

Aizawa's POV

I can't help being impressed at how obedient they managed to get Endeavor in such a short amount of time. Kirishima had texted me telling me that he and Todoroki had failed and that Deku and Dynamight were starting over. That was only early this morning. From what he told me later over the phone they even healed his injuries and erased his memories of the last few days. So they didn't even work off the fear the other two might have inflicted before they got here.

I watched as they turned on the camera and asked Endeavor questions only for him to answer meekly. There were a few times that they dumped ice water on him, and by ice water I mean it was the perfect slushy consistency. He was trembling violently and his lips were even starting to turn blue before he was finished answering all of their questions.

It wasn't until they turned the camera off that I noticed all the red and bloody bandages on him.

"Wwwwwhaaaaaaatttttttttt arrrrrrrrre youuuuuu gggggoingggggghh ttttttooooo ddddoo tttttooooo mmeeeeee nnoooowwwww? Kkkkkkkkiilllllllll meeeeee?" Endeavor was stuttering so much that I could barely make out what he was saying, but if it was from fear or the cold I will probably never know.

"You don't listen very well do you?" Two asked groaning as he leaned against the table near Endeavor's head, the man flinching away and trying to move away as he did but failed.

"We don't attack heroes, only villains. And as much of a villain as you are to your own family and villains in general you are still a hero so we will let you go, but." I watched Two play with the knife in his hand which seemed to have all of Endeavor's attention. "We have judged that you are not fit to be Japan's number 1 hero so the video you helped make will be released to the media. Even if the law can't do anything and they probably can't, your public image will be ruined. You should still be allowed to work as a hero but you won't be getting the praise you once did. Not that you'll remember any of this anyway."

I felt a shudder go down my back and before I could even blink One was cutting into Endeavor while Two walked away returning with red and green surgical thread. In the matter of what could only be a minute, maybe less he was cut open and then sewn shut again the red and green smiley face thick and highly visible against his pinkish red angry flesh. One and Two each put a hand on him knocking him out and changed out his cuffs for ones not attached to the table and Endeavor's beaten and abused body was lifted into the air.

"Clean up the station, the League will probably try to escalate things when we get back tonight. Without a doubt they will try and make us torture other heroes but that will just result in us being able to save more heroes and put more villains on the table. You'll need to get everyone here and we'll take half of you to the other base to set up so we can get more done faster." Two instructed the other boys who were only happy with how things went.

I sat down in a chair, Two had been sitting in only a short while ago and I can't help thinking to myself. Just how much of this have they been planning? And for how long? Does Nezu know? How long has he known?

I pulled out my phone and sent the man the question, waiting for what seemed like forever but knowing he responded immediately.

Rat God: Yes, it was in the plan. It just worked out in the best possible way. It would have been a volunteer otherwise.

Rat God: Speaking of which please tell the boys that All Might is ready when they are.

Eraserhead: Ready for what?

Rat God: For his treatment of course. Their medical knowledge rivals that of the world's leading doctors. Ask them if you really want to know more.

When the boys returned I showed them my phone and they could see all the messages for themselves.

"Oh good, All Might is on his way already. We can get him done before we go to the League." Two smiled at One and for a brief moment I saw Katsuki Yagi and Izuku Yagi themselves even under their disguises. I think I'll just call them by their hero names that will make life so much easier on me.

"Could you explain it to me?" I asked, getting irritated.

"Well just like Endeavor is being made into a near villain in the eyes of the public, The Drug Lovers will fix Japan's true number 1 hero, All Might." I stared at the blue skinned boy in front of me, can he actually heal him?

That's when All Might walked in not in disguise waving happily at us all. They helped him onto the table taking the file of paperwork from him while the other two boys and I watched in shocked horror as One read through the file thoroughly and Two made sure he was secured in the straps.

It hasn't even been an hour yet since Endeavor was trembling and cowering in fear on that same table and now All Might was shirtless on it smiling as the three of us stared in shock seeing for the first time the scar on his chest. How is he even alive?

