

Midoriya's POV

I was not expecting Recovery Girl to ask about our sex lives and the fact that she never took her eyes off of us made it even more uncomfortable. It wasn't until she told us to relax and that we weren't in trouble, something just came up during our last medical exam and she was just following up on it that we finally did actually relax.

As weird as it was there was even one point where we were laughing about the whole situation. It wasn't until she put some kind of sensors on us and told us to go back to the dorms and have sex that things got weird again. Uh what?

When she was finally done explaining Kacchan and I just looked at each other and considering our very personal knowledge of nitroglycerin and it's side effects, things started to make a lot of sense. We finally agreed to do as she said and that was to do it until we finally felt sated. We had to go to Nezu, without her knowing, and report to him and he had spit his tea out at the news. And people thought I was bad about mumbling, I have nothing on Nezu!

We finally got everything in place so that we could still get the mission done according to plan and still do what the doctor ordered. Not even going to lie, those were the best doctor's orders I have ever gotten.

It's Friday and we happily cuddled in bed. I for one feel great, like I could take on the world. Once we were sure that our class was gone we quickly got up and showered before getting ready for the mission. Pain has spent far too much time alone because of our medical test. As fun as it was it wouldn't mean much if the mission failed because we were busy now would it?


"Where have you two been? I've been going crazy out here by myself," Pain was near tears when Two and I walked into the base.

"We had an issue we had to deal with first," Two answered and I purred, already feeling the pull of my lover's drug. Oh this is going to be a lot of fun now that we had an excuse to run off together things should be a lot easier.

We get ready and give Pain his new disguise. He is now a black haired girl with green eyes, he was surprisingly easy to convince. By easy I mean, I handed him a dress, leggings and sandals and he came back and put on the wig. I guess considering his quirk is transforming into other people it would make sense for him to be relaxed about the whole thing.

Once we were ready we went to the hideout with Three. Yeah, he wanted something to kind of protect himself when we weren't around so our third wheel actually became Three. Dumb I know, but oh well.

We walk up and she registers with us as her backers and we start showing her the ropes. The place was nearly identical to the last one and honestly that suited us fairly well.

"Oi big mouth!" Two yelled out, getting the attention of a mutant with a large crocodile-like jaw. "Who makes the schedules here? We need to be put in the cycle for guard duty," he grumbled as if this was a huge bother.

"You're not already?"

"Nah, we were at the one that got raided a while ago. Fucking Toga nearly got us killed going after the Pro Eraserhead," he grumbled some more.

"Give me a minute," he walked away and I started cuddling Two feeling him pressed against me. I'm really glad we found out about our medical condition so now we can better plan our day around it without hurting ourselves.

I kissed and nipped on his neck enjoying the way he tried to cut off his moans but at the same time failing to quiet them. I purred happily with how he was responding and Three was giggling at the whole show. Yep her cover is as a pervert, but only because she wants to find her own lebian lover. Not the most original idea but one that makes the most sense considering the last hideout's reaction to us.

When the guy came back he was with Spinner making me want to groan but I held it in. I did however growl at the other green lizard skinned quirk holder. Damn, he could blow our cover! I bit into Two's neck slowly but seductively enjoying the little bits of staggered breaths or whimpers pleading for more. He hasn't noticed yet that he came back or that we weren't alone.

"One?" He tried to shake his lust from himself when I answered with a low purr, soon I promised. I was practically screaming my thoughts in my head but I remained silent as I licked at the tender marks I left on him. I growled at Three which helped snap Two out of it.

"Hi we need rooms and to be put into the guard cycle, we are from hideout xxx." Three cooed watching us with what could only be described as hungry eyes.

"And who are you?" Spinner asked, eyeing us and by us I mean me as I was still growling at Three from Two's back.

"Sorry I'm Three I just joined this morning but this is One and Two and they were showing me around the place. According to them it's exactly the same as their old hideout." Three answered and I let out a small snarl at her.

