

Bakugo's POV

The music started playing and everything else went silent and I gulped a little looking over at Deku and Mama Inko. Deku was pale but he'll live, Mama Inko on the other hand looked thrilled to pieces. I watched her take deep breaths trying to calm down and I also saw when Deku finally noticed.

He looked at Mama Inko and I saw him matching her breathing and the color returned to his face. Mama Inko and Dad Might? I mean it's just so much to take in still. The lady motioned for the first couple to go inside, Midnight and the Detective.

Mama Inko looked like she didn't have a single doubt in her mind. It was amazing, how can she be so sure he wouldn't hurt her? I mean I love Deku with all of my heart but what if one day he wakes up and realizes that I'm not worth it? Because I'm not. I'll never be good enough for him, I'll never be able to erase all the things that I did to him, all the hurt.

The woman motions the next set in, Dadizawa and Mama Mic once Midnight and the detective reaches the altar where Dad Might was already standing with Nezu behind a podium. I take a couple serious breaths myself. This wedding is really just too beautiful for words, even thrown together like this it can't be more perfect.

I look back at Deku and Mama Inko to see them both smiling like they couldn't be happier. I take in a deep breath and feel myself calming down this time before blowing it out slowly. Eri and Kota start walking down the aisle keeping step with each other even as Eri dropped the flower petals all around them as they walked.

The woman motions for us to all take a deep breath and smile and once she was satisfied she motioned for us to start. The walk was long and the way everyone's attention was on us did nothing to help my anxiety levels, but I smiled and all three of us made our way down the aisle together. We said our lines, thankfully without any issues, and we were directed to stand on either side of them. Deku was sent to stand on All Might's side next to Kota and I was brought to Mama Inko's side next to Eri.

Something about this just felt natural and right, this wonderful woman after all did show me love when no one else bothered to glance my way. Sure they all thought my quirk was amazing or awesome or what have you but that's where it stopped. No one cared about me as a person, not in the least. Except Mama and Deku.

"Do you Inko Midoriya take Toshinori Yagi to be your lawful-" Nezu kept droning on and on. They exchanged rings, something to do with All Might's time in America but it was still really nice. "I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride!" Finally! Dad Might and Mama kissed there in front of God and everyone and people started cheering. All Might used his quirk to use his hero form to twirl her around in the air before putting her back down and to wipe away the blood he coughed up before anyone could really notice it.

It's official, All Might is now Deku's dad. My head is spinning. I can barely register what all was happening just a whole lot of cheers, smiles, kissing and... Bird seed? I looked up and sure enough people were throwing bird seed all around us and blowing bubbles? So Americans are weird, check.

I felt something warm in my hand and looked up to see Deku in tears holding my hand as we watched Mama drive off with Dad Might in a white car that had just married written on the back windshield. Yep, Americans are weird. But I can't stop smiling at the whole thing and pull Deku into my arms snuggling into his shoulder before kissing him gently and whispering in his ear, "Let's get married."

"I think Nezu said we had to wait a week first," Deku pouted while trapping me by holding my arms where they were around his waist.

"Hmm, we'll see about that." I mutter and I see his face light up at my words. What the hell, I love him. As far as I'm concerned we could sign the paper tonight and he would be mine forever. Not that I would let anyone try and take him from me. Not a chance in hell.

The after party was exhausting and I did finally corner Nezu and ask about our own wedding.

"Don't worry we have everything handled and arranged. If you want we can do it on Monday. School will be out for winter break anyway-."

"Oi Nerd! Come here!" I yelled out before he could even finish talking.

"Yeah Kacchan?" He came running over from Mama and Dad Might.

"Do you want to get married on Monday?" I ask him after wrapping him in my arms again, where he should have been in the first place.

"But I thought...? He started looking up into my face and grinning ear to ear. "Yes Kacchan, I want to get married as soon as we can."

"Good," I kiss him on the neck and look back at Nezu lifting an eyebrow.

"We can talk more about this in the morning tonight, just enjoy yourselves. Okay?" I rolled my eyes at him and went back to kissing on Deku's neck while Nezu walked away.

"Kacchan? You don't feel rushed do you? I don't want to push you into anything you're not ready for." Deku is looking at me with those big soft puppy eyes of his.

"I really want to find a room at the moment but I have a feeling that that is not going to happen," I grumble before kissing him on the lips. "Deku I love you, I wish I could have married you the day you asked me to on the ferris wheel." I snuggled him in my arms for a second before hearing that song. The one song that will forever be engraved into my very soul.

I step away from Deku and hold a hand out trying not to beg and he gave me a sad smile before taking my hand and I pulled him onto the dance floor, the room was eerily silent, everyone frozen in place by the song that probably still haunts their dreams. But Deku and I couldn't be happier to dance together to this song.

The feel of Deku warm and alive in my arms as we danced around the room, currently void of any other movement. Deku and I took turns switching for the lead and before long we were giggling happily in each other's arms. 'Where is the love~?' The music played on the DJ's speakers, the silence and lack of movement in the room gave us a frozen in time like feeling when on a whim I dipped him and he pulled me into a kiss before I could pull him back up again.

"I love you Kacchan," I hear him whisper and I smile back at my lover.

"Forever and always across time and beyond, I am yours," I respond without a trace of doubt or regret. How could I ever regret loving him? How could there be a time when I wouldn't? "I love you too."

"Who the hell plays that song at a wedding?" I think it was Kami who asked that but someone hushed him.

The rest of the night was kind of a blur as Deku and I just danced as if it were what we were born for, not killing, not torture and certainly not hate. Mama and Dad Might cried a lot and we all laughed so much that it hurt. Mama and Dad Might hugged and held us close and we all danced together. We did a father-son dance and mother-son dance and switched half way through just so we could both hold that special spot in our memories.

I saw someone recording a video and someone else taking a bunch of pictures but I guess that is normal for a wedding, isn't it? Somehow Deku and I got pulled apart and were forced to dance with each of our classmates and somehow I didn't hate it, not even when I had to dance with Icyhot or Pink Cheeks. I guess they aren't all that bad, so long as they both know that Deku is mine.

Dancing with Pink Cheeks who was flustered the whole time and I look over where she keeps looking and see Deku dancing with Four Eyes. "Eyes are here and I will kill you if you try anything with my lover," I growled at her and she jumped a little.

"No you don't understand. Iida and I have been dating since before you two came back. I turn 18 in just a few weeks and I just. I don't know." Why in the fuck is she telling ME this? I stare at her for a minute just blinking before letting out a sigh. I better get this over with and besides it's not like she is coming onto Deku...

"Do you love him?"

She looked at me surprised but after a moment she answered, "I think so."

"You think?"

"He makes me feel things, things I never knew that I could. I thought I loved Deku but this is so much stronger and I don't want to be wrong again." I glared at her when she said my lover's name and she squeaked out, "Sorry." But I nod thinking about what she told me.

I lean forward and ask, "If he disappeared without a trace, how would you feel?" I step back to see her horrified face and smile a bit at what I was seeing. Good Pink Cheeks doesn't still hold a flame for Deku. "I think you now understand what love is. But talk to him about it, just because you're ready doesn't mean he is." She nods, giving me a smile I never once thought that I would ever actually see directed at me.

"Thank you Bakugo, you are a good friend. I see why Deku loves you so much." I could feel my face flush a little and wave her away now that the song was over and Kiri took her place. Fuck when can I just have my Deku back?