
Underground Tragedy

UlricAbjorn · สยองขวัญ
4 Chs

Further into the depths

I head further into the long and what it seems as an endless tunnel but strange as I can hear crying and faint screams as I travel along leaving my lifeless body. I feel a sharpness in way the air grows colder the further I go my mind spinning falling deeper into madness. Wait what's that I see something no someone a figure sitting in the dark I approach it closer realizing this figure is a small woman bawling not knowing where she had gone. My mind still twisting it sputters into darker ideas my smile slowly turning into a misshapen grin. I grab her arm and toss her across the tunnel watching the terror in her face wait what am I doing . But I can't stop I grow more of rage and madness as I'm fighting to control it I lose myself and then snap back and realize the pure horror I had just indulged into. Only to find I felt nothing no remorse only the dark can see what I've done only the tunnel knows what creeps into my twisted head I shall continue traveling maybe I'll find more indulgence on my way towards what's is ahead or what I might find