

Aizawa's POV

I watched as Bakugo was starting to fall to pieces right in front of my eyes. His own father? So not only was his mother a villain but so is his father? How did he get such a drive to be a hero? How did he ever get a chance to want to be a hero? I see Midoriya pull Bakugo into a tight hug as the blond broke down in front of us. What can I even say to all of this?

But I couldn't do nothing, I walked forward and put a hand on each boy's shoulders and when they looked up and saw me they were both in tears as they clung to me. What kind of life have these two had? I can't even begin to imagine but at the same time I need to know.

It can wait, I pull my boys to me holding them close, my own tears falling as I did. "I will not let him hurt you. Do you understand?" I asked them and felt their fingers dig into my back as they cried into my chest. I start to chuckle and when they look confused I can't help saying, "What's a Dadizawa to do?" It did exactly what I hoped it would and they started laughing in my arms. It's not long before the rest of my problem children joined us and when we finished Bakugo forced us all to sit down and eat.

We ate and they tried to pretend nothing happened at all but we could all see how they were forcing their smiles. How were they undercover for so long? Wait, were their covers actually really blown?

After the meal I sat the two down in the common room, "I don't want to pry but we need to know." I waited and they didn't seem confused in the least, just sad.

"Nothing we tell you will make you feel good, it will probably make you think we are dangerous." Bakugo answered.

"And you wouldn't be wrong either," Midoriya sighed, looking defeated.

"We are all dangerous, we spend all this time training to become heroes. Don't forget it's not the quirk, it's how you use it," I lectured them and they gave little smiles in return. Then they started talking; they were four years old and just found out their quirks at Bakugo's house. They went through the years of how they were tied up and beaten, how one of Bakugo's parents would tie them up and nearly kill them on a weekly basis. They talked about how good they got at bandaging each other up. They told us about the first time they killed a person.

My students' faces were pale but they never interrupted, we all listened start to finish. On how they were able to get away. They told us everything up until the suicide and how if it wasn't for Nezu they really would have died that day.

"Bro?" Kirishima had tears running down his face even only saying one word. Bakugo only nodded and the redhead tackled him sobbing. It was like they were all given the green light and they attacked the boys with hugs all around.

These two... They have lived a life that no one should ever have to imagine. To kill a person when they were only five? To learn how to torture soon after. And their pain tolerance is out of this world. No wonder Midoriya didn't even flinch about breaking his bones during his first year.

"Will you tell us what happened while you were undercover?" Iida asked in a small voice and I saw the boys tense up.

"Maybe that should wait for another day?" I asked him but Midoriya stopped me from leaving by holding up a hand. I froze and he told us, Bakugo couldn't even look up at us and Midoriya kept his head down too, his voice was crystal clear as he told us about the League. He never failed when he told us the names of all the people that landed on their table or what they told them. His voice never broke but it was also absent of any emotion at all. When he finally looked up I could see tears running down his face but he didn't let a single sniffle or sob stop him from telling us about how many times they couldn't bother to eat just because it would just come back up anyway, so why bother?

I have no idea at what point Midoriya migrated into Bakugo's lap, visions of what they told us filling my mind's eye too much to actually see them sitting in front of me. Bakugo's tears streamed down endlessly but he did his best to hide them in either Midoriya's chest or back. At some point he gave up though sitting his head on Midoriya's shoulder and looking out at us all completely drained. Hours passed in the span of minutes. Their words gutting us of our own tears as they described one torture scene in particular. Someone named Vee, the nightmares that followed and how even though it was by far not the worst one it was the first one condoned by the Hero Association and that alone took a huge toll on them.

"I'm sorry Sensei, we are just not that strong. It hurt us so much. Then there was Zay. We tried to avoid it to find another way but..." Midoriya finally broke down and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Shh, don't think about it. Hey we don't talk about Zay do you understand? Forget her, the hag was better." Bakugo tried to soothe the greenette in his arms but it wasn't helping. "We don't talk about Zay," I see his tears renew as if the name alone was enough to relive whatever horrors that had happened.

"You two are probably the strongest heroes I have ever had the pleasure to meet. You are strong," I tell them and they keep rocking each other now surrounded by their classmates who all seem to reach out a hand and lay it on one of the boys.

Someone decided to put in a movie and I did the one thing I really didn't want to do but it needed done. I texted All Might and asked if he would come to the class A dorms.

