

Midoriya's POV

I can't believe it's been two weeks already. Time really flew by as we regained our reputation around the new hideout. No one either in their right mind or completely out of it dared to piss us off now. We only tortured a handful of people but it was our marks that really spooked them. The smiley faces with the one red X and one green X for eyes. Those that didn't believe we were who we claimed to be quickly kept their mouths shut after seeing them. We were quickly thrown on the guard duty roster together of course and put to work.

Two and I were very loving to each other and whenever we were not either being targeted or quite so touchy feely Two was as nice as humanly possible in fact that's how we got victim number three. It was a new guy who thought we were just some push overs until we proved otherwise. He didn't really have any meaningful information, only that he was recruited because of his ability to crunch numbers. That's right, he is an accountant. Or should I say was? He didn't survive the table.

It's time to head home and we were doing our damnest to get away but we were having a lot of issues losing our newest tail. Looks like we will be going home late, we have another one for the table tonight...


It's nearly midnight and I am exhausted but we were finally done. Our tail, Willy Snake, was only too happy to provide us with plenty of information including that of Two's father. Turns out he has no clue that we have been working undercover but had sent out his spy to gain informaiton on the gay kids playing big boys. Yeah, that's kind of what I expected more or less.

He knew too much and actually had a heart condition so he wasn't going to live through the table time anyway so we decided to hang him up to dry just like in the past, by his feet in a tree at the park near the police station. After we were cleaned up again we quickly made our way to Dadizawa's house. We couldn't exactly sneak into the dorms dressed the way we are now.

We went to our old room and set an alarm after taking a hot shower and removing our disguises and setting them to the side again. We ended up just sleeping in our old room because otherwise we just were not going to get much sleep at all.



I am exhausted but I reach over and turn off the alarm anyway, cuddling into Kacchan's chest as I do.

"Deku, we need to get up or we'll be late for school." I hear him and honestly I want to get up but at the same time I am just so tired. How am I even supposed to function at school with how tired I am? It would be better to just sleep in and go to school later or call in all together. I hide my face in Kacchan's very strong chest and I can't help wondering if maybe that was really such a bad idea.

I could feel Kacchan breathing deeply and he was a little sweaty. The thought of licking his body was more than a little enticing. Hmm? I look up and see him nearly asleep again, his breathing so rhythmic I almost fell asleep just watching, but not really.

I look up and see his eyes closed and stick out my tongue and lick his chest only to hear him stutter out his breath this time. Oh yes I have missed him, but we shouldn't do this here. Medical reason or not. I need Kacchan and we need to get to the dorms. I lick his nipple this time and he pulls away before I have to tell him too, we are dressed again and out the window making our way back to the dorms. Running inside only getting more excited at seeing the building, not caring about the fact that we ran right past our classmates who were trying to call out to us.

Not now, right now I need Kacchan and nothing else. I need Kacchan and I need to show him just how much I truly love him.


We walk into class just as the bell is ringing for everyone to go to lunch. But I'm too tired to think about eating right now. So instead I followed Kacchan to the sleeping bag in the corner, too tired to care that Dadizawa was lecturing us on coming to class late. He didn't however try to stop us from using the sleeping bag and instead helped zip it up once we were inside.

"Thanks Dadizawa," I yawn and curl into Kacchan's strong arms and chest so that I can feel his warmth around me. I have missed being able to sleep without one eye open all the time.


I woke up to the bell ringing when everyone got back from lunch. "No! I need sleep!" I try to pull the cover over my head to hide from all the unwanted noise of the classroom. When did it get so bright?

Kacchan's arms circled around me and I whimpered at the cruelty of the world. Why do we have to work undercover AND go to class? It just isn't fair.

"Hush, you can sleep until heroics but you will need to be up for that," I hear Dadizawa scold our way and I let out a relieved sigh. I'm so tired...


"Midoriya, Bakugo, it's time for heroics." I heard Dadizawa as someone lightly shook my arm. I groan a little but get up anyway and Kacchan and I slowly stand up yawning as we do. "Go get dressed in your suits and meet everyone in gym delta." I nod at the instructions and Kacchan and I make our way to the locker room. It didn't take long to get dressed and thankfully our class was quiet throughout changing. I have such a bad headache it's not even funny.

When we get to the waiting area by gym delta I have my arms wrapped tight around Kacchan and he is holding me, his head on top of mine as we fall asleep standing up, holding each other up. When someone knocked into us however, it was them that was in for the rude awakening, as I snarled.

"I swear, Toga that if you don't knock your fucking shit off I'm going to-" Kacchan was ranting and it's not until Dadizawa and All Might are prying us off of Monomoa that we realize we are at school. Oops.

