
Under their control (+18)

Three powerful men who like control, a woman who likes to defy and test their limits and a powerful relationship in search of what is true love, a search that will leave all of them broken to pieces.

Story_maker0412 · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

chapter 3

⚠️This chapter contains mature and sexual scenes further below, read with discretion.

Chapter 3: Riley

Saturday, March 3rd, 2023. 1 P.M

Everything felt so heavy, the moment I opened my eyes the headache came rushing in my body, making me whimper quietly. I pushed myself to sit up slowly, looking around and realizing I was in my room. I couldn't remember having gone there but I figured that maybe I must have regained consciousness and managed to crawl in my bed.

I looked at the time and reached for my phone, seeing the multiple missed calls from Matt, and then seeing the messages.

Matt: Hey sexy, Boss told me you have to be here at 5.

Matt: Riley? I guess you are busy but please confirm that you will come, I can't reach you.

Matt: Riley I'm getting worried.

I couldn't read the next message because my screen lit up with his number, making me chuckle and answer while I pushed myself out of bed. My joints felt on fire and even though I knew I had to go to work because I needed the money, I wished I would have an excuse not to have to go.

"Riley!" he practically yelled in my ear, making me move my phone a bit away while he proceeded to scold me for not answering, not even giving me time to reply or explain until five minutes later when he was done acting like a mother hen.

"Matt, I went running and I passed out. I...I have to tell you something, Are you close to work?" I asked. Normally he would have acted like it wasn't a big deal, but my tone of voice he could tell something was really up. "Of course, do you want to meet early and we can chat? Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yea, really. Don't worry, I'll see you in ten minutes" I said and after that we hung up. I rushed up, forgetting about lunch and simply tossing on my uniform, tying my hair on a braid and then rushing off to work.

Matt was waiting by the front door and when he saw me he smiled and rushed to pull me in for a hug. "I'm glad you are okay, let's go inside" He said. We went to the back where we took our breaks, a small lounge area with tiny couches to sit down. I explained to him what I witnessed, and he stared at me like I was merely explaining a dream.

"Are you sure you saw that?" he asked. I nodded my head at him, and all he could tell me was to call the cops. So I did.

It was a bit after half past three when two officers appeared, and after being let in by our bouncers they approached me. The woman, with red curled hair and a tanned skin, held her badge out. "Miss Ochoa, We received your call, do you mind if we talk in private?" She asked, and Matt took that as his cue to leave. Kissing my cheek and giving my knee a reassuring squeeze he left to get to work even if it wasn't even his hour yet.

I nodded and stood but was told to be comfortable so I sat down again. "Can you tell us again what happened?" The man, Officer Swanson, said. I nodded my head and cleared my throat. "Uhm, I went for a run this morning and I witnessed a murder" I said quite bluntly, the woman writing it down but pausing to look at me unsure. "three men, they killed someone in the park" I insisted. "We have officers down there already and they haven't found anything, it's quite a big area so maybe it would be good if you could point us out the exact place" The woman said, and I agreed because quite frankly I was really trying to believe I hadn't witnessed that.

I told Matt I'd be back and to cover for me if I didn't make it for the start of my shift, and then walked with the officers to the exact place where everything had happened. However there was no trace, no blood, no body. Not even spilled in the nearby ground, and it also didn't look like anything had been dragged or like a murder had taken place.

I turned to look at the officers, only to catch their sympathetic looks. "Have you been sleeping enough? Eating enough? Do you take meds?" The man asked. I hesitated because no, I haven't been eating enough, and sleep was restless most of the times, and I had completely forgotten to take my anxiety meds that morning. "Sometimes it can cause hallucinations if you don't take care of yourself, We'd suggest you take it easy" The woman said.

"I swear I saw it, I'm not crazy." I insisted, I said. They exchanged a look but then I sighed, maybe I had dreamed of it. The woman handed me her personal card with her phone number. "We aren't saying you are crazy, but give us a call if you need any help, our forensics will be around the scene in case the... people come back" She said. And I nodded because quite frankly there wasn't much else I could do.

After they left I decided that I would use my shift to try forget about it, though my mood was completely ruined. Now I wasn't even sure if the man of the green eyes that had been here was the same I had seen in the scene, and all together made me feel like maybe I had just hallucinated it after that short interaction.

The night came in rather quickly, Matt and me barely having time to exchange words from how swarmed we suddenly were with clients, the most we had seen in months. We did exchange a couple surprised looks whenever new people would come in, but breaks were out of the question.

It was once again nearing 11 pm when I saw him. The same man with those green eyes and that tossled hair in a ponytail. It made me freeze for a moment but considering he wasn't approaching I didn't worry. Though that changed when he approached the bar where I was and sat down, his eyes fixated on me like he knew me. And it made me nervous.