Eraserhead: Midoriya and Bakugo need you...

All Might: I've heard everything. I'm standing by the door but I didn't know if I was welcome so I'm still here.

I rolled my eyes.

Eraserhead: You are their hero, get in here!

All Might: But they came to you. They call you Dadizawa.

Is he really jealous right now? You have got to be kidding me. I send another text and before he could respond say, "So if you call me Dadizawa what do you call All Might?"

The change in subject caught several off guard and it was Midoriya who answered all red faced too. "Dad Might... Don't look at me like that! I never really had a dad, mine left when he thought I was quirkless!" He covered his face trying to hide how bright red it was.

"Wait so you're really not All Might's secret love child?" Todoroki asked, surprised.

"I wish!"He groaned before adding, "but no."

"Do not worry, I AM HERE!" All Might walked in now in his hero form but only for a moment before he shrank back down again wiping away the blood he coughed up.

"You hear that All Might? They call you Dad Might," I snicker, I don't even care that he seems pleased beyond belief it's just too funny.

"I will happily fill the roll but you should stay with Present Mic," he answered, my chuckles cut off at what he was implying and I wanted to strangle him.

"I'm going home I'll be back to check on you all tomorrow," I wave leaving All Might with the students. It's his turn to have his heart shattered, mine needs a break.

I need to process what all has happened and I need to walk away from my students before I cross that student/teacher line and end up adopting my whole class. I mean most of them are 18 so it wouldn't really help anyway, but still.

I went home only too happy that All Might was staying at the dorms so I could go home and rest. Hizashi was there waiting for me and he just let me cry as I told him the gist of what all I learned. He held me and told me what a good father I would be one day and I looked up and after blinking a few times.

"Do you want a baby?" I asked him after a few minutes. I watched him turn a little pink and my jaw dropped, "You do? Why didn't you say anything before?"

"Well you've never been interested before and I didn't want to push you into anything," he mumbled. "Besides, my quirk isn't exactly baby friendly."

I thought about it for a while, "You know I happen to know two children ages 7 and 8 who would love you." I see his eyes light up and damn it all am I really going to do this?

"Eri and Koda, do you remember them?" We ended up talking a lot and after a couple phone calls it was determined that we could foster the two and later if we wanted we could adopt them. I watched Hizashi as he bounced around at the thought of having kids and that they could actually be ours one day. It will take a couple months probably not until after new years but it is in the works now.

I hope this goes well...


I arrived back at the dorms early the next day to see Midoriya and Bakugo asleep on the couch and All Might asleep in the chair. I found out from Iida that they fell asleep talking last night and they just covered them up and went to bed. I swear All Might is almost as much of a child as the actual children.

I start a pot of coffee and return to the common area to see Bakugo twitching in his sleep. Is he having a nightmare? Will it be as bad as Midoriya's last week?

I decided to watch and see Midoriya's green energy like quirk cover them in response to Bakugo's tossing and turning and surprisingly it seemed to actually help, but not for long. I move the few still drowsy students away and finally move to All Might waking him up and getting him to move away as well.

"Nnnnnnnooooooo!" Bakugo screamed with one hand outstretched and a huge explosion set off. He sat there panting covered in sweat when he finally looked down and saw Midoriya still holding him.

Midoriya is awake now but still holding onto the blond like before. How didn't that make him jump out of his skin? "Aunty or Uncle?" He yawned as if this happened everyday. Wait, does it? We saw Midoriya's nightmares but the villains were actually Bakugo's parents. His own parents tortured him for years.

"Both," he answered and this made Midoriya flinch.

"I'm alive, look at me. I am alive, do you understand me?" He sat up and pulled the blonds head to his chest and held it there. It took me longer than I would care to admit to realize that he was letting Bakugo listen to his heart beating in his chest. I watched as the frightened young man slowly calmed down and eventually wrapped his arms around the greenette. I heard Midoriya gasp a little when Bakugo was holding him too tight but otherwise he just pulled the blanket back up and settled back down to sleep.

"Sleep Love, we have plans to make later," Midoriya hushed him and I can't help remembering Bakugo's mother. Midoriya had ripped her heart out before the injection could stop her heart, the fluid was still in the tube not yet even in her arm. What would he do to his father if he was just as bad?