

Aizawa's POV

Babysitting Midoriya and Bakugo while they slept was irrational at best but I couldn't ignore the way Midoryia was freaking out. His tears of terror and I can only guess disgust at whatever dream he had. I saw the hand holds on the ceiling and if I didn't see it myself I would never have believed that a person could move like that.

I was just coming in the door when I saw Midoriya coated in his green lightning-like quirk laying there on the couch tossing and turning in his sleep. Bakugo had come running in just before almost like he knew it was going to happen.

I watched as Bakugo tried to console Midoriya in the most soothing way possible, apologizing again and again for leaving. He didn't mean to be gone so long. What does that even mean? They can't sleep without each other? Without nightmares? That was no nightmare that was PTSD without a doubt. He was reliving the event and he kept begging Bakugo asking if they were really free.

Finally I snapped out of it and pulled them from the common room and led them to Midoriya's room only happy when they didn't resist. I watched them for hours, I watched Bakugo use his quirk on the frantic Midoriya after he begged him to. I watched them cry in each other's arms. I heard the words they spoke to each other. I heard and saw it all.

These two are not monsters, they are children regardless of the fact that they were 18 or not, they have suffered trauma that I will forever hope to never see manifested again. When they finally fell asleep I just watched them even more worried. They sleep so much now. Going to sleep early every night and then getting up late everyday. I've seen them nap in the common area just yesterday but today? Just wow.

I will protect these two with my life if at all possible. I started to see Midoriya fidget in his sleep again, even while still in Bakugo's arms. It didn't look bad but still. I stand up and shake Bakugo, waking him up. I watch as he settles Midoriya back down again, I could hear purrs between them before Bakugo told me it was alright.

I sat and watched them for a while longer, getting lost in my own thoughts, not even realizing they had gotten up until they offered to let me sleep here. That is a bit more than a little inappropriate, but the gesture was nice. I walked out of their room and went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Not seeing Midoriya follow to make himself and probably Bakugo some hot cocoa. He didn't even notice me standing in the corner by the coffee pot. He just hummed happily stirring the two mugs in front of him.

Then I saw Uraraka come in and Midoriya tried talking to her only to get the cold shoulder. Wait, wasn't Bakugo just teasing Midoriya that she had a crush on him?

"Uraraka? Is everything alright?" He asked nervously and I could feel anger rising up in me before she replied.

"I'm sorry De- Midoriya it's just I don't really know if I actually know you anymore. I just need a little time to figure out how I feel. Then I will come to you. Okay?" Guilt clawed at my throat. I already had time to deal with everything and I had Hizashi to help me process what all I was feeling. Not to mention the boy's interrogation last night. Who was I to judge her for needing more time when she is going through all of it alone? Add to that she is only a teenager, I'm a full grown man.

"I-." He tried to respond but she left the kitchen before he could say anything. I see him trying to hold himself together before Bakugo comes in looking pissed and grabs Midoriya by the waist and then proceeds to cry into his neck. That broke Midoriya and they both cried silently for a few minutes. I was dumbstruck. Did someone say something like that to Bakugo? Who? Who could have hurt him so bad that his first reaction was to find Midoriya and cry?

I watched them cook and play around in the kitchen, nearly giving me a heart attack with the way they just literally threw the food through the air. Most of the time without looking at each other. I saw them set aside most of the food and before bringing out Carolina Reaper peppers. Where the hell did they get those peppers? I thought you had to have a special license for those here because they are so dangerous?

I just sat back and watched as they cut and cooked and served their bowls before setting them on the table. Who knew simply watching these two could be so entertaining? I think that is the right word. If it's not then it is terrifying.

I almost yelled out about the boy's plates but I did manage to grab several of my students' attention. I mean come on I'm not hiding or anything, I'm standing right in front of the coffee pot. I was too late though, Bakugo distracted Midoriya with a kiss and Todoroki took a bite at the same time.

The scene that followed was comical even with Bakugo feeding Todoroki a bite of ice cream, I'll have to try that sometime. But the hair on my arms stood up when I heard Midoriya call Bakugo, Katsuki. He actually knew his real name?

That however was not Bakugo's first thought. I watched him run like death himself was chasing after him and I just stood there with the rest of my students gaping at the door they ran out of unable to even think properly. What just happened? I mean I understand Midoriya being upset, but why did Bakugo run as if he was about to be murdered?

I don't know how long we all stood or sat there for, not until we heard a door upstairs slam that we came back to our senses. I shook my head trying to clear it and see a few of my students do the same.

"Does anyone understand what just happened?" I was still confused, I looked at my students who all shook their heads no. I eye the two plates and pick up a fork only to have Todoroki grab my hand and stop me.

"You really don't want to," he warned me before letting me go. I stare at him for several seconds and decide to take his word for it and put the fork down.

"I'll go make sure they are both alive," I walk away and up the stairs leading to their room. I open the door using my key only to hear one of them moaning again. I roll my eyes. I'm not falling for that one again. I step into the room and freeze.

Both boys were topless and Midoriya had Bakugo pinned to the bed his teeth in the blond's neck. I slammed my eyes shut and walked right back out of the room closing the door behind me. "You know what? I don't get paid enough for this," I hissed, not even seeing the bright red faces of the students currently on the second floor walkway. Nope I do not get paid enough for any of this.