

Midoriya's POV

I wake up to Kacchan shaking in his sleep and I already know he caught a cold. If he over uses his quirk it happens and the cold really doesn't help, it just makes him sweat more making it worse. I stand up and slowly and quietly put him on my back so I can go to the kitchen. Thankfully Kiri was there and I motioned at the blanket and he grabbed it following me. I put him in a chair and tuck the blanket around him, charging my fingers and rubbing his neck, letting him know I'm still here.

I go about making a huge amount of French toast and put the honey in front of the still sleeping Kacchan. Everytime I walked by I would charge my quirk and let it flow through his body. He needed to sleep, he needed restful sleep and vitamins and medicine which I then got for him.

I started kissing on his neck only for him to try and push me away. A sure sign he was sick. "Kacchan I made breakfast," I tried to coax him and he slowly opened his eyes, glaring at me.

"French toast, medicine and orange juice," I announced, handing him the handful of pills just for him to grab them and swallow them quickly.  He is a grouchy sick boy, and yet he is still so needy.

He just tried to bury himself under the cover and I just cut up the food, once I was done I pulled the blankets down from his head only for him to glare at me. "You need to eat something or the medicine will just upset your stomach and make you feel worse."

"I don't need them and I don't need any of your goddamn attention, all I need is to sleep!" He grumbled before trying to turn away but when he opened his mouth to yell some more I shoved the honey coated toast into his mouth and I heard his moan of satisfaction. I take deep breaths reminding myself he is sick and everytime he opens his mouth to yell I just shove more food or his juice into it. When his plate was empty and his stomach was full he was really too tired to bother yelling.

I cleaned his face while he sat there dozing in and out grumbling to himself. I quickly clean the dishes and pick him up again, this time carrying him to my room. Everyone, our classmates and teachers, just watched in shock at the whole scene. Finally someone decided to ask.

"Why is Bakugo being so mean to you today? What's going on?" It was Kaminari and he looked not only confused but worried. Since we came back Kacchan has only been loving and sweet to me.

"He has a cold, he gets like this when he's sick. He tells me I'm worse but you have to remember that we didn't really have anyone to take care of us. And if we showed any sign of weakness it was just a reason to beat us more." I finally sighed out. "So being mean and nasty is the only way to protect ourselves." I shrugged, adjusting Kacchan on my back before walking passed him. It's going to be a long day.

That explosion this morning must have been the icing on the cake, and staying up so late last night certainly didn't help. I laid Kacchan down in my bed and he immediately cuddled under the thick heavy blankets. I grab a glass of water and some more medicine and put them on the bedside table.

As much as I wanted to cuddle and love on him I know that he didn't. He wants to be left alone and needs the quiet. And I am horny, fuck. I set his alarm so that he will wake up when it's time to take more medicine and eat lunch and head downstairs to the kitchen. The chili was for dinner but he was going to need something light for lunch, maybe just broth? But what if he's actually hungry? Tomato soup is the answer! Sure it's a bit acidic but he isn't throwing up so he should be able to keep it down.

I'm mumbling to myself about what all I would need. A grilled cheese sandwich to go with it wouldn't hurt either and then it will help fill him up pretty good. Maybe if I'm lucky we might have some condoms somewhere and when he starts being nice again tonight I can... "No, don't think about that now!" I scold myself not even noticing my classmates jump at my outburst.

I started pulling out tomatoes because let's be honest, the store bought is just not going to cut it. I know I'm still mumbling to myself about how much of this or that I need and in what order. Occasionally my thoughts turn to his lightly sweat covered body flushed laying on my bed probably with the covers kicked off and his erection pushing at his boxers.

I slammed my head on the counter next to the cutting board. "No, can't think of that. Anything but that," I grumble rubbing at my forehead before setting the pot on the stove top and adding everything before turning back to the cutting board and after cleaning it off pull out two ghost peppers and cut them in half before scooping out the seeds. As sick as he is he doesn't need the seeds right now but I can toast them for a nice snack for when he gets better. The Carolina Reapers would be far too spicy for while we were sick but ghost peppers on the other hand...

