarette, and said, "Oh, well…"