The two of them worked quickly first by putting All Might out cold and then cutting directly into the scar tissue. They were wearing medical grade face masks and latex gloves, hell they were even wearing surgical gowns. They looked every bit like actual doctors. I watched as they used their quirks, knives and anything else they needed all the way until they stitched up All Might this time using a clear surgical thread. Even with them closing the wound up right in front of me I couldn't believe the difference.

His chest was no longer caved in, but how? Were they able to grow organs directly in his body? I walked around the table and now I see a bright red cooler sitting at their feet with medical tape and other things on it. Did they just do an organ transplant? How did I even miss that? Do I even want to know where they got the organ?

"I think I have an actual level of fear for you two now," I couldn't help saying even with my mouth as dry as it was.

"Hmm, well that is good. Self preservation and all. It just means you're mentally healthier now than you were before." I see Two look back at me sadly. "You were pretty bad off before, so it's good to know that you are taking care of yourself now." I see One nodding happily behind him as he uncuffs All Might from their table. When did they put cuffs on him? And why?

"How long before he can fight again?" I asked motioning towards the hero and they both frowned.

"It depends. Hopefully with a proper diet and Recovery girl using her quirk on him whenever she can, maybe a couple weeks?" I watched him struggle with the math in his head, "It really depends, he won't need anymore treatments just time to rest and Recovery Girl will be able to speed his recovery time up. His wife already knows that he was going to be having major surgery soon and she will be able to stay with him now that it's done."

Two high school boys were able to do what the world's leading doctors and surgeons couldn't even begin to think possible. Just how much of my students do I not know? How did they ever learn how to do this themselves? It's not like they would have needed to do this kind of surgery on themselves. Did they? I felt sick to my stomach at that thought. Just how cruel were their lives growing up?


The next three weeks were a whirlwind of activity from classes to official internships to our undercover work. My students and I were exhausted. Not to mention the fact that the media had somehow aired the video of Endeavor's tortured confession before the police even found him hung up in the park like all the other villains.

The Drug lovers made sure to be very specific about the fact that they do not tolerate hero's being targeted or attacked. Endeavor was simply both a villain and a hero. As Two predicted Endeavor was put on leave both to heal and to determine his punishment. It was decided that he would be allowed to work as a hero but he would be stripped of his title as number 1 hero and put at the bottom of the hero list. Where he could not work himself back up to the top 100 heroes again. At best he could be 101 due to his crimes and due to the public's outcry. He will be allowed to work again on February 1st.

My students teased our only married couple in class about how lovey dovey they were. If it was possible they had gotten worse than before. But now somehow they don't seem nearly so sexually starved as before, which doesn't make any sense to me. I talked to Recovery Girl about it and she ran what felt like hundreds of tests and their levels were about half as much as just a few months ago but at the same time they were perfectly healthy. I mean PERFECTLY healthy.

She determined it was something like with diabetes patients from a long time ago. They had what was basically a honeymoon phase only it was in reverse. Back then the person could still produce low levels of insulin on their own for a short while before their bodies quit making it all together. Well with the Deku and Dynamight they needed extra doses in order for their bodies to have time to adjust to their new needs and produce what they actually needed. It all hurts my head just to think about it really.

All Might returns to work soon with his sons and they are bouncing in excitement at the whole ordeal. Of course All Might would pick his sons to intern with him once he was officially released to work. His doctors were completely confused by just how he healed and for that matter who had performed the surgery to begin with. Like anyone would have believed the truth if we told them anyway.

I was currently drinking a fresh cup of coffee that Momo had brought to class with her. I swear my students spoil me. Todoroki can no longer use his fathers credit cards because they all have been canceled or closed because of his credit plummeting with the media's video leak. But considering he has had his own bank account since he started here at U.A. He was far from bad off. Just not backed by unlimited funds like before. Not going to lie the fact that he really doesn't care about the money makes me think he only spent it before like he did to piss off Endeavor but he never really noticed until now.

The boy was currently living it up with how angry the pro hero has been since he has had to actually take stock of his finances again. There isn't a day that goes by that he is not absolutely glowing with happiness. Not to mention him and Kirishima have been inseparable and no matter what Endeavor says or does they just laugh together and sometimes kiss. Now that Endeavor is permanently in the public eye as a child abuser he can't even raise his voice at any of his kids without the public, media or Hero Association breathing down his neck.