I add the pepper to the soup and put the seeds on a cooking sheet in the oven before turning around and cleaning everything carefully. Using my telekinesis like my mom does to keep the soup stirring.

I've been ignoring my classmates and teachers' sharp stares this whole time but I can only deal with so much. "Can I help you with something?" I finally asked them and saw a couple of them run off. They were the smart ones.

"That's a lot of soup for one person," Uraraka tried to laugh but she ended up coughing awkwardly instead.

"It's for two people, when one of us gets sick the other tends to catch it soon after. My tomato soup is way better than his." I put away the last of the now clean dishes before getting out a frying pan, bread, butter, and cheese. Nothing like grilled cheese when we aren't feeling well.

I make four sandwiches, put them on plates and fill two bowls of soup, before covering the remaining food and using my quirk to carry everything. Telekinesis is really handy. I can carry our drinks and soup that way and just carry the plate in my hands. I turn to go up the stairs just to see everyone in the way of the kitchen stairs.

My irritation level is skyrocketing and before I could do more than take a deep breath I sneezed. Then again and again, "damn it here we go." I sniffle and instead of dealing with my classmates I just lift them up, also with my telekinesis and move them aside before sneezing again.

I make my way quickly up the stairs and to my room where I find Kacchan sitting up and looking at me nasty for just walking in. I ignore it and set the food down and get us both medicine. I hand him his and we take them. This time I didn't have to force feed him because he could smell the peppers in it. Nothing makes us eat like hot peppers.

We quickly eat and I put the dishes to the side before sneezing again. I hate being sick. I curl up under the covers and glare at Kacchan who decided now he wants to cuddle. "Fuck you," I grumble and I can hear Kacchan chuckling nearby.

"Caught it already, nerd?" he asked, sniffing and clearing his throat.

"Fuck. You." I growled. Only to yelp when he rolled me over to face him.

"Well since you asked so nicely," his laugh was dry and a bit wheezy and I glared at him. He started tugging on my shirt and when I lifted my arms he pulled it over my head. He threw it across the room and did the same to himself before pulling me into his arms. Did I lock the door? I don't even remember and I really don't care at the moment.

I laid my head against this chest, fuck I can't even kiss on him or anything. What happens if I throw up? No I just can't. I wrap my arms around him ignoring my reflex to check the lock on the door.

We laid there coughing and sneezing for what was probably hours but we must have been dozing in and out because the next thing I know Dadizawa is grabbing our dirty dishes and is he picking up the shirts we took off before bed. I kicked the blanket off getting too hot still in my pants from yesterday.

"Urg!" I groaned, stripping my pants off and pushing Kacchan off of me. That's when I noticed he already stripped his pants and kicked off his side of the covers. The blankets were now bunched up between us but somehow that seemed to help, in some kind of odd way. I roll over, closing my eyes again and sleep dragged me under.


I wake up to my alarm going off from my desk. Time for us to take our medicine, I'm still in better shape than Kacchan so I grab our meds and water and when Kacchan tries to ignore me, I'm too grumpy to deal with his shit. I used the covers to dump him on the floor, that got him up. I shoved the medicine in his hands along with a glass of water.

When we are done I set a new alarm this time for both medicine and dinner. I know I won't be hungry but I also know that I will still be able to eat the soup. We passed out sprawled out on the bed and the covers bunched up under us.

I wake up shivering, sneezing and coughing. Urg, how can I be too hot one moment and too cold the next? I sat up enough searching for the blanket to find it awkwardly under me and Kacchan. I pull it out and try to cover myself in it only to find Kacchan hogging it.

"I swear I will dump you off the bed if you don't fucking share. I'm already tired of your fucking shit," I try to growl at him but my voice was croaking, too sore from coughing and sneezing all day.

Kacchan turned over and helped cover me and pulled me into his arms. "Fucking tease," I tried to push him away but nothing happened. He is either getting stronger or I'm getting weaker faster, either way wasn't good for us.

"Go to hell," I coughed and he pulled me into his chest and I couldn't help sighing in relief, before we fell asleep again, this time our covers stacked up on us.

"Sometimes I really wish I didn't know and others I feel like I need to know more," I heard a tired man's voice groan. I look up and over Kacchan's already sleeping body.

