

A/N    ⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️

So I was editing and I now feel the need to remind all of my readers that this story is heartbreaking; there is PTSD, anxiety, depression, violence, slight OCD as well as others but a LOT of homophobia. There will be slurs and derogatory comments and actions. Please steel yourself for these.

Remember you are LOVED, and even if nowhere else you are accepted here or any of my stories for that matter. The pain you feel, daily, in the past or the future is NOT inconsequential nor is it a laughing matter. YOU ARE LOVED! I understand. The world is so full of hate and misunderstandings it is just painful but please know in your heart that there is light, beauty and love here too.

I'm sorry I took up so much of your time. Your feelings are VALID and anyone who says different can go choke on their spit.

Back to the story! 🏳️‍🌈

Bakugo's POV

It was actually truly mind blowing to listen to Spinner talk about me and the ways that he thought I needed to improve, some were just dumb but others... Well I will have to look into it. One was getting sleepy and didn't bother to hide his yawns before snuggling into me and snoozing softly, now that I think about it I'm exhausted. How long have we just been standing here in front of the door?

I try to stifle a yawn but fail and Three had even leaned her head against Spinner earning some very hateful looks from Sato. Oh yeah this guy had it bad and Spinner was oblivious to it all.

"That's right you were all needing rooms!" Spinner grinned his scaly mouth and showed all his teeth but for some reason it didn't seem scary or disturbing in the least. "Is there anything in particular you need for your room?"

"We like to be near the ground, we don't like open areas. Last time they gave us a room close to the control room but when the hideout was attacked that seemed to be where all the heroes were coming from. So we don't want to be anywhere near it again," I yawned this time snuggling into One's soft hair inhaling his calming sugar sweet scent. "They said they couldn't give us a room in the basement but they never said why."

"Well the basement is usually kept for those who have an earth related quirk but most of them were taken away during the raid so it shouldn't be a problem. I still don't know why they all wanted to be in that hideout anyway. Something about the earth being sweet?" Spinner shook his head but he turned to leave motioning for us to follow.

"So tell me why did you go with the names One and Two?" Spinner asked as we walked. I hesitated but decided to answer anyway considering he was a Stain fanboy it should be safe enough.

"We wanted to be heroes but..." I left it unfinished but didn't fail to notice the interest in Spinner's eyes. "Well for some reason drugging your opponent is considered villainess. We don't really do any crimes, we don't steal or hurt innocent people. We do however torture villains to find out why they do something. And we have killed villains but never innocent." I tell him shifting my grip on One who's purrs had changed to show he wasn't comfortable anymore, even in his sleep he was so perfect.

"So instead of being the number one and two heroes we decided to become One and Two, the villains' worst nightmares," I grin at him and see Three shiver at my words. I know for a fact that we are Pain's worst nightmares.

"I kind of like that, you're like a hero that even the heroes should respect," he smiled back at me. "I can respect that. Here let me go into the control room and grab the keys and you can pick the room you like." Spinner went into the control room and from the door I could see that it was set up just like the other all the way to what kind of computers they were using. Just great. I looked at Three who nodded and followed Spinner inside.

It only took a minute, maybe less but I was leaning against a wall and was starting to doze off One's arms still around me. When I felt someone tap on my shoulder and One and I snarl and One grabbed the person while I started ranting, "Fucking Toga how many times do I-" I cut myself off when I remember. One released Spinner and climbed back in my arms. "Sorry." I looked away, not willing to acknowledge what just happened.

After everything that we have been through all the torture we have had to endure, is it really possible to actually miss the villainess? Toga was annoying and extremely dangerous but honestly she really wasn't that bad. Her quirk made her need blood and yeah she was more than a bit twisted from it but she didn't really do anything to get the level of hate she did until after the fact. The way she chased Deku and then One and I was annoying but also kind of innocent in the grand scheme of things.

"You two knew Toga well?" Spinner asked, almost dropping the keys in his hand.