Deku and Dynamight have slowly been bringing the class into the League and tonight I was joining them for the first time. Hopefully we can get what we need to bring down both Time Bomb and All-For-One soon but I kind of doubt it. I mean what are the chances that we can clean out the League of Villains twice within a year?


I'm standing next to One and Two at the front door to the League of Villains hideout and a villain I recognize as Spinner greets us there.

"Geeze you two are sure bringing in a lot of help these days," he grinned at Two and I heard One growl threateningly at him.

"Relax, you know I have a thing for Three. I'll continue to wait for him," he laughed and I mentally cringe, reminding myself that he thinks Three is 17 but knows that he is a boy and not a girl, unlike the rest of the League. Thank All Might they have been keeping me informed.

"We just won't bring any more people then," Two huffed and Spinner tried to apologise but it was failing. That actually worked out well considering I was supposed to be the last one anyway. All Might was not being brought in undercover because his return to hero work was putting him in the spotlight too much and Hizashi had too much trouble controlling his quirk when he was excited or nervous. Besides Hizashi needed to be there for Kota and Eri anyway and with All Might they can help cover our disappearances as needed.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever, I'm Sandman." I yawned and used my capture scarf that was now around my waist as a belt to make a hammock near the front door and lay on it. Mei from the support class had been brought in, not on the details but to work on any tech support that any of us needed while undercover. She only knew we were working undercover but not what we were doing. "I don't want a room that will be just fine." I closed my eyes as if I was sleeping but unfortunately I couldn't sleep. My job was to watch anyone and everyone who came in and out of the hideout.

"Besides Three, I think this is the only time you only brought in only one person with you," I hear Spinner try to make small talk with One and Two.

"Speaking of the little bitch, where is she? We found her little surprise at the base and we are not okay with her imprisoning heroes there." I hear Two grumble about the kid. This was all a part of the plan of course.

"I'm so sorry, he only did it for me." Spinner tried to tame Two's anger but instead he got it directed at him. "It was only because the other Stain followers wanted to know if the heroes were as bad as Endeavor, I swear!" The Drug Lovers were now worshipped more than Stain and were only still called Stain followers because One and Two tended to take them and torture them if they called themselves followers of the Drug Lovers instead. Which only made things worse but actually better for us. Heroes were no longer getting attacked like they used to before.

"Spinner we told you a hundred times before, proof first then we'll ask questions." Two sighed as if exhausted but considerably calmer than before.

"I know but I also know that you would have looked into them before letting them go," Spinner grinned and Two shook his head no.

"Not anymore, we just knock them out and leave them near their hero agency. We are not your personal background checkers," Two hissed glaring at the other who visibly deflated. Of course the reality of it was that I looked into them personally without torturing them before we let them go. Couldn't hurt to be safe after all.

"So Sandman that makes you Twenty-Two," I hear Spinner laugh and open my eyes and glare at him.

"Excuse you?" My character shouldn't be hard to play because they based me off of myself saying that as an underground hero I didn't need to worry nearly so much.

"Well the one's One and Two bring in kind of have a reputation and aside from Three they all have different villain names but they also have a number. It's kind of like their own private army." Spinner laughed, oh my God if only he knew just how true his statement was. At this point if these two were to go against the hero association I would follow right behind them because I for damn sure wasn't going to go against them. Yeah healthy fear my ass, anyone with common sense should be terrified of them.

"Whatever," I turned over, enjoying my new capture belt. I think I'll keep this after the mission is done. I can use it as a hammock and that is a lot nicer than carrying around a sleeping bag.

"By the way, the boss has announced that he wants to see you two. He won't take no for an answer or any excuses. I'm sorry I really did try." Spinner knew to flinch away but that didn't save him from One grabbing him and slamming him against the wall behind him. I watched very closely, by boss did he actually mean All-For-One?

This is too early, the plans we have are for after they graduate. Why is he moving forward so quickly? Even taking out Endeavor shouldn't have done more than peak his interest. What the hell happened to speed up our time tables this much?