

Bakugo's POV

Our team started filing through the door as the toys were waking up and I could see the terrified expressions on their faces even from where I am currently sitting next to One. He fucked me up in all the right ways. My back and legs were killing me but he promised to be extra nice later if I let him have his way and well with promises like that how could I refuse?

I shifted a little and One whimpered a little letting me know he was sorry, he didn't mean to take it quite that far but damn it all it just felt too good not to. I blew him a little kiss and wink a little not noticing Dadizawa looking our way.

He walked over and put a hand on One's, the one with the knife in it and then took it away motioning us away and another couple of our classmates over to take our place. "I'll supervise today, neither of you are capable at the moment." I just smile but One takes and replaces the guy on the table.

"Oh those two are ours. Don't let anyone else touch him. They are special," I can feel the evil smirk on my face as I utter those words. One came back purring softly kissing on my neck again before picking me up and carrying me downstairs. No one followed, it was the only room that had any kind of sound proofing from the other rooms. No bed or even any chairs but there were plenty of blankets and it didn't take long to get a couple spread out before I managed to get rid of my clothes. It would have to be quick, I know but I was suddenly very weak and needed what only One could give me.


Once I was able to move again, thanks to One being so very careful we got dressed and made our way upstairs. It had only been a couple hours and the screams only seemed to just be starting now. I wonder why that was?

I looked in and saw one on the table, the same one as before. He was bleeding with what looked like his blood floating around him. Pink Cheeks is surprisingly good at freaking them out. She used her antigravity quirk to make their blood hover in the air and well those that were not afraid of blood before definitely were after she was done with them.

She was partnered up with Icyhot today who would freeze their own blood and then use it to cut them to pieces. Yes they were very good together. But Icyhot tended to be very good at torture without a partner. Probably from years of fantasizing about what he wanted to do to Endeavor if he ever got the chance. The man was a prick and let's be honest if One and I could put him on our table and get away with it we would. He's not as bad as mine but bad enough.

Hours passed and we helped our 'students' hang chains from the ceiling and some from the walls and set up another two toys so that we could get them moving a little more quickly. Of course once the toys saw One and I come through the door most went paper white. We hung up one of ours from the ceiling and brought over the other so he was close by and saw that he was going to be next. This was the fire user that managed to burn up our clothes. I mean fuck we are all out of clothes at the moment so we are walking around topless.

On its own it was very pleasant, the way that One's muscles begged to be touched and kissed was a Godsend but I did not want Icyhot or Pink Cheeks to see him like this. I could see them freeze up and follow our movements with their eyes. Now that the fucker was suspended in the air it was time for some payback.

I started by slapping his cheeks and getting his attention. "Oh you pissed us off bad," I chuckled before letting my fist find and break his ribs with a sickening crunch that made almost everybody in the room flinch, even the one already on the table. One came up after I got in a few more punches and started cutting his bleeders. This guy was in so much pain already that the sight of his own blood had him hyperventilating.

"You see we know that you already knew who we are," I sigh and One takes out what looks like a miniature metal rake the ends were flat and jagged. The man was in immense pain but remained silent just like we knew he would. I held up little pop rock fireworks, harmless things really but a very useful prop for me considering I couldn't actually explode him.

I snapped one in my fingers and instead of there being a little harmless pop like if anyone else would do it. There was a massive explosion making the guy flail around in the air trying to get away from me.

"What's the matter? I thought you liked fire? Considering you burned One, you must or why else would you choose to die this way?" My question was innocent, hell my voice sounded sickly sweet even to my own ears, I sounded like I was whispering into One's ear just like a little bit ago downstairs.

"Do you have any idea who I am? You'll regret this!" He started spitting at me and I just wiped it away as if it didn't matter.

"No, but you're going to tell me." I smiled and One dragged the rake from his navel to his collarbone ripping his skin apart as he did. "Oh by the way, I'm not as patient as he is." The man's screams were already hoarse and when One put a hand against his chest sending a current through his whole body making him spasm. I have to admit I'm fairly proud of myself for this one, we could lift him up so we could see his face or lower him again. He went down enough to be a coffee table, laying horizontally for us if we really wanted but maybe the next guy because this one was going to keep on bleeding.

