

Midoriya's POV

It was the middle of the night before we came out of our room again. I am so embarrassed that my MOM had to see that. Oh my All Might just why? I look at my phone and see that it is 2 am on Friday but I'm just too hungry not to come down and eat and Kacchan feels the same way I do, so we were currently trying to sneak downstairs without waking anyone up only to find everyone running around the kitchen and those not in the kitchen were in the common room either on phones or carrying a bunch of stuff.

"What the hell happened?" Kacchan yelled out and everyone froze, even Sato who was currently making the biggest cake I have ever seen in my life before.

"It's about time you two came out! Hurry, Kirishima take them to Momo so she can get their tuxes made!" Dadizawa yelled out and Kacchan and I were left just blinking at each other until Kiri came over and grabbed us, pulling us out of the room. No one answered our questions but we were poked and prodded and our hair played with by Kami until he seemed happy with whatever he did to us.

When he handed us a mirror I had to admit the haircut looked good and it was styled well. Damn, he needs to show me how he won that fight from hell. I've been in this war since birth and I still can't get it to behave unless I'm in disguise, and then only partially.

"Um Kami?" I tried to ask but he was quickly pulled away again to work on someone else, what exactly is happening? Since when could he do hair? Wait, does this mean he does his own?

Then Kiri came over with two tuxes from Momo and shoved us into a room and proceeded to strip us and even after Kacchan started setting off explosions he just rolled his eyes.

"Bro we don't have time for this besides I've already seen both of you naked remember?" He then proceeded with what he was doing while we tried to defend ourselves, but we failed. Once we were dressed he dragged us out and right to Ashido who started sticking pins in us and started measuring and placing the few odd stitches here or there. She pricked me more than once but she just shushed me when I tried to complain.

For the first time I noticed that everyone else running around was also wearing either dresses or tuxes and their hair, makeup and whatever else was being done. And I see All Might walk in absolutely frazzled "Midoriya! Bakugo! I'm so glad you made it in time! You have no idea just how terrifying your mother is," he whispered and I couldn't do more than blink at him. Finally I can get some answers!

"Dad Might what-?"

"Sorry my boy, I have to run. I need to tell Inko before she rearranges... Everything... Again." All Might actually ran away, what happened while we were gone?

"Will someone please tell us what the hell is going on?" Kacchan yelled, I didn't even notice that I was starting to cry but he did and I was just growing more and more frustrated as time went on.

That's when Mama Mic walked in. He was wearing a dark green tux and I'm just about to lose what little hold on sanity I had left. I didn't even notice things starting to float into the air, it wasn't until Kami yelled about just doing my hair that I looked around and saw almost everyone floating off the ground. Did I do that?

After I put everyone down again Kami came back over and fixed my hair again. "Dude it's your mom's wedding. It was supposed to be Sunday but something came up with the location and, your mom is a total bridezilla by the way, your mom didn't want to put it off so the location told us they had an opening today, Friday, instead. So everyone has been freaking out on whether we should knock on your door or send Kiri and Todoroki in after you but it was decided that could be done at the last minute." Kami was winded but he finished my hair again at the same time as he finished talking.

Wait, my mom is getting married today?

Dadizawa came running over, "Great you're done! We need you two to go to the bride's dressing room at the church, she doesn't believe you're actually out." He started pushing us outside and then into a car. He drove us to some kind of big church and quickly helped us out and guided us inside and eventually to my mom.

She was near tears when Dadizawa pushed us through the doorway. The moment she saw us though she started beaming at us. I don't think my mom has ever looked so happy before in my life.

"Izuku! Katsuki! I was so afraid that you wouldn't make it, she managed not to cry and Aoyama fixed her make-up saying she looked sparkling again now. The number of hidden skills my classmates have is growing as the day goes on. Is it really 10 am? Didn't we only get up at two?

"Mom what happened? I didn't know you wanted to get married this soon? We could have helped and made it a little easier on you," I carefully pulled her into a hug remembering what Kami said about her being a bridezilla.

"Mama Inko you look amazing. Deku's right, we would have helped," I heard Kacchan add from behind me and she pulled him into the hug as well.

"Don't think you two are getting out of this now! I want your wedding before the New Year!" She playfully scolded us.

