

Kacchan's POV

No not today, this is my wedding day and I'll be damned if this homophobic bastard is going to ruin it. "Get the fuck out of my wedding reception then you goddamn homophobic bitch ass second rate bastard!"

"Was this really supposed to be an actual wedding? Aren't you both still in high school?" He just looked so unimpressed with the whole thing. But I was fuming mad, this asshole was ruining my day, my happiness ever after. Why can't I be happy? Why can't I live without villains?

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled and out of nowhere Dad Might, Dadizawa, Mama and even Mama Mic were there.

"What's wrong Katsuki?" Dad Might asked looking around actually confused why Deku and I were shaking mad along with so many of our friends.

"We want him gone," Deku's finger pointed at the flaming bastard. I mean Hawk had to be Endeavor's only friend and he was spitting mad. "But the bastard won't leave and says this isn't even a real wedding."

"Oh this is a real wedding alright. I conducted it myself to make sure everything was in order." Nezu popped up from behind Dadizawa, I mean does he just climb on him and hang out whenever he wants?

"Homophobic bastard doesn't know when to shut the fuck up," I growled trying not to let my explosions get away from me but I could hear small pops and booms coming from my hands as I resisted the urge.

"Endeavor, I think you should leave now," Dadizawa glared at the man.

"I agree this is my son's special day and you are not welcome here. Don't worry, I am here! Katsuki and Izuku." Dad smiled at us, putting a hand on each of our shoulders. I started to relax and the explosions started tapering off.

"Fine come Shoto," Endeavor commanded, not really caring one way or the other.

"You're not taking my best man before the reception is even done," I hear Deku hiss and start to glow and hover in the air next to me.

"Hey Nezu, can you approve what is about to happen?" I ask looking at our principal.

"Of course! This fight is hereby a sanctioned training exercise and no charges may be pressed."

"That's my boy, I know you have my quirk Izuku but I would still feel better if Katsuki joined you in your match." Dad Might laughed putting a relaxed arm around Mama.

"What did you just say?" Endeavor growled his attention now fully on us.

"That's okay, this bastard will just claim we were ganging up on him. Besides, Deku will be the number 1 hero the moment we graduate." I wave the whole thing off.

"Don't look down on me child, I can take you both on without any issues."

The wedding director came up waving her arms around. "Wait! We do have a training arena you can have your fight in without destroying the church!"

We agree and move there and before we really know what's going on Deku and I are in our hero costumes standing in front of Endeavor. Then a thought struck me and I couldn't stop smiling like I was crazy.

"Oi let's make this interesting old man! If we win we get to do anything we want to you until we let you go? If you win we'll let you take Icyhot for the day." I see Icyhot flinch but I look over and grin at him to reassure him only to see Kiri already standing there guarding him. Yeah they are going to fuck if they haven't already.

"Like I need your permission to take my son anywhere?" He scoffed at me.

"No but you do need mine and I will agree to these terms," Dadizawa spoke, resting one hand on his shoulder keeping him close and safe from the bastard in front of us.

"Fine I agree to your terms, not like you're going to win anyway," he huffed.

"Oi Nezu we will be taking him to the base and both Icyhot and Kiri will be coming with us for a few days!" I yelled and saw him nod in understanding.

"I'll give you two days before I get there," I hear Dadizawa cough.

This bastard wants to ruin my wedding night? Like hell I'm going to let that happen! Even better he just gave us the best wedding present ever, free rein to torture him for hours and days on end.


That was really too easy Deku and I didn't even get winded but Endeavor was out for the count and we didn't even scuff the floor. We all went back to the party celebrating even harder than before. The end of the night really came too soon.

"Oi Icyhot you want to start tonight or tomorrow?" I yell after him only to see him smile like a villain. "Got ya, we'll meet you there just don't kill him when we leave him with you we will still want our turn." I watched Kiri and Icyhot high five before Icyhot pulled Kiri in for a heated kiss.

"Remember what I said about underage things! Todoroki you still have a couple weeks. Why the hell did I have to memorise all of your birthdays just so that I'm not legally liable?" Dadizawa groaned before turning away.

"Now that we finally get to be alone," I look at my still beautiful husband and pick him up in my arms. "I want you Deku. Let's drop the dead weight off and go home.

"Yes Kacchan~," I feel my heart skip a beat just what has he done to me?


We enjoyed ourselves for four whole days before going to the base and finding a bloody but still headstrong Endeavor still on the table. Good at least they came in their disguises. The last thing we need is for him to take this out on Icyhot after we are done with him, not that I actually care about the extra...

Fuck I do don't I?

I look over at One and see his pale blue skin outlining his glaring red eyes. "Flame, Ice, what is taking you so long with this one guy?" I asked, while staying in character. I make it look like I'm looking at the guy for the first time in my life. "Shit this is a hero, you know we only take out villains," I pretend to scold them.

"Two he is a villain, we found out he raped his wife and beat his kids." Flame answered, I looked at Icyhot like is he fucking crazy? Is that really the best line he has?

Kiri, or Ice came to his rescue though. "One, Two; we caught him crashing a wedding and even fighting the happy couple all because they were the same gender." I pretended to pay close attention when hearing that. "So we did some digging and this is probably the dirtiest villain we have ever seen." Well at least he started out good.

