
Under the pond

Colin_Silver · อื่นๆ
1 Chs

Bones in the water

I was supposed to be inside today cus my wasnt home but I got bored. So I asked my friend if he wanted to swin in the lake near our homes. "Of course man I'll be there in 5 ok bro" "ok see ya then" I hung up. I went to go but on my swimming wear I got it all but into a cool bag that I carry around when me and my family are going swimming.I got on my bike kicked up the kickstand and speed to the lake we kids nickname Killzone cus it always looked red but it was the only source of relief in the summer.I got there just a Bruce got there, "hey bro you ready" he called out. "Sure am I got the gear if you need it"I called back and I finished taking off my clothes except the swim trunks and dove in to the water but this time it was way murkier then I remembered. "Wait Bruce theres something wrong with the water" Bruce stopped and looked at me wierd "What do you mean Matt the waters the same as always""Not this time bruce this time its darker and it smells imma go get the gear ok". "ok but its nothing" I got put of the water and ran for my gear, my grandmother got me some scuba diving equipment for Christmas I finished putting the gear on and drove back into the water. Immediately something caught my eye it looked like a bone I grabbed it and returned to the surface. "What the frick is that." "I dont know it looks like a rib bone."I quickly looked up what a human rib bone looks like and it looked exactly like it."Omg the frick is down there.""Should we call the police." "yea." That's what happened Thursday, and it was the start of the most evil summer I've ever known.