"Uh you're joking right? We're still in high school!" I tried acting silly thinking she was actually joking.

"May I come in?" I hear Nezu's voice from the door.

"Oh yes, perfect timing! Hurry and tell them what you told me!" My mom was super excited even while she let Midnight fix her veil. Was she actually wearing a very modest knee length pretty green dress with her hair in an updo? Yeah she was. I just...

"Certainly! I'm so glad to see you out and about and so healthy," I grimaced at his words but he kept talking. "You see, in exactly a week your mother's name change will be complete so we can change your name at the same time. Once the New Year hits, your name on the class roster will be final for the year and both Toshinori and Inko want you both to have the Yagi name on your diplomas. It was decided rather quickly but we had assumed that you two would have wanted something like that? Were we wrong?"

"Me too?" Kacchan asked in a shocked whisper. It was one thing for us to get married in the future but he didn't expect that his diploma would read anything but Bakugo. Neither of us did.

"Of course! You are my baby," Mom answered, smiling happily and I swear she looked 15 years younger.

"I won't make you Kacchan but I really do want to marry you. I can wait if you want though," I hold his hand smiling. "Besides we can talk about this later, today is about Mom." Kacchan pulled me in for a kiss, his eyes a bit teary but he refused to cry. He insisted on being my big strong man and I am more than willing to let him.

"Let's get married," he whispered, rubbing his nose against mine.

"Let's get married!" I stole a real kiss from him and when we separated I could see Mom was just slightly pink. I get the feeling there is more to this rushed wedding than they were letting on but I will let it go for now.

"So what's left? How can we help your special day be even more special?" I smile at her.

"As you know your grandparents are no longer with us," I nod at her words. "So I was wanting you two to give me away, together."

"Yes!" Kacchan pulled her into another hug and this time I have to join them.

"So when is the ceremony?" I ask and Midnight and Nezu look at their watches.

"In five minutes," Midnight answered and started guiding us out the door and I saw the full church pews as what looked like hundreds of people waited and Nezu went around to another door that took him directly to the altar.

"So boys when Nezu asks who gives away the bride you will say 'We do,' and then Izuku will say 'I Izuku give away my mother to this man.' And then Katsuki you will say, 'I Katsuki give her away to this man.' Do you both understand? Do not say your last names, the world is watching and if you both want to be Yagi's then you have to be careful." I nodded and soon I saw the detective walk up to us also in a tux, his was black though. Whereas Kacchan's and mine were actually a mix of black and white with a dark green vest.

"Talk about a whirlwind wedding, I keep asking Toshinori if he got her pregnant but he just gets red in the face," the man laughed and I felt all the blood drain out of my face.

"Pregnant?" I asked and Kacchan had to get my attention again.

"Oi nerd it's okay. It's all going to be okay," he gave me a sweet kiss which helped a lot to calm me down. Kacchan turned to the detective and hissed at him, "Are you an idiot? That's our mom, are you trying to give him a heart attack?"

"Wait, she is the mother of both of you?" I could see Kacchan roll his eyes at the detective's words.

"No but she is my fiancés mom and she told me to call her that. My hag is dead." Kacchan huffed before turning to me and caressing my face gently.

"It's all going to be okay, we have forever. Right?" I smile at his words and nod. He is right even if I get a new baby brother or sister I'm already grown up and engaged myself it would be for the best if mom had another kid. Even better if it was All Might's kid.

I take a deep breath and after a couple more I open my eyes again and nod at my lover. We can do this.

A woman that I have never seen in my life enters the room, "Places everybody, boys with your mother please. Could you each grab an elbow? Perfect. Now on my signal you will each walk in with your partner. We will start with the Maid of Honor and Best Man. Then the groomsman and bridesman," She motioned to Dadizawa and Mama Mic.

"Then we have the flower girl and ring bearer," I look around and for the first time I see Kota and Eri standing to the side. They see me looking and wave happily and I can't help giving them a huge grin of my own. The woman caught my attention again, "then once everyone else is in their places I will signal you three. Go slowly and remember to smile like it's your own big day." The woman nodded as if satisfied with how we reacted which was absolute shock, fear and bliss. I think my heart is about to stop.