"Stop, do you even know who I AM?" He was screeching and I picked up some weed eater line cutting off what I wanted.

"Nope but you will tell me, don't worry I'm not in a hurry. The longer it takes the more I get to play with my toy," I lift an eyebrow at him letting him see that he was in fact my plaything. "One on the other hand is fuming and ready to tear into that one, and the longer you take the more mad he will be." I put down the line changing my mind and picked up some fishing line instead. I let One do his thing while I tied and hooked the weights on that I wanted. Honestly I just wanted to rip his skin off or maybe fry his nerves so he can't feel anything again, but I want the information he has.

One stepped away, the man already screaming out information as if that was going to make us stop. He still hasn't answered the one question that had been asked yet, ironically the one that he himself asked. Who is he?

The man had been stripped to his boxers thanks to One cutting off his jeans while I attached the little poppers to the weights after heavily saturating them in my quirk. I took one and flung it at an empty metal table and watched the explosion dent it in before grabbing another one and turning to face the man that earned my rage.

"You still haven't answered the question, for someone making as much noise as you, you're not saying what I want to hear," I kept twirling the popper switching directions now.

"I'm sorry! What is the question? I'll answer it!" The whimpering man was choking on air trying to speak up.

"Who are you?" I whispered the words sitting down on the chair in front of him letting the popper get within an inch of his face before switching directions and letting it rewind itself into my fingers. He told me his name and I listened to everything he had to say until One jumped up from my lap grabbed the rake and ripped it across his torso, it wasn't enough to actually rip him open so much as set his nerve endings on fire.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You were doing so well too. Why did you start lying?" I clicked my tongue and One moved out of the way and lowered him to the ground and I flung the popper just below him. The explosion was large but he was just far enough away not to get too badly burned. On the bright side it did cartierize most of the wounds on his stomach. We listened to his screams until he was just about to pass out and I motioned to One. He went and got a bucket of ice cold water and dumped it on him which only served to redouble his screams. Good for the burns? Yes, Good for the rest of his injuries? I mean it's not bad for them, it's clean water. It's just hell on his nervous system trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

"Did I mention that you pissed me off yet?" I asked, sounding bored and when he didn't answer I grabbed him by his hair forcing him to look at me. "I believe we already told you the rules," I lifted an eyebrow letting him know that he was all out of warnings.

"I'm so sorry, it won't happen again!" He was shaking so bad that even hanging in the chains he couldn't hold still, I dropped his head again and picked up another popper before sitting down again.

"Better not, your body can't take much more. You're going to die if you tell another lie," I groaned, irritated that he couldn't just tell me the truth in the first place. "You all make it seem like we enjoy killing, but really almost all of you kill yourselves. I can count on one hand how many people One or I have actually killed. And almost all of them happened on the same day."

"I'm sorry, I'll be good. I swear!" I nodded and motioned for him to continue and when he did finally finish I clapped.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" I asked and he shook his head and One hopped off his place on my lap. "Now let's get you all stitched up shall we?" I smiled and the next half hour was filled with his screams for mercy as we closed his wounds, the smiley face marked thick and angry looking on his side. "Now it's time for you to take a nap, don't worry when you wake up you won't remember a thing." One and I both put our hands on him and his body started spasming out of control like he was being electrocuted and when we removed our hands he lay there limp still hanging in the air.

"Three!" I yelled and she was next to me in an instant. "You know where to take him, the police can have everyone that lives, and you know where the ones that don't survive go." I wave my hand in the direction of my toy. Three grabbed hold of him while One and I unfastened him and she quickly left out the door.

I looked around noticing that everyone had frozen and watched the whole thing from beginning to end in a transfixed state. "Come on people! We need to get this wrapped up or we will be stuck here for the next month!" I clapped my hands and everyone including Dadizawa jumped back to what they should have been doing.

The guy that Pink Cheeks and Icyhot were doing when we came in started spilling everything and hardly let them get a word in before he was done. I left One to hang up his toy while I stitched up the villain and let him scream out his agony that when I was done he actually thanked me. I rolled my eyes and called One over and we knocked him out just in time for Three to return to take him out as well.