"He doesn't seem to like you?" He looked at me confused and Two who seemed perfectly at peace with what all was going on.

"I kind of told him that I would happily fuck his boyfriend and he has been like this ever since. The guy can't take a joke, I mean who in their right mind would want to fuck around with the Drug Lovers?" Three shrugged like it was no big deal and I snarled again this time turning back to kiss on Two's neck.

"One and I really need a room, jail is not very comfortable when it comes to quirks like ours." Two hissed as I licked on his neck again only to smile at the moan that escaped him when he tried to talk.

"You are the Drug Lovers?" Spinner's eyes widened at the idea.

I gave a low warning growl and narrowed my eyes at him guarding my lover from his seemingly hungry eyes. I bit hard enough to leave pink swollen flesh behind under his green tinted scaly skin. I purred at the sight and kissed and licked on it, setting Two's nerves on fire.

"Fuck this, we'll get a room tomorrow." Two carried me away and towards the door.

"Wait, you can have a room now, use mine. I'll have someone clean it after you're done," I looked up slightly surprised only to see Spinner throw his keys at us and I caught them and saw they went to room 69. Yeah he isn't getting that room back. I purr in a way that would let Two know the number and he quickly set off Three behind us.

I snarl at her and see her pout, "But One you two are so cute together. How could I not want to watch?" I snarl at her question only seeing her smile happily in return. "You know One there might come a day when you aren't so protective and Two just might be mine." I was showing my teeth, growling as I did. Two is mine and only mine!

I could see Two rolling his eyes at the entire exchange but he didn't bother to slow down as he carried me on his back to the room. The door pops open as we slide the key in front of the keypad. The door slamming shut behind us as I locked it and started stripping Two's shirt off.


It took a few hours but I no longer felt like the world was ending, could this actually be worse if we don't pay attention? I look back at my lover both confused and relieved as he dried his hair. Once we were dry I pulled him back to the bed to cuddle. I need his touch, now that I know my need isn't just mental but physical I'm not holding back anymore. Especially now that I know that it goes both ways, as much as I need his touch, he needs mine.

He cuddles me spooning me as I purred, as much as I wanted this to just be us loving each other, it's not. I'm telling him the plan, as similar as this base is to the other there are some key differences. Like the vents here are much smaller. I could probably fit but I wouldn't be able to move as quickly or silently as before.

Also the room numbers are almost mirrored so even though we had room 69 last time this time it just simply wasn't anywhere close to the control room. From what I saw on the way here we would actually need a room in the 70's.

I combed my fingers through his hair soothingly as we puzzled out our other options. We could get a room in the basement, if we did then we could tunnel out and make a secret escape with little to no fuss. We could if given a good room put a hole in the ceiling to spy into the control room but that was unlikely and now that we actually need physical time together it would be harder not to make noise than before.

Having said all that getting a basement room is difficult, we would need a reason and the people here just aren't as afraid of us as at the last one. Sure our reputation preceded us a bit but not enough to squeeze fear into their hearts. We are going to have to put a few people on our table first and maybe let another one escape like Pain did. But at the same time if we do that we will probably have to kill them. We can't let them think anyone can escape after all.

Two nuzzled me kissing on my jaw letting me know he understood, the moan he pulled out of me not only in answer but also pleasure. I'm feeling hungry again, ravenous actually. I bite into his soft neck, careful not to hurt him before licking up his sweet neck. Oh right, his quirk. I have only been keeping the bare minimum charge going so that with every touch he was getting just as much from me as I was from him, a jolt surging whenever he made me gasp or moan.

But we can't stay here, we need our own room somewhere we can trap our targets but at the same time sneak them out when we are ready. I cuddled into Two's arms letting him know we could go now and he picked me up bridal style as I nuzzled into his neck getting comfortable in his arms. We opened the door to see both Three and Spinner standing there flirting with each other but they didn't notice us yet.

"I'm actually more into guys but you are a lot of fun to talk to," Spinner was rubbing his neck shyly and Three was giggling.

