

Bakugo's POV

When we finally made it to class, we were still 5 minutes early, we were still all lovey dovey and Deku was happily sitting in my lap straddling me. Dear All Might, I love this man. I smiled and kissed him as softly as I could, I noticed that the soft and gentle kisses made him giggle and I loved to hear his giggles. Of course one of our quickies would have us just getting started around now but a quick blow job each seemed to be enough to relieve my frustrations and from the looks of it his as well.

We sat in our seats cuddling and I can't help feeling like I was being bathed in love. I guess our classmates are starting to wonder if we actually love each other or are just addicted to each other but that seems so dumb and small minded. We wouldn't be this way if we didn't love each other in the first place.

Dadizawa walked in and saw us and I nuzzled Deku to turn his face towards the teacher and he turned around in my lap. My semi hard boner pressed against his tight ass. He did tell us to skip after the matches so I plan to do exactly that, I think Deku needs some attention and I know exactly how I want to give it to him. I nuzzled his neck planting soft kisses here and there making him giggle and part of me can already hear his moans and screams that I was sure to hear later.

I hold Deku tight in my arms and press my forehead against his shoulder trying to take deep breaths as I did. I need to calm down, and now.

"Okay everyone is here, go get changed and meet at gym delta today for the matches," Dadizawa shooed us away and Deku jumped off of me exposing what he had done to me to anyone who cared to look. I glared at him and he only laughed but it didn't escape my notice that he was hard too.

"Kiri, Icyhot?" I see them freeze before leaving the locker room. We were the last four in here. "Guard the doorway for a few minutes? I need to feed Deku," I was releasing a low growl and I could see them tint a little pink but nodded and disappeared.

Deku on the other hand didn't need an invitation and quickly sat on the bench in front of me pulling me out, licking his lips. "Better hurry, I'm hungry too." He grinned at me before sending me to heaven again.


"They needed a snack, you know for their condition?" I hear Kiri from the doorway just as I swallowed my said snack. And we quickly fixed our costumes and went to the doorway.

"What condition do they have? What could be so bad that it gets them out of class and extra privileges that the rest of you don't?" I let out small explosions and laughed eager for the matches to start.

"Who do you think we'll get?" I asked turning to Deku making sure I was loud enough that Vlad King and our friends would be able to hear us.

"Someone weak I'm sure, our class has beaten them at everything from academics to the training courses and we haven't lost a match since the thing. I can't think of anything they could be better at," Deku smiled back at me. Oh he is pissed! Vlad King has been harassing our class for way too long and I can't agree more with the fact that it was time to take him down several, and I mean SEVERAL, pegs.

"Who knows maybe they will let us tag team them, I bet just the two of us could take their whole class and teacher down," I could feel the hatred coming at us from the doorway and I swear I heard Kiri and Icyhot trying to stifle their laughter.

"Oh easily but that wouldn't be fair to the rest of our class now would it?" He grinned while playing along and we decided to open the door right then and see a red faced Vlad King and both Kiri and Icyhot covering their mouths, Kiri was actually biting his hand and Icyhot was just barely concealing his smile.

"Oh, speak of the villain and he will appear!" I looked at Deku and then asked, "That's how that saying goes isn't it?"

"Oh no it's; speak of the devil and he shall appear but I like yours much better." Deku smiled wide.

"Then we'll go with it then," I turn to Kiri and Icyhot and motion them to follow us and they do and we couldn't walk half a dozen steps before Kiri exploded in laughter which only caused the rest of us to do the same as we walked.

"Bakubro please tell me you can back up your claim of taking out Vlad King and the rest of class?" Kiri looked at me hopefully, I smiled back and nodded.

"With Deku of course. Without him... Maybe," I shrugged, whispering that last part. But I let everyone hear the part about partnering up with Deku.

"Hmm seems my problem children are feeling better today?" Dadizawa asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes Dadizawa!" We chorus together smiling big. Dear All Might I love feeling this good! I feel like I can take on the world. I wrap my arms around Deku and kiss him on the back of his neck making him giggle.

"Alright you two just behave long enough to kick class B's ass," I looked up a little surprised that he said it in front of Vlad King and loud enough for him to hear it.

"That's it! How can you honestly think that two teenagers can take on my entire class and me?" Vlad King bellowed, angry and still red faced. I didn't bother to correct him that Dadizawa wasn't the one to say that because he beat me to the punch.

"Well for starters they already have a higher mission success rate than you do in both combat and espionage, then there is your security level. What are you again, seven or was it eight?" Dadizawa asked the now nearly glowing red pro hero.

"I'm level five the same as your husband in case you forgot!" Vlad was spitting mad, literally.

"Actually Hizashi is level three now they promoted him over a month ago," Dadizawa smirked at the now speechless Vlad King. "Furthermore boys? What level is your security clearance?"

"Two," we said together grinning like mad at the utterly speechless teacher.

"Hmm and what about the rest of you?" He looked at the rest of our class and everyone chimed three like it was rehearsed.

"So yeah my 17 and 18 year old students all have higher security clearance than you do, which implies that no I do not think they are better than you. I know they are," Dadizawa turned around in a sweeping like motion that made his capture scarf sway as if it were caught in a breeze and I can't help thinking that we got the coolest teachers at UA and none of the dumb ones.

"There is no way any of that's true!" Vlad King yelled and Deku and I pulled out our hero licences and showed them to him, printed for anyone and everyone to see was our security level; a big bold number 2.

