

Midoriya's POV

Our fevers are finally gone and we were just walking out of Nezu's office. Of course it couldn't be over yet. That would have been too good to be true, but now we had the much harder job of living a double life. And we had to do it alone. We couldn't use Dadizawa or our classmate's help or our cover could be blown.

Thankfully the one person who did know who we were has been in isolation this whole time. Our first job is to get rid of him, he is being released today, good thing it's Sunday.

Two and I were already in our disguises, his green skin and eyes reflecting back at me as we stood across the street waiting for him. He walked out and saw us and instead of trying to run he just nodded and walked over to us.

We start walking and he keeps in step with us as he does. I purr trying to let him know to relax but it doesn't seem to help. I cuddle into Two's side and he giggles at the affection. It didn't take long for us to get to the base, we stopped and looked at the boy beside us. He looked so defeated and tears were starting to trail down his face but he didn't hesitate, he squared his shoulders and walked inside, before we followed him.

I secured the door and set the sound proofing and seals so that no one would be able to hear anything inside so that even radios wouldn't even work. I turned around happy with myself and I jumped onto my red headed lover, lightly biting his neck as I do.

The boy just looked around for a moment before seeing our table and walking over and sitting on it, he kind of looks dead inside if I was perfectly honest about it.

I just shrugged and turned to set up the other security procedures while Two watched our 'guest'. When I came back I leaned into Two's arms and smiled

"All done?" He nuzzles me and I purr in agreement. Even with all the security I won't break character, we have too much to lose now.

"Good," he turned to the boy who was openly crying now. "Let's start with your name then?" I smiled wickedly walking over to the boy who flinched at the first sign of movement, but kept walking past him and into the little kitchen area.

"I don't like my name, please just call me Pain. It's all I've really known anyway," he whimpered when I returned holding three bottles of soda, raising an eyebrow at him. "Shin, my name was Shin."

I nod and purr happily, handing a bottle to each Pain and Two before opening my own and taking a drink. Two did the same and I looked at Pain for a couple seconds and he followed suit. I don't think he realizes yet that we don't plan to kill him, at least not yet.

"Pain it is then, but maybe we can find a different name in the future. But that's for another day," Two shrugged and I smiled happily.

I see Pain freeze at the word. It was only one word but it definitely caught his attention, future.

"Future?" He asked, his voice barely audible.

"So tell us about your quirk?" Two ignored Pain's question and I slumped into a chair whining at the lack of attention I was getting.

I see Two smile and pick me up before sitting down leaving me on his lap, his strong arms around me. I purred content with this small act of affection nuzzling at his neck as I did. We listened to his answers and he answered everything we said without hesitation and without lying. It was pretty impressive honestly when we were done with our questions a couple hours later I purred letting Two know that everything checked out.

"Well, looks like you passed our test." Two sighed leaning back in the chair as we looked at the ash blond still sitting on the table in front of us.

"Test?" He whispered, Geeze with how freaked out he is. I'm not really surprised that he hasn't figured it out yet but still. This is ridiculous.

I purr standing up and put a hand on his shoulder, knowing that Two was behind me. "Yes test, we have decided to make you an offer that you really don't want to refuse," Two yawned before draping his arms around my shoulders.

"You are the first to ever answer all of our questions without lying. Either this time or last time. No we don't forget the screams of those we put on our table, we are still only human after all." I purr agreeing with him as Pain stared at us open mouthed.

"You see we don't start asking questions until the person on our table is... Let's say almost delirious from the pain. For someone who claims not to know much more than pain well you have an extremely low pain tolerance," Two started chuckling and I frowned elbowing him in the ribs.

"Right, right sorry," he tried to wave it off while rubbing the tender spot I made. I hummed a low growl and I saw Two's eyes light up and I bite my lower lip.

"Fine," he turned to the boy and held out a hand. "Our offer is this; work for us and we won't kill you. Never lie to us and we won't put you back on the table and help us destroy the evil that has tortured us our entire lives and we will let you go when we are done. We are not saying you won't go to prison just that The Drug Lovers will leave you alone, as well as the heroes Deku and Dynamight will testify on your behalf."

I watch the boy watch us in awe for several minutes before I snap my fingers, getting his attention again and stopping Two from kissing on my neck. As good as it feels, we really needed to focus.

"I'll do it. What do I need to do?" The boy straightened his back relief replacing the fear that was once on his face. I groan at what Two says next.

"You need to die," the boy nearly passed out at the words and I thumped Two on the back of the head letting out a snarl. Two then explained in great detail what he meant and the boy calmed down again. This is going to be a long mission...