"I'll let you in on a little secret then," Three. cooed, stepping closer. "I'm a trap." She smiled giggling some more when Spinner smiled back at her.

"So are you into guys then?" Three blushed nodding a little and my brain was frying. The plan was for him to try and get the interest of one of the league's big guys but I wasn't expecting it to happen on our first day. Pain told us he was straight but for the mission he would play any part required of him. But is this really okay?

"Maybe you would like to go on patrol with me sometime? I mean I know you're a little young but I won't do anything until you're of age." Spinner was fidgeting. That's right he is in his 20's I don't know his exact age but Pain is only 14 we managed to age him up when we changed him into Three so she looks about 17 maybe 18.

"You're willing to wait a year for me? She smiled giggling at him in return. This is cruel and not just to Spinner but Three as well. I cough letting them know we are here.

"Good to know we didn't make you two uncomfortable, normally we scare everyone off particularly when we are angry or horny." Two spoke as if it was the most natural thing in the world cuddling me in his arms in the doorway. He turned to Spinner, "Thanks for the room. but we really need to have our own. Our quirks depend on each other and in jail they kept us apart, we almost died because of it." His lie was so smooth I almost believed it.

"Your quirks? That's right you're the drug lovers so you drug people? How can you almost die from that?" Spinner questioned, eyeing us suspiciously.

"Addiction is a scary disease," he hummed, kissing on my neck, making me giggle at his touch. He didn't say anything more and I was purring happily in his arms.

"Oh that actually makes a lot of sense," Spinner tapped on his chin. "All those reports we got from Twice and Toga make a lot more sense now." I growled, snapping my head to glare at him.

"Why were you getting reports on us?" Two growled out, his lovey dovey mood hardening as rage seeped out of us.

"Relax, we got reports about everyone over there you two were just at the top because we were debating on if we should bring you into the inner circle or not." He waved off our anger and we looked at each other. We had wanted to gain better access to information before but this might be too much. We really need to talk to 'god' first.

"We'll think about it," Two grumbled and I started nuzzling into his neck again, feeding off of his quirk as we stood there. Today has been productive, a little too productive. We need to be careful because it could be a trap and besides if we joined their inner circle as he put it we would have to leave class again. Spinner and the hand guy and even All-For-One would need to know where we are at all times.

We needed a way to both accept and deny at the same time and honestly this is going to take a lot of work.

"Did you hear about the two who committed suicide together a while ago? The students?" Someone walked up to Spinner and started talking as if we were not even there.

"How could I forget? Stain acknowledged one, Deku was with the hot head. If I ever find out who their villain was I'll kill her myself!" Spinner was instantly raging, making Two and I eye each other. Oh boy...

"Turns out they are alive! They were working undercover at the hideout in order to catch their villain. I hear that it was the hothead's own mother!" I started studying this random guy trying to pinpoint him but I have never seen him before in my life.

He was plain, he had a bald head and black eyes, he was wearing yellow gloves and a red suit, there was absolutely nothing remarkable about this guy in the slightest. But he knew too much, none of that information was released to the public, only that the scene was staged to trap a highly dangerous villain.

"You've got to be kidding me, Gasket!" Spinner was shocked to say the least but then he was smiling like someone just remembered his birthday. "Deku is alive! That means there really is a hero out there again, still," I feel a cold chill go down my back. This is bad, this is very bad.

"You're a fan of Deku but not the other guy?" Two asked confused. I guess he forgot that we told him Toga died because of Deku.

"From what I've seen Dynamight isn't bad and he is trying but Deku is a true hero. Saving anyone and everyone regardless of what their background is." Spinner answered and then he went into a twenty minute lecture on how Dynamight could and should improve and Two listened. I mean he was really listening. I don't think he was even getting mad, just curious. I looked at Three who looked absolutely horrified at what she was watching and Gasket was looking dreamingly at Spinner, not even noticing us really.

This is a long day and it seemed it was only going to get longer.