"Maybe the Drug Lovers could give us a hand?" Flame asks and I see Endeavor's face light up. We have made enough of a name for ourselves that even the heroes take a step back at hearing our code name, but why would Endeavor be happy about being on our table?

"If you're wrong we'll put you two on our table," I grumble and take the knives from them and have them step aside. I checked the restraints and groaned out loud before putting on fresh cuffs. "Rule one you always make sure they are secure! Haven't we taught you anything?" I then put an erasure collar on the idiot so in case he can get his hands free he would still be quirkless. Not that we couldn't just take him down again but still.

"Sorry Two," they mutter together and One steps up inspecting the current injuries. Honestly anyone else probably would have died by now but they went too slow and I could see where they let him heal or rest.

"Tsk tsk tsk. We are going to have to start all over, all these cuts are messy at best. Pay close attention this time and we'll make sure that you learn from the best." I smile back at them like I was talking about baking a cake or some shit. "One if you would help with starting him over?" I say laying a hand on the bloody man's chest. I hear a low growl from my lover and flood his system before One releases his own quirk forcing his wounds closed. Between the drugs and pain it knocked him out but after only a couple minutes One was done.

Flame and Ice set up the camera's and I used a couple buckets of ice water to clean off all the excess blood and shock the man back awake again.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He was screaming and then he started looking around confused. "Where am I?"

"So rude Endeavor, very rude. I am Two and he is One," I smiled pointing at my lover and he purred happily. "Don't worry about him talking though he can't use human speech so you can just listen to me. Now the way I understand it, you already know Flame and Ice," I motion to Icyhot and Kiri both waved happily.

"JUST ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION!" Endeavor was turning red but that's okay the fact that he is asking meant that our combo worked in erasing his memory. So this will be fun.

"So very rude, we usually only do villains but word on the street is that you are a villain," I chuckled at the shocked horror on his face at my words. "Oh you didn't know that rape was a crime? Just because the poor woman was forced to marry you doesn't mean it's not rape. Then I hear that you beat your kids too. Such a shame really, you could have been a decent hero. But I guess not."

One dumps another bucket of icy water over Endeavor. "But as such an infamous hero as you are, we know quite a lot about you. Like you can't stand cold things, not even ice in your soda. That's why you always order hot tea or coffee."

"It's going to take a lot more than some cold water to get to me." Endeavor growled out before spitting and sputtering as One dumped more of the icy water all over him, Flame and Ice keeping him well supplied.

"Oh I should hope so, I got to see your fight at the church. Everyone did, I mean the League has had that class on camera since their first year after all. For real, not even two whole minutes? You even had the gaul to tell them not to look down on you! I mean most everyone at the League is still laughing at that one." I watched as the color drained from his face.

"Don't worry, you aren't the only one here. Flame why don't you bring in the dual haired kid? I know that he is here," I turn winking at him and point at the basement door. He turned and did as I asked and came up with what looked like the bloody and broken body of Endeavor's son, Shoto Todoroki. But the frail body actually lifted up his head and looked around.

"You're alive? I thought I was finally free of you," Then Todoroki sighs, letting his head drop again. Before Flame took him back to the basement before returning with Kirishima.

"You're alive? But how? It's been days and no one has seen or heard from you. Why couldn't you just let us die happy at least? Why couldn't you be dead?" I waved Flame away and he took the second boy back downstairs as well, before coming back with Three.

"One, Two! I wish I knew you were here before I could have had the boys ready for you to play with!" She giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Three you know the rules, we don't do heroes so why are they even here to start with?" I shake my head disapprovingly.

"Aw don't be like that, they were more than happy to play with me while looking for their villain. I don't get why they would want to save their tormentor though. I would have thought they would be interested in joining in on the fun." She shrugged.

"Is that the only reason you took them? I guess I can erase their memories and we can let them go still. They haven't been here long," I mused out loud.

"Let them go, it's me you want isn't it?" Endeavor glared at me and I couldn't help laughing at the sight.

"You are full of yourself!" One dumped more ice water on the man as I talked. "Oh no, what we want is the truth, and One here is very good at finding the truth..." I smirk at him and he looks over at my lover who was now pulling out his knives and checking to make sure his equipment was in working order.

"Now for the first question," I tap my chin as if I was thinking hard about it before smiling. "What is the name of the two hair colored boy?" As expected he just started yelling obscene things at us all and in particular me. It wasn't until well after One cut his bleeders and had started carving things like rapist into his skin and then next to that he carved child abusers and other odd but true titles. It wasn't until One had him on the last wire that he finally caved and told us the name.

"Good boy now that wasn't so hard now was it?" I asked only to put down the firework poppers, I was well past bored with throwing them at him. It was very entertaining to watch him squirm on the table as they landed near him but it's been hours.

"Are you four nearly finished yet?" Dadizawa asked, walking in with his own disguise.

"Sandman! You're just in time, we were about to start filming." I grinned from my seat having finally relaxed again, now that Endeavor answered my first question.

"How many of you are there?" Endeavor tried to puff out his chest but quickly flinched back when I threw another popper at him.