
Under The Violet Sky

At 15, Violet Brayham was acquitted of arson, but that didn't stop people from believing she was guilty. It only took a day for the life she'd built to come crumbling down, and she lost everything she had. Now, two years later, Violet is making her long-awaited comeback to school, hoping to finally improve her reputation. But of course, that wouldn't come easy. With the annoying -but admittedly pretty hot- student representative, Ian Park, babysitting her through her new school days, she already has too much on her plate. Add to that her insanely bad luck, inexplicable supernatural experiences, your typical scheming bad guy, and suddenly Violet's life is somehow a lot more complex than before. She begins to realize that what happened two years ago goes a lot deeper than just arson, and she intends to catch the one behind it. ** Warning: Contains mature language, aka a whole lot of swear words lol. ** Genres Romance Teen Fantasy Mystery Humour

Maisie_T · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Emerald Green

If I were to be described in one word, most people would probably label me a 'delinquent' . I could think of quite a few others who'd use gentler words like 'insane', 'psychotic' or 'bat-fucking-shit crazy', but I could tell you now that they're all wrong.

So very wrong.

Because if I had to describe myself in one word right now, it would most definitely be 'idiot'. As I stood before the school that kicked me out two years ago, I felt like a complete fucking idiot.

"I don't think I'm ready for this," Scarlet spoke from beside me, her arms crossed in an attempt to shield herself from the wreck of a day that was to come.

I eyed her fingers as they tapped away. Her black boots nearly concealed her shaking feet. Just nearly. "You don't say."

"You won't mess this up, right?" She wasn't looking at me, but straight ahead.

"I might," I replied, shrugging. She turned to give me a dry look, as if to say it wasn't funny. I smiled innocently, "don't worry, sis. I've got this."

To be completely honest, Scar had worked too hard for me to just blow it all up. Making this work wasn't only about me anymore, it was for her sake too.

She wasn't exactly satisfied with my answer, but she headed for the school gates nonetheless, briefly glancing back at me. "You coming, then?"

It was the peculiar mix of disinfectant, sweat and flowery perfume that first hit me as I entered the building. On any normal day, I would've gagged and run the other way as fast as my feet could take me. Today, however, a wave of nostalgia washed over me, and I looked around at the few lingering freshmen, feeling like my spirits had been lifted. This was what I'd wanted these past two years, and actually being here made it all the more real.

I felt almost guilty about being this excited when Scarlet was here about to shit her pants, but I really couldn't help it. This surreal feeling, I hadn't felt anything like it in so long that I was grasping at any emotion. I was underwater so long that I'd almost forgotten what breaking through the surface felt like.

It was a minute to quarter past 7 when we finally reached the Principal's office. Scarlet had her hand resting on the door handle as she slowly breathed in and out. "We can do this," she said, mostly to herself. I scrambled my brain to find words to reassure her that it would indeed, be fine, but I came up short.

In my haste to comfort her however, I didn't notice her ice blue eyes on me until she spoke. "Listen, you don't have to say anything, okay? Just nod. I'll do the talking."

"Just nod," I repeated, nodding for effect, "got it."

"And please don't flip her off," she was begging, her voice strained as she recalled my last visit to the office. It may have played a huge role in me being expelled, among other equally significant things.

"I was really emotional that day, okay? Fi-"

"First day of my period," she finished for me, mockingly replicating what she thought I sounded like. We had very similar voices and yet, her rendition still sounded nothing like me.

"I'm not on my period today." It was not the best form of reassurance, I'll admit, but it was the best I could do for the moment.

As expected, Scar didn't look any less concerned than she was a minute ago. Nonetheless, she heaved a sigh and put her weight on the door handle, pushing her way into the pristine white office. I followed close after, cursing my eyes when they first landed on Mrs. Gayle Harrington, the woman who single-handedly ruined my life. She was sitting back in her black reclining chair made of faux leather, her red lipstick clad lips pursed as she listened attentively to the man sat opposite her. I couldn't see his face, but his balding head told me he was at least 40, probably one of the teaching staff.