"Who the fuck is Toga?" Monoma asked as Kacchan and I started yawning and stretching once our teachers let us go again.

"She was one of the main members of the League of Villains. But she died during the raid a couple months back," Iida answered him for us as I just yawned and wiggled back into Kacchan's arms.

"How are you two so calm after attacking another hero? You two act like villains," Monomoa's words woke me up for sure that time. My eyes snapped open and I lunged forward only to have Dadizawa put up a hand stopping me before I got anywhere close to him.

"Monomoa, you are skating on dangerously thin ice. You should study your ethics book much more closely if that is actually how you feel." Dadizawa lectured him before turning back to us. "You need to complete the course in under 5 minutes to pass, can you do it?" I looked up at the course he was having us run and nodded easily enough. "Good take your places."

We went down to the starting line and once the whistle blew we took off. We ended up finishing it in just under two and once Dadizawa nodded we went and sat down with the rest of our class exhausted and ready to sleep some more.

"How in the fuck did they finish the course that fast? There is no way you had to have stopped the clock to make it seem faster than it was!" Monomoa was throwing a tantrum next to his class and both teachers. Of course Kendo to the rescue came and knocked him out before dragging his limp body to the rest of their class.

"As is what is turning out to be normal, your slowest finished by a good 30 seconds faster than our fastest person. I don't really understand what you did to your class to get them all so focused but you should really teach me," I heard Vlad King laugh but none of class A or Dadizawa even cracked a smile.

"I had students die, remember?" He answered coldly and I looked down knowing that we really hurt our class with that video. Several of our classmates noticed and scooted a little closer both guarding us and trying to offer just a bit of comfort as they did. Somehow Todoroki was behind me and Kirishima was behind Kacchan and I could see them holding hands. I can't help smiling at the innocent action. It wasn't so long ago that Kacchan and I would sneak little finger touches or for that matter I would say something, anything really just to get him to lift me up by my shirt so that I could just look into his eyes.

I cuddle with my lover, only too happy to see our friends smiling not only at us but each other as well. I would never wish the hell that was our lives on anyone else.

"Think fast!" I heard Vlad King yell and look up just in time to see what looked like a pipe bomb come flying towards our class and I activated my telekinesis quirk, freezing it in the air. My hair was flying around like it was caught in the wind but otherwise no one could tell what had caused the thing to stop. I threw it back at Vlad King and it exploded covering not only him but all of class B in neon pink ink.

"Oi who did that?" Monoma yelled awake again from the noise.

"Your teacher dumbass," Kaminari called back and all of class A got up and left back to the locker room ready to return back to class.

"Can you two stay up for ethics or do you need to sleep a little more?" Dadizawa asked, putting a hand on both of our shoulders when we walked back into the classroom.

"I'll stay awake," Kacchan smiled and we made our way back to his desk and I sat curled in his lap just happy that Dadizawa didn't say anything about it. I let out a little yawn and hid my face in Kacchan's neck. He is wide awake but I'm not.

It wasn't until class was actually over that I woke up again, this time to Kacchan kissing on me, making me giggle and purr in response. He responded letting me know we were still in class and safe before I opened my eyes and gave him a little lick on the neck making him giggle in response.

We were surrounded by our classmates and it didn't take long to notice that the seal on the room was in place and that Nezu was in the room. Fuck it all, just why? Why can't we have one normal day of school? Not even a whole week, just one normal day?

"What?" I groaned already assuming that he already had a new target in mind for us.

"It has come to my attention that your entire class is made up of level 3 security heroes and so they have been authorised to join you on your mission if at all possible." Nezu flinched when Uraraka stepped forward.

"So in other words they stole your custom tea blend and refused to tell you where it is or more likely where you're specially made to order teapot is until you said yes?" I asked and Kacchan couldn't help laughing when more than one person turned in surprise to look at us.

"Like it was hard to figure out, Nezu said absolutly no help from the class unless they could learn how to properly torture someone. So they either tortured someone or they found your weak spot," Kacchan smirked at him and I nuzzled into his neck some more. Licking every now and again to relax myself, thankfully it was working.

"Do you really need to do that now?" Nezu asked, trying to distract us.

"Doctors orders, so it was the tea set then?" I giggled while snuggling into my lover's arms. I want to go home but I know I'm being silly about it.

"But they do need to learn to properly torture someone, so we better just get this over with. Deku play nice and I'll repay you later," I look up at Kacchan's words and pout.

"Why do I have to do it?" I puffed out my lower lip trying to get him to back off but it didn't work.