We helped them strap in the next villain and while our next toy watched helped a couple more get started on their own that was chained to the wall. Iida and Tsu were at the one on the wall and Ashido and Kaminari were at the table. Pink Cheeks and Icyhot, done for the day, went with Three to learn how and where to string up their own villain. Three is going to need help with us doing three all at once.

After the demonstration everyone was more than cooperative and we got the answers we needed from all of them. But for those unfortunate enough to see and hear One's plaything they were only too willing to give answers. Somehow our 'students' still thought that I was the hot tempered one. News flash, I'm not. His plaything however didn't make it to the end of our questions and the one that we grabbed from the League was tied up next and One was able to take out some of his frustrations on him.

He was the last one, for some reason he took the longest by far. Everyone else was able to finish off the rest of them while he screamed and screamed but it took about two villains at each of the other stations before he would even utter his name.

"Ichigo Montoya," he spit out blood trying not to drown in it.

"Ichigo Montoya? Do you have a death wish?" I asked him and he shook his head no. His body was already in spasms just to get his name. "Then why did you take so long just to tell us your name?"

"I wanted to know just how far you would go, You killed one, sure by accident but you didn't even hesitate to start in on me. How many have died in accidents?" He grinned up at me.

I grinned and One hopped up on my lap purring and snuggling into my neck. This guy has the real intel. I can feel it. He knows his body enough to know he will die soon if he doesn't play his cards right and yet he still wants to ask questions still?

"93," I answered, my grin dropping as I did.

"You are sure?" he asked looking up curiously.

"I can't forget them, neither of us can." I turn in my recliner, my legs over one armrest and my head over the other One curled up on me. I could see that our conversation had collected everyone else's attention but they didn't say a word.

"You can't forget them? Yet you can still go on and torture the next one," he started laughing before looking back up at us. One and I were already well aware of what he was trying to do. He isn't the first one to try it either. "Why couldn't you have worked for me? With you I might not have been forced to work for that weakling Time Bomb but I guess the time for that is over." He laughed again but One and I flinched at that name, but Ichigo Montoya didn't notice.

"I think you have plenty to say," I wrapped my arms around One's waist calmly hiding the fact that I wanted to run and hide like a child again but knowing all too well what happens when I show that kind of weakness.

"Hmm, so I do. Did you know that Time Bomb actually works directly for All-For-One? He is absolute trash but he has amazing connections and no one seems to know how he got them. There is a rumor that they both have kids and the brats actually play together. Can you believe that? All-For-One actually has a kid? Yeah right." He laughed, sending chills down my spine.

We listened for what seemed like hours as he told us all about Time Bomb and All-For-One's connection and I just couldn't believe my ears but One didn't react at all. So he either believes it to be true which was nonsense or it was true... But Time Bomb is my dad and the only person who I am around enough for that would be One and he doesn't... No. No it can't be true.

We listened until he was out of information to give us and we stitched him up and we knocked him out again. It wasn't until Three took him away and One and I were staring at each other. We weren't even making a sound, our faces said it all.

How? How could All-For-One be?


We had all spent days torturing the villains and we left to the dorms making sure not to be seen and removing our disguises. I sent a message to the class chat.

King Explosion Murder: Common room now.

No one responded but everyone arrived including Dadizawa, Dad Might and Mama Mic and ... Aunty? Why is she here? We were told that we would finally be able to see her this weekend for real and for the first time since we went undercover but now really isn't the time. Is it? I nearly dropped to my knees seeing her though.

Deku couldn't help running to her and bursting into tears and I wanted to follow him so badly. But I really don't have the right. Not after all these years of lying to her. Not after everything I have done to Deku. He forgives me but I don't deserve to be forgiven and I don't think I ever will.

"My babies!" Aunty Inko cried, wait did she say babies? As in more than one? "Katsuki come here I need you too," She reached an arm towards me and I nearly tackled her, my tears streaming down my face. She claims me? How can she after everything I have done? How could she look at me with those big large watery eyes like that?

"Aunty?" I sobbed holding her, clutching her to me. Is this some kind of dream?

"Call me mom or mama even. You are my baby remember that," she cooed softly and I just couldn't hold it in anymore, I broke. The only thing keeping me together in that moment was Deku and... Mama Inko. I like that.

Mama Inko.