What confused me however, was the boy that stood idly beside the principal's desk, just listening to their conversation. The boy's eyes were glued to the floor, dark hair fell over his forehead, acting as makeshift bangs. He wasn't bad looking in the slightest, tall with a bit of a tan and just about the right amount of muscle.

I don't want to say I was checking a guy out at the most important moment of probably my entire life, but I was totally checking him out.

What brought my focus back to our situation was Scarlet stopping right at the doorway, hesitating to enter, seeing as the principal already had guests. That's when Gayle caught notice of us, and she turned up her chin, looking over her nose through her square glasses, squinting those beady eyes at us. Then almost in an exaggerated show, she pulled her glasses down her nose, looking at me without the lens obstructing her view. Clearly they didn't help with the identification whatsoever. "Oh, if it isn't Miss Violet Brayham?"

I kept from disclosing that she had indeed asked me to come see her at exactly this time, and instead, only nodded in greeting. I could FEEL Scarlet's urge to facepalm at my awkward response.

Call it twin telepathy or whatever.

"Ma'am, we're here to collect Violet's schedule," Scarlet brought our attention to the point, easing the focus from me on to her.

"Yes, of course," Gayle smiled in plastic, the skin around her eyes crinkling too much for the amount she was smiling. "But before that, there's something I'd like to be clear about. Miss Brayham, if I may?" She turned to me, a mocking note in her tone.

I nodded again.

She seemed pleased enough to go on. "Your sister has made it clear to me that you've repented and changed your behaviour over the past two years, but I couldn't be sure of that myself. So our school counsellor, Mr. Fred has agreed to sit with you twice a week just as a precautionary measure, to make sure mistakes aren't repeated."

My jaw ticked at how she was clearly looking down at me as some sort of animal to be tamed, but I bit down any words I wanted to say. Or rather, insults I would've loved to throw had my future and Scar's hard work not been at stake here.

She only continued from there, "in addition to that, I've also decided to assign you a student representative. Someone to watch over your grades and your conduct in class. Mr. Park here will be responsible for you, so nothing goes by unnoticed."

I took another closer look at the boy, I freely could now that I had reason to. His dark eyes were fixed on me, his face void of any emotion. He wasn't too dapper with his simple grey shirt and black jeans, but somehow it fit the hot nerd aesthetic he had going. Really, he wasn't bad looking at all. Would I really mind having him around me?

"Why are you smiling?" Gayle suddenly snapped, and my eyes widened the slightest bit. I'd never been too good with hiding my emotions, and I guess it was showing.

"She's just so happy to be back," Scarlet easily chimed in, her hand coming to rest on my shoulder, another effort to take their attention off me. I nodded profusely in agreement.

Her ego had been fed, and Gayle leaned deeper into her recliner, her double chin making it's appearance. She looked mighty pleased with the reasoning, and I wouldn't be wrong to say her chest puffed out as a smug smile came over her features. "Of course she is. Our school is the best in town, after all."

All of us assented in silent nods, polite smiles and whispered agreements. It only made her gloat more. "Well, Mr. Park has your schedule and a copy of the Charleston High Prospectus, make sure you read through the rules. You won't be spared a second time, Miss Brayham. Keep that in mind."

I nodded once more, and just as I felt like my head was soon going to pop off with the amount I'd been nodding, her sharp voice cut through the air. "Do you not have a mouth? Say yes if you understand."

I swallowed the urge to yell right back, my voice coming out thin, "yes."

Scarlet's grip on my shoulder tightened at that, and I knew she was anticipating trouble. But then Gayle huffed, and with a flick of her hand, ordered us to leave the office. We had class to attend after all. I heard Scar's soft sigh of relief as we turned back around for the opaque glass door. Mr. Fred stayed back to continue his earlier conversation, I assumed.

Does that mean the discussion had gone well?

Then...I was officially back to school, huh? A smile crept up my face as we left the office, excitement bubbling inside my chest.

If only I'd known then what the future held, perhaps I wouldn't have been as happy.

Hello! First of all, thank you for giving this book a chance, I don't intend to disappoint ;)

No, but really, there's a lot more to this story, and I don't want to reveal anything right at the start, so just hang around for a bit lol.

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