

Bakugo's POV

Time passed by in it's own slow way. Of course it dragged on when we didn't want it to but when we were happy or having fun and speeding like it was racing to get away from us. I held Deku and whispered about all the things he was good at or just how amazing he truly was. Wings and Vee why did he have to have a nightmare about them?

They were not even the worst ones we tortured; we were still perfecting our technique and had gotten a lot of things wrong. It wasn't until much later when we were much cruler that they started forgetting after I dosed them and Deku zapped them. But they were the first ones that the Hero Association ordered us to take out.

There are heroes who kill, we learned that the hard way, but we also learned much later that refusing to complete an order only resulted in more suffering. We do not talk about Zay. We never talk about Zay.

I held Deku in my arms knowing that when I used my quirk on him it made him very sleepy. Who knew nitroglycerin had so many side effects? I cooed in his ear holding him tight to me. I started humming and I heard a sleepy giggle from him as he pulled me closer, hugging me tighter.

When I'm sure he is asleep I kiss his forehead and run my fingers through his hair. I swear it does me more good than him, the way his hair just slid through my fingers reminding me that we are really here. We are here and we are ourselves. No costumes, no covers, no fake voices, us just being us.

"Maybe one day we will forget, but even if we don't, so long as I have you it's all I really need," I whisper, hearing him hum in response. So much for him being asleep, I can't help smiling and closing my eyes.

I vaguely remember Dadizawa was in the room but I don't really mind, the fact is that he was safe. We are together and we are safe. I can't even begin to guess what is running through his mind but that doesn't really matter at least not right now. I start to drift away.


I wake up to someone shaking me and when I look up I see Dadizawa looking at me concerned. I'm a little confused before he motions to my arms and I look down. Ah, Deku is having another nightmare. But it's not the crippling kind like earlier, just a normal one, probably from when we were kids. Usually they go away on their own but why let him be in pain for even a moment?

I started by kissing his nose which made him flinch and I started covering his face in little butterfly kisses until his twitching stopped and I started to hear giggles instead of whimpers. I started chuckling and I moved down to his neck getting a light purr in response. Oh that got my attention!

I turn and see Dadizawa still standing there. "It's okay you can leave now, it was just an old one." I gave him a small grin hoping he would actually leave, my boner was growing and his purrs were keeping steady. I know what he wants and I would only be too glad to give it to him. I see him look at me a bit confused before turning and sitting back down on the desk chair. Fucking fantastic.

I let out a low growl letting him know we were not alone and seeing him frown but he nodded. I take a few deep breaths and when I feel myself soften again I let go of him.

"Come on nerd, we should go back out, so everyone doesn't worry about you. Mr. Popular," I can't help grinning at the face he made at that.

"Kacchan is better than I am, you have always been popular. Not me," I frown at his words. We both know why he wasn't popular in our old school.

"Come on Deku, they love you, particularly round face and the half and half," I tried to tease him.

"You know their names," he huffed before he turned to look at me.

"Yes, the Jealous Bitch and Todoroki," I mumble only for him to wack me on the chest with the back of his hand . "Fine! Uraraka and Todoroki, that doesn't make what I said any less true."

"They are my friends!" He started tickling me and I couldn't help laughing as he found all the right places.

"It's still the truth, you know she has the hots for you!" I tried to defend myself only for him to double down and I was squealing with tears running down my face and a pain in my side as he tickled me. "Stop! Please just stop," I gasped trying to get air.

He lets out a huff before looking me straight in the eyes and saying, "No." Is it possible to actually die laughing? If so then I was pretty close. When he finally let me breathe again we went and cleaned our faces before heading to the door and noticing that Dadizawa was still just sitting there.

"Are you coming or are you planning on hanging out here today?" I ask him half jokingly. He looks beat. "You can take a nap, you know? We can wake you up when dinner is ready or we can let you sleep until we are ready for bed?" I saw the time and knew it wouldn't be that long anyway but he shook his head and just stood up walking out of our door. Like he was the one leading us out. I look at Deku and shrug before we follow him.

We return just in time to see everyone look up like deer in headlights and I let out a groan. "We are fine, we just fell asleep." I plop onto the couch kind of close to Kirishima but see him flinch away. Deku went into the kitchen to get more hot cocoa. Sometimes I wonder if it's like crack to him.

I dropped my voice so that only Kiri could hear me, "Was I that bad last night? I don't want you to be afraid of me anymore." I looked at him hoping he would answer but he just frowned back at me. I see, so he doesn't want anything to do with me. I nod understanding and get up from my seat and go into the kitchen to find Deku there, alone.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his neck. I should have known this was going to happen, I mean do they even really know me? Other than Deku, do any of them actually know the first thing about me? I let a tear slide out, barely noticing Deku was running his fingers through my hair, but I did notice that he was crying. Fuck who said what to him? Or was it like what Kiri did to me and the fact that he didn't say anything at all?

I look around and see that no one was cooking and kiss Deku on the head before stepping away and picking out some ingredients and the pans I would need. Might as well cook, no one else is going to.

"Spicy curry?" Deku asked and I nodded and he smiled. I know that as much as he likes Katsudon, he still loves my spicy curry.