"Welcome sir, what can I get you?" I asked, smiling a bit fakely to try mask my nerves. His voice, as smooth as usual, made me bit my bottom lip briefly, and I saw something flash in his eyes. I went to get him his drink, same as the previous night, and I still could feel his eyes on me when I moved to get someone else's order. The next time my eyes moved to him though, he was accompanied by two other men. Who were also looking at me. Those blue eyes and those brown eyes were following my every movement. I could hear them talk but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

With the excuse that I had to wash glasses I moved over, managing to hear the tallest one calling for someone: Taylor. The man in question had been looking around the bar but his eyes landed on me and we made eye contact again.

Fuck, those eyes were doing something to me that I simply couldn't describe.

They exerted dominance and it made me clench my thighs together.

I needed air.

I told Matt I would be back and I went to the back entrance, grabbing my cigarrette and my lighter and trying not to shiver under the cold. It wasn't until I felt another person that I frowned and turned around, fully expecting Matt and going to scold him for leaving the bar unattended, but my words got caught in my throat. Those blue eyes.

⚠️ Sexual scene below, read with discretion or skip until you see the next emoji!

"Oh, sorry, you aren't supposed to be here" I said with a frown, trying to calm my nerves. However my courage started deflating as he stepped closer to me, the height difference making me have to lift my face once he was close enough that our fronts were almost touching. I shuddered a bit under his gaze, but he didn't speak inmediately. As if giving me time to push him away or put distance between us.

I didn't.

I should have, it was the right choice, I didn't even know the man. Didn't know what he was capable of, but when his hand moved to brush some of my hair behind my ear, all I could do was hold my breath. Even when he leaned close enough that our noses were touching, I still didn't pull away. He didn't kiss me, and it left a very...unsatisfied feeling in my stomach.

Despite that, his hand slid down to the dress, his fingertips cold against my burning skin. "You talked to the police didn't you?" he mused against my ear, sounding entertained, wether it was because I had indeed talked to the cops or because of how desperate I was to the touch, I didn't care.

I hadn't had sex in months, my last ex moved out of New York and left to the north of Spain, and after trying to make it work, I realized a long distance wasn't what I wanted nor needed. I wasn't one to sleep around either but this..god. This felt different. As his fingers dipped just under my dress I sucked in a sharp breath, and he chuckled in my ear, and within a moment I could feel his fingertips brushing against my underwear, and I could feel how wet I was, and by his groan I could tell he could feel it too.

"Part your legs, princess" he growled, and I obeyed, not because I was terrfied, which I should have once I realized I hadn't been halucinating and this man really had been there, but because his smell, his voice and his touch were so intoxicating I wanted to drown in them. He hummed in what I could only decypher as approval. In a swift motion he had pushed my red lingerie aside, and with a swift motion he dipped his index and middle finger in my sex, making me gasp but shushing me quietly. "Be quiet if you want to cum" he said.

And I swear that just made me wetter.

I was really struggling to keep quiet as he started curling and moving his fingers, and I whimpered with my bottom lip in between my teeth when he started moving faster. My hands had moved to grab onto his biceps, and I could tell he most likely worked out because holy shit.

I hadn't orgasmed in days and I was already feeling the knot in my stomach starting to tighten, informing me that I was close. He seemed to notice, his movements only quickening, but as I was about to tell him I was about to cum his fingers disappeared, and it took me and embarrassingly long moment to realize it was because Matt had walked out. My dress had been fixed and the man had taken steps back even before Matt could see him, hiding in the shadows and leaving me a panting, red faced mess. And a dripping wet at that.

⚠️End of the sexual scene ;)

"Ri? What's wrong? I need you inside" he said. I nodded my head, my gaze glancing at the man, who walked behind Matt back inside, not without licking his fingers. The ones that had just been inside of me.

As we went back inside, my eyes tried to look for the three men, or at least for one, but they were nowhere to be seen anymore. So with a heavy sigh I knew I'd have to go home turned on and frustrated.

Cade Deleon

Holy fuck.

I didn't understand what Taylor had been talking about when he had said that she had to be ours, but after what she just pulled in that mediocre bar, I knew he was right. As soon as I came out i had told them we had to go, and it wasn't until we had gotten inside the car, with Taylor driving and Xavier on the back, that I explained what just happened.

Of course they didn't have a hard time believing it considering the smell of sex in my hand and the fact I had a raging hard on that was poking against the front of my pants. But they were still amused, more for the fact that she had allowed it to happen than by the fact I had been so bold. Boldness was what I was known for so obviously it wasn't that strange, they knew I would have fucked her right there and then if it had been up to me.

"We really need to find the way to make her ours" Xavier said, and so far we could not agree more. We just needed to find the way, and something told me we all had the same idea, because ten minutes later we were back at her apartment. Door unlocked and all. A perfect invitation.