

Aizawa's POV

I'm just standing there shell shocked and I just really don't know what to do or how to go about doing it. THE All Might just announced that he was engaged to his obvious favorite student's mother and then said student blurts out that he himself is already engaged as well to another student. All after giving class B and their instructor the beating of their lives and asking All Might if he knew someone that they could fight for real.

Regardless of who you are, that is a lot to take in! But now that I think about it it's really funny. I started laughing, slowly at first and it just snowballed from there. Before long I'm clutching my sides actually on the ground and I start to hear my students join me one at a time. The whole thing was absolutely perfect and wonderful and just happened so perfectly I just couldn't stop. I didn't even see Hizashi come in. Hell I didn't notice when he was frantically trying to get me standing again. I was just too busy laughing, tears were actually coming out of my eyes and I was gasping for air but I couldn't stop.

I did notice eventually after realizing I was laying on the floor as well as most of my students and we were all laughing and panting for air. Hell, even Midoriya and Bakugo were panting for air from laughing so hard.

"So not to pry but I have to ask," I managed to gasp out the words getting everyone's attention. I look up and see Midoriya, Bakugo and All Might looking at me smiling while waiting for the question.

"When you get married will you take the name Midoriya or Yagi?" I wipe tears out of my eyes and look back at them again to see all of them frozen, jaw dropped and eyes wide.

"Is... Is that even an option?" Midoriya asked, looking back and forth between All Might and I.

"I... I don't even know..." All Might answered looking back at me.

"With your permission it is allowed since he will be your son," I was still on the ground but I was breathing normally now and smiling like a crazy person when I looked up at my husband. "Glad you can make it! The show already started but it's far from over!"I started chuckling again seeing the reaction on his face.

I look back at the three of them, "Of course you can also pick Bakugo but..."

They all quickly yelled, "No!" making class B jump. No one outside of class A and a few teachers knew about the Bakugo's and Vlad King was not one of those teachers.

I hear a bunch of excited but confused noises and look up to see all three of them starting words and either cutting themselves off or each other as they try to figure out the best way to ask/answer the question and all of them are too embarrassed and/or proud to finish.

"That settles that then! We now have three Yagi's, congratulations to all of you!" I slumped back on the floor too exhausted to care that I don't even have my sleeping bag.

"Hizashi?" I heard him hum letting me know he was listening. "Laughing is exhausting, I'm done for the day. You and All Might can take over what little is left," I yawned covering my eyes. I don't think I've laughed that hard my entire life," I chuckled as I felt the heaviness of sleep starting to drag me down.


"Shota! It's time to get up!" I heard Hizashi mumbling, probably trying not to use his quirk and give me a heart attack.

"No, time for sleep!" I groan only to feel myself getting lifted in the air.

"It's okay Mama Mic I'll carry him for you," My eyes fly open after hearing Midoriya giggling while saying that. I try to catch myself as if I were falling but that doesn't really do anything and it feels weird and probably looks worse.

"Put me down, PROBLEM CHILD!" I started yelling, still trying to find balance where there was none to have. I heard laughter and saw that I'm in my classroom and it looks like I was in my sleeping bag? Oh no. Do not tell me they...

I look at Midoriya and see him smiling like he just got away with murder. He did! He carried me back to class in the air! "Midoriya, do you have detention this Saturday?" I am pissed.

"Uh, no. No I do not because I'm doing a thing, you know the thing you know about, and the thing is on during the weekend. The thing I can't miss because you know. It's the thing?" My student was fidgeting and getting more and more nervous as he talked just as much as his words were hurting my head.

"Put. Me. Down. Now." I spoke very slowly making sure he heard every last syllable and I was on the ground before I finished. He then ran the two steps to hide behind Bakugo like it was going to save him.

"You're lucky that this THING is actually important," I growled out and looked up at the clock. 3:30 regular classes are over. I stretched and set up for the extra lessons for my class seeing them all cleaning up and setting up for it on their own as they waited for me.

"Go on all three of us know you shouldn't be here, you need to rest for your patrol tonight," I shoo both Bakugo and Midoriya out of my class and once the door shut behind them I couldn't help chuckling to myself. Who knew I could laugh so much in a single day? Or the fact that it wasn't Hizashi who made me do it!

The lesson went well and the fact that Hizashi has taken to doing his grading in my classroom so that we could spend a little more time together, even if I was teaching while I did it, just made it better. My students have been growing by leaps and bounds since we started doing all of these extra lessons. More than that the boys should be almost ready for their patrol and we can get a few students to actually practice.

The boys have had to be more discreet about the villains they take in order to get enough of them for the class. Something about a tunnel? Anyway 7pm came quickly and I dismissed everyone for dinner, reminding them about their 'homework' tonight. They have all been good about how we talk about the mission considering the only level 3 and higher security were in my class or Hizashi, Nezu and myself.

Wait, does that make All Might level 2 since he isn't as high as he could be but he is higher than Nezu? Or is there a level 0? I shake the thought from my head, it's time to eat and I slept through lunch, on the bright side I actually feel pretty well rested for once. For the first time in what is probably years, long before I even met any of my students. Was it our honeymoon? The last time I didn't feel a need to nap anytime I got the chance?