

Aizawa's POV

"Where did they go?" I hissed seeing the two empty desks, their school bags still sitting there as if they would return at any second. I was only gone a few minutes to get my lunch from Hizashi. How was I supposed to know they were going to disappear again?

"We honestly don't know and we really didn't want to follow them after what they said," Kami scratched at his neck only to have Shinso and Ashido smack him.

"And what did they say?" I glared at my students.

"Sir with all due respect I don't think you actually want to know. Just know they are... Healthy," Iida answered, looking away as he did and I saw Uraraka blushing looking away from him.

"You all remember that I said there will be no underage sexual activity in the dorms, correct?" I glared knowing full well that she was still 17 but I was unsure about Iida.

"Damn, that took two seconds for him to figure out?" Kami asked only to get swatted again by Shinso and Ashido. So Bakugo and Midoriya left to have sex? You have got to be kidding me.

"It's not healthy to have sex for hours at a time like that. How are they even functional?" Ojiro mused out loud. What the hell did I miss?

"I did some looking up because, well you know," Todoroki blushed crimson before going on. "And I found that after two hours it is extremely dangerous." 

"But they make it seem like they can't stop. Have you seen them horny?" Kirishima shuddered as if he had seen the devil standing in front of him. "It's like the rest of the world doesn't matter. Like there isn't anything that can keep them away from each other."

I frown again, that is not healthy in the least. I listened to their musing for a couple minutes before leaving to get the old projector. Might as well get this over with. I set it up listening to them all talk, asking questions about the human body to each other and I have to stop myself from groaning. I know I said that they could talk to me but I didn't think they would be so... Open... About such a personal subject.

"Okay, everyone watch this and if you still have questions we will discuss it at the end of the film. They agreed and I hit play. The sex ed film from over the past century started playing and my students watched, focused. They didn't try to hide their embarrassment and they didn't squirm in their seats. They just watched the film as if it were some kind of great movie. Before long the film was done and they had at least a basic understanding of the human body and how it works.

"Any questions?" I ask watching them all mull it over before seeing Midnight in the back of the room. I mean when did she even get here?"

I saw a few hands go up and I started calling on them one at a time. When we were finally done I asked Midnight if there was anything that she wanted to add.

"Well that video is a bit dated of course but keep in mind that those with a mutated quirk will have to do most of their exploring on their own just because their bodies are not really the same." Midnight answered only happy with the way my class was currently going.

"Thank you, now I'll leave you to your lesson while I go and check on something," I leave the class and make my way to Recovery Girls Office. I knock and hear her tell me to enter.

"What can I do for you Aizawa?" She turns in her chair and looks at me. How do I even say this?

I take a deep breath before asking, "Can you tell me about the effects of nitroglycerin on the human body? Long term and short term." I see her eye me for a moment before she answers.

When she is finally done I feel nauseous and I'm holding my stomach. "Aizawa if you are taking this kind of medication I need to know and notate it in your file. It can be addictive and it can cause more harm than good if not looked after correctly."

"Bakugo and Midoriya are sexually active, could they... Could they be addicted to each other?" I tried to word that in a way that didn't sound too terrible but from the look on her face I probably failed.

"That's... I can't say that I know for sure. Theoretically they could be. Between Bakugo producing it and Midoriya hypothetically activating it they could be in a never ending cycle of, for lack of a better word, high. Mind you they are not actually getting high they are just craving that fix," Recovery Girl turned back to her desk searching through files and finding the two in question and started studying their results.

"I mean I knew they were together since childhood so when Midoriya's levels came back a little high I didn't think anything about it. But if I compare it to their previous results throughout the years..." Recovery Girl was starting to mumble so I looked over her shoulder and saw for myself.

Both boy's levels had been slowly increasing throughout the years here at UA and they, more so than most other students, had more work done just because they were in and out of hospitals so much. Then she opened what looked like a sealed file with their newest results in them from just a couple weeks ago. It was almost three times as much as before the incident.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't nitroglycerin used for erectile dysfunction as well?" I could feel the blood drain from my face and she just nodded. "What do we have to do to get them healthy again?"

"Aizawa, at this point their bodies are so dependent on the substance and to add to it Bakugo could go mad from his levels dropping considering he produces it naturally. Midoriya however has been in contact with it for so long that if we tried to isolate him his heart could stop." I looked at the woman in front of me.

"So you're saying what exactly?" I am trying not to freak out. Could they die from this? Will being heroes kill them? But I keep those thoughts to myself.

