

Aizawa's POV

I was in the elevator when I heard them, the doors only just starting to open, "And don't you fucking dare fuck or I will explode both of you fuckers!" Bakugo was practically screaming. Just then the elevator opened all the way showing Bakugo and Midoriya going back into Bakugo's room and about to slam the door while Kirishima and Todoroki stood in the hallway topless. I groan covering my face with a hand, just why?

"Don't give me that look!" I hear Bakugo yelling at me. "We just did your job for you," he slammed the door shut and I heard him lock it before I turned to the two very red teenage boys still in front of me.

"Do I want to know why you're not wearing shirts?" I asked and they both looked down and started trying to cover themselves when they realized that yeah, no shirt.

"It's not what you think Dadizawa! I swear, they were showing us how to do that massage thing and just one thing led to another and I mean we didn't even kiss. We're innocent still," Kirishima started blabbering and I figured out what Bakugo meant by doing my job for me.

"So you got the sex talk from Bakugo and Midoriya?" I asked and I saw Kirishima turn away and Todoroki slowly nodded. Damn that's a punishment all on it's own. "I might not regret not expelling them after all," I mumble mostly to myself but the two in front of me heard me loud and clear, gulping at the thought I might regret letting, at least some of them, stay in my class.

"Go to your rooms I believe it is curfew anyway, you can get your clothes back from them tomorrow assuming you still want them by then," I rolled my eyes and saw them both still very red. "No I don't want to know," I wave them off and turn around and take the elevator back down ignoring the way the two were looking at each other.

The doors were not even closed yet when I heard Todoroki ask, "So do you want to go to a movie sometime?" I bury my face in my hand. Of course, that would be why they got the sex talk. I got to the common room and sat on the couch again and the students froze whatever they were doing waiting for me to say something.

"Momo?" I groan and she pops up out of nowhere and I just go with it anymore. "Please make a list of who is dating who either in class or if it is someone out of class. I'm tired of being blind sided."

"Of course Dadizawa," she pulls out a notebook and starts writing names down occasionally I see her point at someone who reluctantly points at someone else before she finally finishes and hands me the list;

Bakugo x Midoriya - gay

Momo x Jiro - lesbian

Kaminari x Shinso - gay

Uraraka x Iida - straight

Ashido x Sero - straight

Tokoyami x Asui - straight

Ojiro x Hagakure - straight

Shoji - ace

Koda - ace

Aoyama - ace

Sato - straight single

Kirishima - gay single

Todoroki - bi single

Well considering I just overheard Todoroki ask out Kirishima it only goes to reason that they wouldn't know about that yet. Besides it's not like I heard Kirishima's answer before the elevator closed so I really don't know. I took a deep breath trying to relax, this was more than what I was expecting.

I mean I knew about several of them coming out all at once that night but I didn't really do a tally and it's been a couple months so... I literally have nine students that are straight and only one of them is single. Then I have three that are ace?

I look at the list for a minute and look up to see several red faced students looking down or away. "Let me make myself very clear there will be no, I repeat NO underage sexual activity on campus. Do I make myself clear?" I see them nodding, staying silent as they do. "Good, then in that case congratulations on your happiness," I raised an eyebrow when they all snapped their heads up, their jaws open in surprise before I got tackled again by my students. "You don't have to tackle me to hug me, you know?" I let out a groan when one of them knocked the air out of me.

"We all love you Dadizawa, you are the best sensei in the world and the best father most of us could ever have," I see Kaminari starting to cry. I wonder if his tears make his quirk harder on him? Wait, now I'm starting to sound like Midoriya, at least I'm not muttering yet.

I sigh giving in, "And I care for you all as well, but understand that I will be upping your training because you made me say it." Instead of hearing groans I heard cheers. For better or worse they are my students, which reminds me.

"So there is a chance that a couple children will be stopping by the classroom every now and again and when they do I expect you all to be on your very best behavior." I hear a chorus of agreement before I send them all to bed and leave the dorms heading home.

I walk in the door and find Hizashi in the kitchen just finished cooking dinner. "How do you do that?" I ask and he just shrugs. We are sitting down eating when I bring up the kids again, "So we should hear back from the adoption agency tomorrow." I start to fidget in my seat not sure where I should go with this.

"Shota, if you're not ready we can wait. I'll be fine really," he put a hand on mine and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"It's not that, it's just. How are we supposed to know if we are doing it right? How do I know I can even be a good dad?" I lean back in my seat feeling defeated. We haven't even heard back yet but somehow I just know they will say no. It's like the world doesn't want me to be happy. To let the kids that I know be happy.

"Shota, you know your student's parents?" Hizashi asked me and I nodded. His face morphed into a scary mask that I have only seen him use once before when a villain had me pinned down and I nearly died. "Don't be like them, unless it's Inko Midoriya she seems like a sweet woman if a bit too trusting, well she was. Now I hear she only trusts UA staff and the kids in your class." He mumbled that last part but I couldn't help taking a deep breath.

