

Aizawa's POV

I just don't understand where they could have gone. It's been over a week since anyone has seen them. A week since Recovery Girl cleared and gave them two weeks of bed rest and no one has seen them since. I'm on my way to Nezu's office, I just searched both boys' rooms and contacted Mrs. Midoriya to see if they went there. They technically couldn't see her for another two weeks yet but I certainly wouldn't hold it against them if they snuck off to see the only woman to show them love in the past 18 years of their lives.

But they weren't there, at first Mrs. Midoriya started to panic and then she got all calm and she actually smiled at me on the video call. "I'm sure they are just working again, they work so hard all the time." I just gaped at her. She seems to have developed a supernatural belief in them, so much so that regardless of the odds she thinks they will always come out on top.

I knock on the door to Nezu's office and hear a soft, "Come in." from the other side. I open the door to see Nezu drinking tea with All Might.

"How are you two drinking tea when we have two students missing, again?" I'm trying to stay calm, I really am but this was pushing it even for my standards.

"Who's missing?" Nezu asked, putting his cup down and looking at me only slightly concerned.

"Midoriya and Bakugo. Again." I answer already dreading what I'm sure I will hear.

"Ah," he picked up his tea cup again and took a slow sip before turning back to All Might. "So how are your classes coming along? Do you have any students that have surpassed your expectations?" I blinked, wait, that's it? No questions or explanations. Nothing?

"Why are you so calm about this?" I am about to lose my mind and he is just relaxing as if I said nothing at all.

Nezu took a deep breath as if he expected nothing less but had hoped to avoid this anyway before turning back to me. "Aizawa, they are not missing. I know exactly where they are and what they are doing. But no I can not tell you any of it so please do not ask." I stared in disbelief, he knows! Wait, he knows? That means...

"Are they safe? Please tell me they are safe, I can't go to a second set of funerals. I just can't." My words were so soft I almost didn't hear them.

"As safe as they can be, all things considered." He nodded, taking another drink of his tea.

"When will they come back to my class?"  I asked next, how am I supposed to explain this to my class?

"They should be back by the end of their two weeks of bed rest, that's why I didn't say anything. I wasn't expecting you to break into their rooms," I flinched at that. Out of context, it sounds very bad.

"My other students are extremely worried, they said that no one has seen them come out to eat all week," I hissed glaring at my boss.

"Awe, I see we will have to tell them something then." He tapped his chin for a brief moment and snapped his fingers. "Tell them they were sent away for further medical testing. We needed to know just how much their condition will affect their lives as heroes."

"They don't know anything about their medical condition," I ground out and see him nod.

"Very well, I suppose I will have to talk to them after all," he sighed and climbed up onto my shoulder before turning back to All Might, "You should probably come too. So you know what I tell them."

"Do you know what's actually going on?" I glared at All Might, I can't help feeling hurt that he didn't tell me after everything we have been through this past year.

"No, I didn't know they were having medical issues at all. I was just doing what I was told and claiming they have been coming to training with me." He shrugged and I heard Nezu groan.

"That's why your security clearance isn't as high as it should be."

"It's still higher than yours," All Might shrugged again and I started walking, somehow relieved that I wasn't the only one left out of the loop. But I am surprised that All Might has higher security clearance than Nezu. I thought for sure he would convince them to make a newer level just for him long before now.

When we reached the dorms I walked in and found Momo on the phone with the world's greatest investigator and Todoroki was on the phone with Japan's leading director of medicine trying to get information about their classmates. Iida was on the phone with Endeavor probably because Todoroki refused to do it himself but at the same time he had it on speaker phone so that Todoroki could relay the information as needed. Damn rich kids...

I can't even say they were the only ones either, Uraraka, Kaminari and Kirishima had their phones out and were scouring the news looking for any sign of their classmates and Shoji was just coming out of the elevator saying he and Koda still couldn't catch a scent for either of the boys, but Koda was still trying. The rest of my students were doing similar things trying to either find information or figure out how to get information.

I look at Nezu and see him watching my students in interest. "If you so much as think about sending more of my students undercover," I growled, the threat very clear and I see him sigh as if he was giving up but I don't believe it for a second.

"Everybody please calm down. Neither Midoriya or Bakugo are missing, they were sent away for their two weeks of bed rest and will return next weekend." Nezu announced and I saw a few of my students relax but not all. They really are the smartest students in the school.

"Do not tell me that I am on the phone with the world's leading quirk doctor and he already said that he didn't have anyone by their names." Todoroki answered and I heard Endeavor cursing from the phone in Iida's hand.

"And I'm on the phone with I Spy and he hasn't been able to locate either of them and he is known for finding anyone dead or alive within an hour but it's been three now." Momo added and I have to give my students credit where credit is due. They not only have money and connections but also enough smarts to put Nezu on the defensive.

"I have sent them to my private residence and it has a quirk shield so neither of them would have been able to give you any information about them," Damn I thought for sure Nezu was going to get caught by my students in a lie.

All three of them hung up their phones and looked at each other before nodding. "They are undercover again," Iida spoke for all of them and I had the pleasure of watching Nezu who had climbed down from my shoulders to try to 'reason' with my students about how they could possibly come to that conclusion with them in their current condition?

I looked at All Might and grinned, "Are you going to help him?" I waited for an answer but instead he just shook his head no. Midoriya and Bakugo mean too much to not only me and my class but All Might as well. That's right he chose Midoriya to be his successor so if anything happens to him he just might kill Nezu himself. Plus I might have found out that he and Inko might have started dating after the boys went into their sleep coma a couple months ago after seemingly coming back from the dead. Not that I would tell anyone that anyway.

"Nezu you gave us level 3 security clearance and you are going to answer our questions even if we have to force it out of you," Uraraka smiled demonically at her principle, a cold chill went up my spine.

"All Might, would you like to come over for dinner? I'm sure Hizashi would love to have you. He has been talking all week about wanting to go out on a double date. Perhaps you could bring your girlfriend?" I turn to All Might, I have zero desire to see what my students are capable of when pushed and that is all Nezu has been doing. Pushing them.

"Actually that sounds nice, if we leave now we could even go and see a movie while we are out." He smiled at me and we both turned to the door and before we reached it I could already hear Nezu screaming for us to save him. "Do you hear something?"

"No I don't. You should take better care of your ears. You are still Japan's favorite hero, retired or not," I lectured him and we left through the door.

Hizashi was ecstatic about going out on a date and was ready before I even got to the car and Inko was happily waiting on her front porch steps as we pulled up to pick her up. Dinner was nice and we saw an old romantic comedy at the theater about a dog that died to save the couple and oh my freaking All Might the cat was the actual hero of the story!

"Do you think we were too hard on Nezu?" All Might asked as we paid for our dates ice cream cones and my coffee.

"Not at all, in fact we probably should have done this a long time ago." I smile when I hand my husband his banana sunday and All Might gives Inko her mint chocolate chip cone.

"So what are you two chatting about so nicely?" Hizashi asked, beaming like he knew a secret.

"Oh just work, nothing all that important though," I take a slow sip of my mocha coffee, normally I like it black but since this is a treat, why not?

"Well just remember that we are here to enjoy ourselves," Inko smiled happily from the booth her and All Might were sharing. Honestly they are kind of a cute couple. I wonder why they didn't go out sooner? Does he know about Midoriya's father?

I shake the thought out of my head, whether he did or didn't, it doesn't really matter. He chose her son for a reason and he has done nothing but excel at it.