

Midoriya POV

Something's wrong, I can feel it in my finally healed all the way to the bones. The hideout is too quiet. I look at Two and growl and see him nod. My hair was standing up on my arms and neck and I shoved him forward landing on top of him as I did. Bullets started flying over our heads and we tried to crawl to some cover. What the hell is going on?

Two and I started canvassing the area until we saw them. I could pinpoint maybe half a dozen men in black firing into the hideouts cafeteria. Damn the only way I could... No, I've got this.

I pick up a couple discarded forks and show Two who nods and starts collecting a few of his own, from those scattered around us on the floor. Once we had more than enough he coated them thoroughly in nitroglycerin handing them to me two at a time. Using my telekinesis in a way that made it look like brute strength I flung the tableware at our assailants and saw as they dropped like rocks.

When all the dust settled there were 9 men in black. Two and I walked up to them, me growling and generally pissed. I tell Two how I was going to tear them to pieces but he stops my growls and snarls and reminds me that we need information from them.

Fine but I am going to actually enjoy hearing their screams for mercy when I do! Spinner comes in and I guess his reaction to seeing two men growling and snarling at each other is to freaking hug them? I snarled at him and Two rants at him for being an idiot.

"What the fuck? Do you want to join them on our table or some shit? We can arrange that you stupid fucker!" Two continued to yell and degrade him as I looked around making sure there weren't any more people to add to our load. In a way this was lucky we were running out of people to take without causing suspicion, but that doesn't erase the fact that we almost died!

I found two more trying to hide under their people's bodies and I grabbed them, sending a charge to knock them out easily. I roared loud enough for Two to hear me and see him walking over calmly. He knows if and when I actually need help or not, but many other members of the League came running as if I had summoned them. I snarled at them when they tried to pick up one of the bodies.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, One is very territorial. You're more likely to be added to our table than actually helping us." Two announced making more than one of them jump back and the rest of them quickly moved out of his way. Not before I however grab one sending enough of a charge to knock him out and add him to my load.

I started 'talking' again and several people seemed to figure out that Two could actually understand me as they watched his face as I told him the best way to get them to our base. He was nodding in agreement, everyone here thought my quirk was a drug like Two's was so I would need to carry them. Making everyone think that I was super strong but I would actually be using my telekinesis. I could carry them but OFA's green lightning would show from this much weight. So...

Instead of answering with words like he usually does he uses the same code as I was, the system of growls, purrs and other animalistic noises, making everyone who didn't run off before take off now. Leaving only Spinner and Three to watch the whole thing. Once we were in agreement we started stacking the bodies in what we thought would look the most natural way only to hear Three cough.

I looked up to see her standing next to Spinner and I tilted my head letting her know I was listening.

"I didn't know that was an actual language for you two to talk in?" She was looking down and blushing as if she heard something dirty.

I let out a soft growl in answer and Two just shrugged, "It just kind of happened?" He turned to me and I shrugged as well before going to bend down and hear another bullet shake the very air around me. Two and I dived and before we could do much more than that someone shot at me. Thankfully they missed, but my clothes were in tatters. my pants were ruined but passable for now but my shirt was left in ashes and what wasn't just fell off of me not being able to hold itself on. Fuck!

I kneel down and wait for the next attack, my fingers on the ground and my legs tightly wound ready for me to spring forward. I saw a flash of fire and just like a wild animal I ran and sprung up tackling the intruder before knocking him out. I sat on his torso for a while waiting but nothing else happened. So I picked him up and added him to the pile before kneeling down and picking them all up itching to drop them all again.

Two was standing there, his own clothes as ruined as mine. His shirt however was hanging open showing off his green ripped abs that flexed as he walked. I blinked several times before realizing he was bleeding from a cut that marred his beautifully smooth skin just below his toned by god himself pecs.

"Don't know when we'll be back, you'll probably have to find someone to cover our shift tonight," I hear Two tell Spinner. I turned just in time to see the lizard man nod very slowly as his eyes were trained on me now that I stacked AND picked up my stack of bodies again. I was carrying the stack of bodies as if it were easy and I saw Two carrying one as well.

I let out a soft purr and saw him nod, "Yeah he is the one that fired the shot. He was trying to hit you." I could see his rage seeping off of him as he said the words. "Three get your ass over here, we're putting you to work!" I see her jump like he hit her and run forward to keep pace with us as we walk away.

I however couldn't really focus on where we were going because Two was walking around without his shirt having decided that it wasn't worth wearing one at all. His muscles rippled and rolled under his skin that left me almost drooling.

"Damn, you two should get a room after we get there," Three was trying to lighten the situation by making a joke but I just purred in agreement getting Two's attention.

He smiled back at me licking at a split lip, how did that happen? Before releasing a low growl of his own. My eyes shot wide open as I took the no longer important meat sack from his shoulders and threw him on top of my own and started pushing him forward faster only to hear his laughter.

Too late I'm horny and he is going to be mine as soon as I throw all these guys to the side.


I had just sent a text telling everyone that we had plenty for them to do and Two and I went around making sure each person was chained and secured with erassure cuffs. This will be a new one. We don't usually have this many people lined up all at once so they could hear everything and see what happened to the people before them.

Not that I cared too much at the moment. After making sure all the toys were still out cold, I dragged Two into the kitchen knowing that besides the bathroom and the underground there weren't any rooms.

"One think rationally for a second," Two tried to warn me but as I looked up at him he decided to lick the lip with the split again. I pull him to me tasting the cut myself it stopped bleeding sometime ago but that didn't stop it from being extremely sensitive at the moment. He let out a soft moan and I saw the shocked look on his face. He wasn't expecting it to feel that good.

I let out a low purr and someone, most likely Three, slammed the kitchen door closed behind me. This is going to be fun.