Monday morning, Why does the sun have to be so bright? Kacchan and I were already dressed and walking downstairs. Okay he was walking down stairs. I was on his back trying to get a few extra moments of sleep. Why is it so hard to control myself while we are in character? As One I can't help trying to drag Two off nearly every second of the day but as myself I just really want cuddles. Maybe I'm sick again?

"Oi Deku? It's time to eat," I groan trying to bury my face in his neck even more. Why is he laughing? I look up to see Iida and Uraraka staring at me. I just pouted before hiding from the light again. It's too early!

"Mornings are evil," I grumble and hear Kacchan laugh. He eventually pried me off of him and put a piece of toast in front of me and my stomach protested just looking at it. I push it away and lay my head on the table. I feel Kacchan rub my back in a soothing motion helping me to relax. "It's too early to eat," I pouted and turned away when he tried to feed it to me anyway.

"Deku you know we have training tonight with All Might you can't just eat nothing," he groaned. Right 'training' All Might was not expecting us. But if anyone asked he would say that he was, that was the only cover we could get Nezu to agree on. There were just too many loop holes otherwise.

"I'll eat at lunch," I turned away again, hiding from the evil food. I don't want anything, I probably won't at lunch either. Not with what we were going to have to do tonight.

"Fine but I will force feed you at lunch if I have to," Kacchan groans, giving up.

I look up smiling at him, "what exactly are you going to feed me? Something high in protein I hope?" I watched as he instantly turned cherry red and hid his face in his hand.

"A high protein lunch will probably do you good if you plan to train with All Might today," Iida commented in approval nodding and I try not to bust a gut.

"See? Even Iida agrees I can think of a thick piece of meat, very juicy and tender? I might need to suck on it a little too to get all the protein I want." I kept talking and it's very clear to me that Iida is probably the only male student that didn't understand what I was saying. Kaminari and Shinso were so red but grinning like idiots.

"Maybe you should feed me a high protein lunch today, Kami?" Shinso smirked and instead of dying of embarrassment Kami decided to bite his lower lip.

"Well we are both 18," Kami blushed, I couldn't help laughing at the whole scene especially when Sero whispered what we were talking about in Iida's ear.

"No that's not right! Midoriya would never do something so inappropriate at school!" He was practically screeching.

Kacchan snorted, he couldn't take it anymore laughing out right, "Oi there's a lot of things Deku is more than happy to do regardless of where we are."

I pouted, "And now I'm not eating lunch. Bye." I stomped off leaving my lover behind at the table and grabbing my school things before leaving out the door. Kacchan was following me trying to get me to change my mind but I would just ignore him and turn away.

"Deku! You need to eat real food," He was following me into the classroom and Dadizawa was just sitting there going through a stack of papers at his desk.

"I will eat what I want to eat when I want to eat it." I growled, glaring at him. Our classmates followed in and I can't help thinking about how pale Kirishima was at the moment.

"Are you okay Kiri? You don't look so good," I ask him, ignoring Kacchan for a moment.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I just had a video call from my parents this morning. It didn't go so well,"

"Arn't they the ones that think you being gay is a phase?" I try thinking back to when he first started dating Tetsutetsu or was that Kaminari?

"Yeah, they said that they could forgive one boy toy but two? I just don't understand them at all. What makes them think Shoto is a boy toy?" He let out a sigh and I saw Todoroki flinch. It probably only just happened so this was the first time he heard about it. Plus Kirishima didn't really seem to notice that he said it in a silent classroom so everyone could hear it.

"Ignore them, you two will make the world a better place regardless of what they think about it. Besides you have all of us, right?" I try to reassure him.

"Damn right he has us. I'll blow up anyone who tries to hurt them," Kacchan shouted and everyone else joined in, I think I'm the only one who noticed him saying them instead of him.

"Maybe I will eat lunch today after all," I whisper just so Kacchan would turn around and give me that sexy smile of his. I started biting my lip at the image of my lover looking at me like he just won a huge victory.

Nope this isn't going to work, I stand up and grab him by the collar dragging him out of class ignoring his yelp of surprise, "We'll be back later." I called back to the stunned class, shutting the door behind us.

"Anyone want to tell me what just happened?" I heard Dadizawa groan while I walked away carrying my lover, bridal style, still ignoring his protest as he tried to get away.

"I don't think any of us want to know," I heard Iida's voice faintly before seeing an empty classroom and going inside, sealing the room in the process. I am a lot hungrier than I thought I was...