
Under the Surface a Storm Awaits

Val is a relatively normal thief, you know, looking for the next job to fill her purse. But life seems to take a turn when she meets an unusual pair of siblings. There is something that they are hiding, but she tries to keep her nose out of it. Somehow though, their paths continue to cross. Before she know sit, adventure is at her doorstep, and she must decide whose side she's on. -- Just putting this out there, I'm shooting from the hip here, so there might be some plot holes and whatnot. Please leave reviews or comments with your thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to check it out :)

Shona_Gillard · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Nice to Meet You

Val took the girl by the hand, and quickly took the dagger out of the large man's thigh. She wiped the blood on the pant leg of the injured man before making some distance between them. She peered down at the laughable sight before her.

"Now, if I ever catch you causing trouble for a young girl again," Val commanded, "I'll be sure to remove your manhood. Not that it's brought anyone pleasure."

Val quickly turned around, laughing as loudly as she could. The girl remained as close as she could. They made haste to where Val left her belongings. Just to be sure no one else was around to follow.

Once they arrived, Val collected her things, and began to walk as far from the site as possible. While they were walking, Val looked down at the girl. She seemed to have a puzzled expression, and Val realized that she had yet to introduce herself.

"My name is Val, by the way." She offered her hand in greeting.

The girl remained quiet, not quite sure what to do. A moment later, she replied. "My name is Celeste."

Since Celeste had no interest in shaking hands, Val retracted hers and continued to focus on the trail ahead. "Are you from one of the neighboring villages? You don't seem to have any supplies with you."

Celeste cocked her head, and she answered Val's query. "Not quite. My brother and I were out tracking, but we became separated. I ran into those ruffians when I was completely lost."

Val contemplated for a moment. She couldn't just leave the girl to fend for herself in the forrest, but she also needed to find somewhere to rest and plan the rest of her journey. But looking into those beautiful, knowing eyes, Val reluctantly offered her services. "Well, perhaps I can help you find your brother. How long has it been since you last saw him? And which direction?"

"It has been a couple of hours. We were in the eastern trail, on our way to the cave at the foot of Mount Talon." Celeste informed Val.

"Do you think he's reached the cave? Or do you think he's retraced your steps?" Val talked more to herself than Celeste. "Let's just head that way, and then we can see if we can find some trace of him."

Celeste nodded in agreement. Val felt a bit of defeat. If she has to go to the mountain, then it will be after nightfall by the time she reaches the village. She was so looking forward to sleeping in the bed after traveling for so long. All she could do was hope that they will still have a room free by the time she can reach an inn.

They walked for quite some time before they reached a river bank. Val and Celeste used this opportunity to rest and eat some snacks. Val shared her food and water with Celeste. She refilled her water pouch, and took in the scenery.

"Are you on a long journey?" Celeste asked as she munched on some nuts.

"I'm coming from Hillcrest, on my way to Antronal." Val replied.

"That is a long way on foot." Celeste pondered for a moment. "Why do you not travel by horse?"

Val snorted at the innocent question. She must be a very sheltered child, Val thought to herself. "I can't afford one, at least not yet. I've got a job lined up on Antronal that will pay me handsomely. If I can continue to get more jobs like it, then before long, I should be able to afford better accommodations."

Celeste nodded in understanding. She continued to look at Val with great interest. She seemed to want to know everything about her. But Val isn't the type to readily give out information about her self freely.

"I like you." Celeste blurted out.

Val was taken aback by the frank confession. "Well... I think I like you too." Was all Val could manage to say.

"Will you be my friend, Val?" Celeste looked at her with doe eyes. Since she still had the look of a child in her face, Val's heart immediately melted.

"Sure." Val retorted and patted Celeste on the shoulder. This seemed to please the girl, so she wore a rather large grin. Val couldn't help but to smile in return.

Once they felt their legs had enough rest, they once again continued their journey. They chatted about all sorts of things. Life, dreams, and ambitions. If one were to look from afar, they would think the pair were sisters.

Unfortunately, darkness started to fall, and they still had quite a ways before they reached Mount Talon. Val rummaged through her pack until she found a small crystal. She rubbed it between her hands and said a little chant before releasing it. It floated just in front of them, and was quite bright. It lit up the trail with ease.

Celeste looked at Val with earnest. "Did you just use magic? Are you a witch?"

Val looked at Celeste, whose expression was more curiosity than condemnation. "I know it's rather taboo, but who cares. And I'm not a witch. I just happen to pick up a few tricks along the way. Does magic bother you?"

Celeste shook her head rather adamantly. "No, but I know that most... people are frightened by it." Celeste thought about her words carefully. "And..."

"And it's been outlawed in several provinces. Yeah, but just the dark arts. Simple tricks never hurt anyone." Val winked at Celeste. Celeste smiled back in admiration. "We should hurry. Night has already fallen, and more dangers lurk in the shadows. The quicker we find your brother, the better."