"Because you have the most medical know-how and you can stimulate my healing far faster and more efficiently than Recovery Girl," He deadpanned and I groaned.

"Fine, but that doesn't mean I have to like it though." I flick a hand and my little knife kit came from my bag floating in the air as if by its own. "You know we are about to put someone on our table we could just let them watch instead?" I tried to change his mind one last time but he shook his head no.

"That's not safe and you know it." I pouted again but let out a sigh before standing up. I took four of our classmates' desks and put them together and laid him on top of it and he took off his shirt.

"You are going to pay for making me do this to you," I was still pouting but he chuckled.

"I'm counting on it," he laid down and put his hands above his head over the edge of the desk and I bound them using the straps of our bags. Kacchan's feet tied in a similar fashion at the other end.

Then Dadizawa must have realized what we were about to do and he started using his erassure quirk on me but I don't actually need that now do I? "So the first thing about torture is pain, everyone has their limits but you can't just jump in with both feet. You have to test the waters. Generally you can tell by certain markers like scars but mine and Kacchan's scars faded a long time ago so that doesn't really help here. This generally goes for most people but then you will have some that scar so easily you have to wonder how they are still standing." I wave, gesturing to Kacchan's perfect body.

"Another indicator is the way they scream or call for help or rather how long it takes for them to do it. If they don't at first then chances are one of two things they are used to pain or they are not used to being helped. But of course this can be broken because everyone has that breaking point," I take a deep breath and feel my heart slow. I could see Dadizawa coming towards me but Nezu stopped him in his tracks.

"Usually waterboarding is the best way to start off but if they have a water related quirk like Kacchan then we skip it. Then it's the silence, we usually let them watch as we prep our equipment this usually puts them into a panic especially if they see us doing it methodically. That tells them we know what we are doing and that we are not hesitating." I put the blade against Kacchan's skin and everyone saw his skin flinch at the touch. "It's not too late to switch?" I ask hoping he takes it but knowing he won't. He shook his head no.

"Then I'll start with the bleeders first, those not used to pain quickly give in at the sight of their own blood they start to think that they will bleed out," I made some cuts and I heard several gasps as his bright red blood started to flow down his beautiful pale skin. Kacchan didn't even fidget let alone flinch, his breathing stayed even as his blood slowly flowed. "As you can see the flow of his blood is rather slow. The reason for this is because he is keeping his heart rate slow and even. He has entered into an almost meditative state to do this. This will help us with the clean up later." I kept talking about all the do's and don'ts of torture and how to survive as long as possible when they are the ones under the knife.

"Now we are starting to near what we call the threshold of his pain tolerance so we are going to stop here." I wiped away the blade and started wrapping his wounds and once they were closed I charged my quirk and ran my fingers across his body letting the green lightning flow and disperse until I felt the openings close most of the way. I unwrapped the bandages and replaced them with new ones which allowed everyone to see just how much they healed just from that before I wrapped them again in fresh wraps now that they weren't bleeding anymore.

I again charged my quirk and this time I let the energy flow the way it wanted, letting the energy course through him flooding his system until his screams were the only things I could hear. But I didn't stop, I had to keep going or they would scar and take months to heal. His screams were being ripped from his throat and I was crying as I worked knowing exactly what I was doing to him and what it felt like. This is why he didn't want me to be the one on the table, it's hard to heal him enough as it is. It would be a torture all on its own if I tried to heal myself like this.

Kacchan saw me struggling and gritted his teeth together grabbing my wrist and smiled up at me. "It's okay, you're doing great," He managed to grunt through his teeth and I managed to smile back at him but my tears wouldn't stop as I let my energy encase him, I couldn't stop my sobs as they wracked my body. Kacchan's body was violently thrashing on the desk as I finally couldn't let him hurt himself anymore and started using my telekinesis to lift him up into the air away from the hard desk that was bruising his back and banging his head against.

"Almost Love, we're almost done." I locked my eyes with him until his body refused to obey him anymore and his eyes rolled back into his head. "Just a little more," I whisper and finally the last crackle of energy found its home and it stopped. I was breathing so hard that for a moment I forgot that it was Kacchan that was tortured and not me.

I put him down as gently as I could and unwrapped his bandages showing nothing but smooth skin underneath them, the red smeared blood still visible but the wounds themselves were gone. I took the shirt he just took off and put it back on him and then the blazer I was concentrating too hard on the task at hand to worry about anything going on around me. When I was done Kacchan was sleeping peacefully still on the desk and my knees finally gave out. I was falling head first towards the floor and I couldn't even keep my eyes open enough to see when I would hit it.