"She was kind of obsessed with us. Sneaking into our room all the time it was like she was trying to watch us. At first she was a complete homophobe and claimed to only barge into our room to see if we were actually heroes in disguise. But she never stopped; she just kept finding ways to sneak into our room. There was once she almost got my blood and One nearly tore her arm off but she just laughed, before running away again." I sounded sad, am I? Am I sad that the villain was gone and would never cause us trouble again? Did I somehow like the way she was so interested in us? She wasn't doing it for the League regardless of what she would say.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were so close to her. Her death must have been hard on you," I hear Spinner's words but I look up at Three and see that she was fighting the tears in her eyes. She looked almost happy in her grief, like the fact that we actually liked her on some weird level somehow helped make the world right again.

I coughed uncomfortable with the way my thoughts were going. I listened to One purr, gently reassuring me that it was all okay. We picked a room near the softest earth and Three picked the room next door.

"You never said why you picked your name?" Spinner asked her and I saw her blushing a bit.

"One and Two saved my sister, she died but they still saved her. It's hard to explain." She didn't realize yet that we hadn't shut the door yet.

"So that's why you are so attached to them?" Spinner hummed pleased with the thought. "Well if you decide you want or need a different room let me know, I would be only too happy to help you," he winked at her and she blushed some more. Just how sure is he that he is straight? Is he going to turn into a liability?

"By the way, I heard that there was more than one villain hunting Deku and Dynamight apparently Dynamight's mother was trying to turn them into villains but they refused so she tortured them," I hear Sato try and get Spinner's attention again. He really is trying so hard but how does he know all of that?

I think I know exactly who the first person on our table is going to be. I look at One and he nods but first we need to prepare, thank All Might that it was Friday, there is just no way we could dig the tunnel and play our part while going to school.

This room was basically the same as our old one but the lock on the door was a chain instead. Great but we can still use this to our advantage.


It was late Saturday and we were only about half way done with the tunnel. We can't really decide where we should make the entrance without scouting around outside more. And even with our breaks to keep us acquainted with each other we still need to go and get food sometime today.

We took a quick shower and Deku held my hand as we walked out and up the stairs again. We had knocked on Three's door but there was no answer, not that we were actually expecting much of one. She knew the plan after all.

We walked into the cafeteria, saw Three chit chatting away with Spinner and Sato in the far corner and decided to ignore them. We stepped right into our roles as the meanest, horniest villains there are and no one really wanted much to do with us. We looked around and there were actually a lot of familiar faces from the old hideout and when I lifted an eyebrow in question to them staring they quickly apologised and made a run for it.

One and I ate by ourselves just like we usually did, feeding each other and being generally cute about it. I mean even blue he has the cutest giggles and the way he nuzzles into me is just inhuman, he has to be an angel.

"Oi what the fuck?" I looked up at the noise to see a very large man. It looked like all he did was drink protein shakes and work out he was so bulky. He was very pale skinned, white like a ghost and his eyes were yellow. He was also standing right in front of One and I, his veins were popping out and he looked like he was about to explode.

He managed to get almost everyone's attention in the room and most were cowering or making their way to the exit. There was one that I recognized from the old hideout: a girl with a mutant quirk that gave her squirrel-like features, who ran up and tried to stop the buffoon from embarrassing himself.

"Big Man please don't, you don't know them, they are very good at what they do. Just drop it," the girl pleaded with him but he just hit her and she went flying into the wall next to us, before her body dropped lifelessly to the floor.

I heard One growl and I agreed, he is going on our table tonight.

"Poor girl was only trying to help you. Too bad you're so stupid," I tell him letting go of One who climbed out of my lap before taking a defensive postion next to me. I stood up, my quirk already at the ready.

"What did you call me faggot?" He was almost red with anger and he was spitting all over the place.

"Stupid, but it looks like your deft too, One we are going to have our work cut out for us tonight," I grin at my lover who was already ready when the dumbass took a swing at me from behind. One went forward and kept his fist from touching me, barely adjusting for the speed that he was using before I put my hand on the big guy's arm. "Nighty night." He was out cold before I was done talking and One picked him up like a sack of potatoes and we made our way to the exit.

Time to get to work.