"Want to help?" I grin at him and he starts dicing ingredients for me. I had the stove on high and the brown rice cooking before I added the oil and some fire started toasting the rice. Yes, today is a good day for spicy curry. When I was done I put everything to the side except what Deku and I were going to eat and started adding our special peppers. Deku had of course cut exactly the right amount to the perfect size.

"Bowls!" I yelled, planning on flipping them through the air.

"Got it!" He cheered behind me and I let about half slide out of the pan and through the air behind me and I heard a small grunt as Deku caught it. I waited two seconds and flung the rest in the air behind me and I heard another grunt as I started turning off the stove and cleaning the dishes while our food cooled off a second. I look to the side and see Deku mixing even more hot cocoa and bringing the two mugs to the table as I put the wok on the drying rack.

"Dinner is served!" I bow as if I just performed a spectacular trick, grinning from ear to ear while I listened to Deku's laughter. We sat down and started to eat our food without worrying about telling the others. They know when dinner is served and Deku and I have never been late in our lives.

We ate quietly but the food was exactly what I needed. Hot, spicy practically exploding in my mouth. I fucking love Carolina Reaper peppers.

It didn't take long for someone to peek into the kitchen and see us eating and then see the food on the counter. It was Kaminari. "Bro you cooked?" He smiled like he just won the lottery before I could answer. He yelled out the door saying that dinner was ready and everyone started coming in.

"We cooked," I glared at him but he just smiled, getting himself a big bowl before sitting right next to me and it's not long before Shinso sits next to him. I see him put a hand on a knee earning a raised eyebrow from me.

"Oh right, you weren't here for that. Yeah I'm gay and thankfully so is Shinso he is my boyfriend and I've been crushing on him since first year." He was rambling and I could see the purple haired brainwasher smile at my friend. Kirishima might be a shit friend but Kaminari isn't.

I relaxed and started chatting with them asking about how they started dating and I almost didn't notice Todoroki sitting on the other side of Deku. I smile, okay so some of our friends might need a little more time to adjust. I mean Deku did just jump 3 meters in the air from a laying down position that would probably have freaked me out too. And I'm well aware of what he can do.

"Why does your food smell different than everyone else's?" I heard Todoroki ask Deku and I turned around smiling.

"Because we like to add more spice to ours than the rest of you extra's I puff out my chest beaming just knowing that he was going to ask to try it.

"Really?" He looked at Deku who nodded happily, his mouth still full. "Can I try?"

"Sure but get a glass of milk and bread, I don't want anybody saying you weren't prepared," I can't help smirking at him. I am going to love, absolutely love seeing the look on his face after this. I tried to ignore Deku who swallowed and started telling me off.

"Kacchan! You can't let people eat these peppers they-" I cut off his rant with a kiss holding my plate behind him for the half and half to try. I see him take a forkful and put it into his mouth. 3.2.1.

"Hot!" Todoroki ran to the sink forgetting all about the milk and bread that he had in front of him while he tried to use the kitchen hose to spray the peppers out of his mouth. Which of course was not working and I couldn't stop laughing for my life even when Deku was slapping my shoulder trying to get me to stop.

Deku tried to give his friend the milk and bread but it really wasn't helping. So still laughing I stood up and pulled out a tub of lemon ice cream from the freezer and took a spoonful and shove it into his mouth and he instantly stopped but my tears of joy just couldn't stop even after I put the ice cream back away.

I slung an arm around Todoroki's shoulders wiping away a few tears that had managed to spill out, "You're not half fucking bad Shoto." I was still laughing and Deku was still glaring at me. "Relax love, it's not like he actually swallowed any."

"But he could have! You didn't know that he wouldn't, then what? He would have been throwing up to the point that we would have had to take him to the hospital, that's what!" Deku is really mad, he was fuming and his rant was just short of screaming. Oops.

"Ah come on you like them, who knows he might have liked them?" I tried to reason with him, removing my arm from Todoroki and stepping away from the angry greenette in front of me.

"I have eaten the world's hottest peppers my entire life! Right next to you Katsuki!" Oh shit he used my name. He used my real name. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I motioned like I was going to say something but instead I made a run for it. Knowing full well that Deku was behind me, I could hear the green energy crackle around him. "Fuck!" I yelled as he slammed into me when I failed to dodge in time.

"I mean I love you?" I asked, trying not to grunt in pain at the impact.

"Is that a fucking question Katsuki?" Deku hissed and I gulped. Fuck twice? He said my name fucking twice! Forget about the curse word I have heard him curse worse than I do on more than one occasion. But for him to say my NAME twice?

"No?" I was actually starting to tremble before I got an idea. I cleared my throat and pulled him in for a kiss and at first he tried to get away and then before I could register exactly what was going on I was carrying him up the stairs and into his room. I locked the door behind me and before he could say anything at all my shirt was off and I was tugging on his.

He froze for just a second before letting me do what I wanted. Fucking yes! Crisis avoided and I'm about to get laid. On second thought, no I'm going to top him. I pulled the bottle of lube from the bedside table and finally let go of his lips before going down on him. His screams of pleasure can only be described as heavenly for the next couple hours.