As different as all of my students are, their parents are even more diverse yet, only Mrs. Midoriya seemed to actually care about her son. Everyone else seemed to put too much on their small shoulders, sure they are growing up but they are still kids. I only have a few who are over 18 now, including Midoriya.

I don't think a bad parent is limited to my students parents but I smile anyway and lean on his shoulder hugging my husband from behind as I do. "I just want them all to be happy."

"And that's why you will be a great father," he tapped me on the nose with a bit of sweet curry sauce. "Let's eat."


Saturday morning, I hate mornings. But I need to talk to Mrs. Midoriya. I need to ask her about her ex-husband and what kind of role he plays in my student's life. I walk up the steps of her house and knock on the door. When she answers the door she is so full of smiles you would have thought I was her hero.

"Mrs. Midoriya?" I ask when she just stands there.

"Right, right, sorry come in!" She practically drags me inside and starts making me a cup of coffee and a glass of tea for herself. I really have spent far too much time with her since the incident. She knows exactly how I like my coffee and was only too happy to make it. Hell, when did I get so comfortable that I would just follow her into the kitchen and start nibbling on one of the biscuits she keeps there?

"So tell me, how is my baby doing? I know I still can't see him yet and that's okay. Just knowing he is alive is enough for now." She looked up at me expectantly sitting across from me at the little dining room table.

"Well they are still a handful that is for sure," my chuckles only helped her smile more, her eyes brighter than before the incident even happened. I told her about the little things they do that will just throw me completely off.

"They slept in one of your classes?" She laughed as I was telling her about that first week.

"I know right?" I waved my hands in the air exasperated. "The problem wasn't even one we had covered in class yet. I didn't think they would be THAT bold after they came back but I guess they were still recovering from the hospital still, so yeah." I told her about them getting sick but not too worried the class took care of them as much as they could without the two of them killing them.

"I used to wonder why my baby would get so angry and mean when he got sick. It was like he was a different person," she let out a sigh. "But I guess I know now."

"Mrs. Midoriya. I'm sure you know that I didn't just come here to hang out?" I asked her and I saw her nod.

"It was only a matter of time before you figured it out. After I thought my baby died, I just wasn't as careful as before and you were here so much," she looked up at me and I swear there was fire in her eyes. "But I will not let it hurt my baby. He is my everything. Do you understand?"

I hold her gaze and after a minute I smile, "My husband and I decided to try and adopt. I hope I'm half the father that you are a mother," I take another sip of my coffee and see her relax back in front of me.

"I don't know how good of a mother I can be, considering I never knew what kind of man my ex husband was or the kind of people the Bakugo's were." I watch her hate on herself and I reach out a hand putting it on top of her's.

"I was investigating them all the way until the raid that brought them into custody and I never found anything until they were there and only after the boys handed me the flash drive with the evidence." I shake my head at the craziness of it. "I still don't understand how it could have happened at all."

I looked up to see her taking slow deep breaths and her seemingly endless tears soon stopped, I never even noticed her start. Being around this woman, well she is almost exactly like young Midoriya. It's easy to see the family resemblance but what did he get from his father?

"Is his father the villain All-For-One?" I asked her straight out and instead of looking at me shocked she just smiled a little sadly looking into her tea.

"I didn't know that when I married him of course and he was so nice, so charming. Izuku got that from him, always looking out for me, afraid that I wouldn't take care of myself if he wasn't around," even with her looking into her tea she looked so sad as she recalled what I'm sure were supposed to be happy memories.

"It wasn't until the doctors told us Izuku was quirkless that I found out he wasn't a business man that traveled to America frequently. He was so angry saying that they didn't know what the hell they were talking about. Izuku had two perfect quirks that could reshape the world. Or so he said." Her tears trickled down slowly as she spoke but she never stopped talking, this must be the first time she has said anything about it since then. She was hurting but she seemed relieved that she didn't have to bear it alone anymore.

"I begged him to stop. To think about how our poor Izuku had to feel considering how much he so badly wanted to be a hero." She sniffled and I raised an eyebrow. He wanted to be a hero since then? I mean I guess all kids do but still.

"That's when he laughed and told me that no son of his could ever consider being a hero. Even quirkless he would always be a villain, simply for being alive. I couldn't understand, so I asked him what he meant and that's when he told me who he really was. I filed for divorce and he signed the papers as if it were nothing but when he tried to take my baby from me..." She stopped talking but small items from all around the kitchen were being lifted into the air as if by nothing.

I watched as the woman in front of me tried to calm herself down. "There was an accident so he left without pushing it any further. I was told that most of his face was disfigured but I never saw it," she blew out a small but slow puff of air.

"Does he know? Does Izuku Midoriya know who his father is?" I waited for her to answer, holding my breath.