"I'm saying that if you look at all their other levels," she pointed at them and I nodded following along. They all rose in the same way. "Their bodies have adapted or rather mutated in order to not only be able to withstand it but require it. See here," she points at something else and at this point it just looks like greek to me, but I nod anyway getting an idea from all of the charts and graphs. "If this wasn't raised with it then it would be a problem, that's why no one has noticed up until this point. Which begs the question; How did it come to your attention?"

"Apparently my students were talking about sex and the uh. Well the duration came up. I wasn't in the room but my students no longer seem to have a filter and didn't stop themselves from asking about it when I came back into the room, after Midoriya and Bakugo left of course."

"Hmm, you are very lucky. Most teachers never gain that level of trust with their students." She mused almost to herself.

"Recovery Girl, they call me Dadizawa." I deadpan and she chuckled in response..

"Even more so then, it is extremely rare for a child to speak so openly about topics like that with their parents. You must have quite the relationship with them for them to ask you so openly."

I groan, and stand to leave but I think better of it and sit back down. "Recovery Girl?" She hummed to let me know she was listening. "Does that mean Bakugo and Midoriya actually need to have sex, compared to say the average person?" I watched her freeze and her pen dropped. I waited in silence for what seemed like forever and she started pouring over all the tests and medical records that we had for the two of them and when she finally sat down again she looked almost dazed.

"I would need to run a couple of tests but yes. It seems like that would be the case," she answered.

So in other words, my problem students not only want to have sex but they need to have it... "What happens if they don't?" I hold my breath.

"This is theory only," she glared at me before turning back to all the paperwork on her desk and straightening it up again before finally looking back at me. "But they could end up in another coma if they don't keep themselves at a high enough level.

"Fuck..." I muttered and she nodded.

"That's the general idea yes," I glared at her, well aware she is being a smartass but still not willing to voice the thought.

"I think they are going to need a check up as soon as they get back," she nodded in agreement and I walked out of her office in a daze.


Tuesday morning I walked into class to see both Midoriya and Bakugo cuddling in Bakugo's chair and I was reminded just how dangerous of a situation they could be in without even knowing it. Could is the operative word.

"Midoriya and Bakugo, you are to report directly to Recovery Girls office until she deems you healthy enough for class," I nearly shouted and saw them looking back at me confused. "Did I stutter? Go," I turn and start writing on the board, no longer watching them.

Please let them be okay.


It's Friday and none of my students have seen the boys since I sent them to Recovery Girl on Tuesday and I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. When the lunch bell rang I went directly to Recovery Girls office and knocked on the door. When she told me to enter I nearly fell inside when I opened the door.

I groan a little but quickly shake the feeling away and look at Recovery Girl, "So how are they?" I was trying not to get too involved but at the same time there were a few things I needed to know about my students, and if they were healthy or not was definitely one of them.

"Well, it's a good thing you brought it to my attention when you did. Both of their levels were very low compared to their previous test and they weren't even shy about how they love each other. It's actually quite interesting how they were able to just turn off the embarressment by reasoning that it was for the sake of their mission but it was shocking when they told me there were times they had sex just to stay alive. I mean their covers would have been blown more than once if not for it." She was muttering and I only understood about half of it but I got the gist. They were not shy about their sex lives, understood.

"So?" I prompted her to try to get to the meat of the situation.

"Their levels are back to normal after two days of sex but their libido didn't start to wear out until the third day," she looked at me like I was an idiot. Wait... Did they have sex in front of Recovery Girl? The look on my face must have mirrored my thoughts because she wacked me with her cane, before muttering about sensors she put on them to wear so she could make sure they were actually healthy.

"Thank All Might," I sigh out loud. I don't know what I would have done knowing that she watched them, it was more than a little cringe worthy.

"Well thanks to you they didn't slip into another coma but now that they know about it they were fidgeting a lot and by the looks they were sharing it seems like they were worried about something. But they wouldn't say what." Recovery Girl informed me and I waited for her to go on.

"I am putting them on bed rest for the next two weeks to try and get their levels steady again. They are stable but the fact remains that it did drop still. Whether they have sex or not is on them, but from what I can see the same effect happens when they are just being sweet and cuddly with each other, with skin on skin contact." She glared at me and I nodded.

In other words the more they touch the better off they are, I could probably let them sit in each other's laps in my class after they get better. Maybe?

Fuck what am I even thinking?