"Deku and I would be happy to take on all of class B and yourself together to prove that we have the skill to back up our licences?" I smirk at him. "But you have so much pride for your age that there is no way you could be brave enough for such a match. 20 heroes in training and 1 pro hero against 2 pro heroes still in training? The media would laugh you right into oblivion."

Deku and I laughed along with the rest of our class and it didn't escape our notice that Dadizawa was snickering too but he was doing a pretty good job of hiding it. "For fucks sake you are children!" Vlad King roared.

"Actually we are both 18, so that kind of makes us adults don't you think?" Deku asked, turning towards me and I grin nodding.

"Plus we are so much more mature than you, I mean look at you. Screaming at students like that. Tsk for shame for shame," I was only making his temper worse. I knew that, but honestly that seems to be the only way we can get the fight that we want in order to put these extras in their place, right in the trash can where they belong.

"Hey guys?" Deku spoke up, getting our class's attention. "Would you mind if we beat them all up? Then Dadizawa can pair you up against a classmate and you will be able to get some real training in." The size of his smile only earned him several approvals and cheering from our classmates.

"Aizawa, you need to put a leash on these two. They talk so big they'll only get themselves killed for real," Vlad King hissed and Dadizawa was so livid his eyes flashed red showing that his quirk was activated for just a brief moment, in fact our entire class went from laughing and joking around to pissed as hell.

"I have a better idea. Take them up on their offer and then they can maybe beat some sense into you," he glares at the other teacher who had finally had enough.

"FINE!" He bellowed and class A cheered as Vlad King ordered class B into the gym and I saw All Might watching amused. I smile and wave, getting Deku's attention and he sees our hero.

"Dad Might!" We call out and he opens his arms and we run into them, I don't even fucking care what the extras from class B think, it's fucking All Might we are talking about here.

"How are my boys doing?" He smiled as we group hugged and that's when the rest of the class joined in. "Haha and my girls? How are you all doing today?"

I could see class B visibly deflate as All Might called us his. He laid claim to us, something he has never done for anyone else, anywhere else. "Young Midoriya young Bakugo I see you're about to have an interesting fight but when you're done I was hoping to tell you some big news?" All Might was fidgeting a bit and we agreed happily he wanted to share whatever the big news was with us.


The fight was over in three minutes and 27 seconds. None of them gave us so much as a challenge and we groaned at the lack of stimulation. But we raced back to the viewing room excited about whatever news All Might had for us.

"Dad Might can you find us someone worth fighting with?" I whined, slouched, resting my head on one of his shoulders and I could see Deku matching me on the other side as we stood behind him.

He laughed for a minute and then thought for a while, "If we tell Endeavor you're my successor he would be more than happy to fight you Young Midoriya," he paused for a moment. "But he probably won't fight you Young Bakugo unless Young Midoriya refuses to fight him unless he fights you first. Then he would still lose but then Young Midoriya won't be able to fight." I groan overdramatically only to hear my hero chuckling.

That's when class B decided to finally climb the steps and enter the room their heads held in shame and pissed as hell.

"So my news! Are you ready?" All Might asked and we nodded ready for whatever it was. "I'm getting married!"

Deku and I started choking on air, we didn't even know he was dating anyone! "Congratulations!" We were finally able to sputter out and started asking who the lucky lady was.

"Well I had actually wanted to ask you before to make sure it would be alright but you've both been so busy..." He was nervous and fidgeting looking away from us. What?

"Come on All Might! If you like her she has to be perfect, who is she? What's her name?" Deku and I were stumbling over each other eagerly with questions and excited to meet the woman who managed to capture Japan's number 1 hero's heart.

"Well you see. I might have asked... Inko." Deku and I froze.

"Aunty?" I asked, shocked.

"You asked my mom to marry you?" Deku shouted and the few people who didn't hear it the first time definitely heard it that time. Even I couldn't tell if he was relieved or pissed or just shocked. I removed myself from him and started to take a few steps back just to take another dozen. Not stopping until I reached the doorway. The room was silent and I reached into my bag and grabbed what I needed before returning to the ash white All Might and just as pale Deku.

I slipped the item into his hand pulling him out of whatever thoughts were running a mile a minute through his head. He smiled at me and I could see the tears finally making an appearance. I smiled back and took a few steps away to watch the show that was about to happen.

Deku threw his arms around All Might's neck and the tears erupted spilling down his face as he started blubbering about how happy he was that All Might was actually going to be his real dad. I started sipping on my water taking pictures of the whole thing and after a few good ones of All Might and Deku I got a lot of class B's shocked and hilarious faces. Oh yes this is great, I can't help smiling to myself.

Suddenly Deku spun around and called out "Kacchan isn't it great All Might is going to be our dad!" I spit the water out that I was drinking.

"He's marrying your mom," I try to remind him after choking on air and drops of water.

"Yeah, and I'm going to marry you." I see him roll his eyes at me and see All Might laughing behind him motioning for me to join them.

"..." I froze. I just. What? Did. He. Just. Say? I come to, hearing him laughing and shaking my head trying to jump start my thoughts again. It didn't work.

"I thought you said you didn't want anyone to know until... The thing was done?" I finally get my thoughts together enough to string together a sentence.

"Oh well yeah but I meant it then. I mean it now. I love you," Deku was smiling so bright that the sun really didn't have anything on him.

"Fuck it," I throw my already spilled water bottle down and run the couple steps seperating us picking him up and twirl him around in my arms. "Yes you fucking nerd. I'm going to marry you!" I smashed my lips against his and he stopped giggling and returned it.

Fuck, today really can't get any better!

Oh wait! I turn to look at the class B extras and tell them, "Get lost you fucking wannabe extras!"

Now it's the best moment ever!