"If you wake him up I won't leave enough of you to identify," I hissed at Eraserhead who only raised an eyebrow at me before I cuddled back into Kacchan's chest again.



I groan, reaching over my blond lover's body to turn off the alarm on my phone. Why? Just why couldn't we just sleep? I turn over and bury my face in Kacchan's neck only to hear his raspy laugh fill my ears.

"I guess that means it's my turn to take care of us," I hear him croak and I just latch onto him, my face at his neck, his hair helping to block out the excess light.

I'm shivering in the cold, Kacchan's warm body was the perfect compliment to my hot one. I won't let go.

"Come on Love, I'll be right back. I'm just getting our food and meds," he tried to pry me off of him while he talked, only succeeding when he reminded me of the tomato soup.

"Just soup," I answer before turning over and dozing off again. It seemed to only be a minute before I felt him shaking me awake again, this time with hot soup in hand, the smell of the ghost peppers was heavenly, pulling at even my sleep-addled brain. I take the bowl, finishing it quickly only to feel Kacchan's hot body pressed against mine.

"I hate you," I grumble before nuzzling into his neck and whispering, "I love you." I hear him chuckle before wrapping his arms around me and hear him tell me he loved me too. Time stopped meaning anything to me as I woke up to eat or take medicine multiple times and Kacchan took a turn for the worse. That happens sometimes, we are both so sick that neither of us could really take care of the other.

We usually just stop the alarms because at that point they are pretty useless anyway, we need sleep. I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder, not caring that Kacchan was still in my arms.

"Sleep," I grumbled, swatting them away and Kacchan's now cold body soothing my overheated one.

"Come on time to take your medicine," I hear a familiar voice sigh. I blink a few times trying to see through my still hazy eyes. Todoroki was sitting on the edge of our bed and I could smell the spicy scent of ghost peppers on him. How?

"What are you doing here?" I groaned, my mind and body at war with each other on whether to just ignore him and sleep or eat the food I can smell that he brought, the peppers calling for me.

"I brought medicine and more soup. I didn't see either of you come down during breakfast so I thought you must have forgotten to set your alarms." He held out the medicine and Kacchan and I took them without complaint and he helped us sit up and made sure we ate our food.

"We must be almost out by now, I can't make anymore like this though." I sighed already missing the spicy tingle on my tongue that helped so much.

"I can make some more if you like? I watched you make it so I should be able to copy it." He asked and I nodded too sleepy to argue, worse case it just won't be as good but we should be able to eat it. I felt Todoroki's ice cold hand against my head and I grabbed him, refusing to let him go. I pull his chilly side closer sighing in relief at the sweet cool sensation against my blazin hot body.

I hear Kacchan moan in relief, probably Todoroki's fireside pressing against him. I cuddle into the cool skin only to feel Kacchan do the same, our foreheads touching across Todoroki's chest.


This time waking up I was somehow on the opposite side, my body now freezing pressed against Todoroki's hot side, Kacchan across from me. I looked up to see Todoroki scrolling on his phone when he seemed to notice that I was awake.

He smiled and asked if I was feeling better and if it wasn't for me being so sick and pale I probably would have turned bright red at the fact I was cuddled up against him, but at the same time I couldn't bring myself to pull away. He nodded as if telling me it was okay, like he could somehow read my thoughts and I relaxed

"How long have we been out?" I asked, my voice still cracking like I had spent hours screaming not sleeping.

"It's Wednesday, and you two trapped me here on Monday. Don't worry, I have been able to get up when I needed to and I've been able to get you to take your medicine and eat properly but neither of you seemed to really notice." He answered still calmly and relaxed as if everything he just said was completely normal and expected.

"Sorry to trouble you so much, we could have just dealt with it. You didn't need to trouble yourself so much," I tried to apologise only for him to shake his head no.

"Really it's okay, it's been nice that someone wanted me around for such a nice reason. Hot on one side cold on the other," he smiled as if he was making some kind of joke but I couldn't piece it together.

I could feel myself getting sleepy again and he just told me to relax. He would take care of us. This is kind of nice actually...