

Habiibah462 · สมัยใหม่
23 Chs



Hilda....What?? Why would you adopt her?

Governor.....Because she has no where to go, so, i adopted her and i will provide her with everything she needs.

Hilda....No way! Lets talk this instant.

They left to talk privately, Prim went inside and was served dinner, as she was eating, she saw the governor's son who was hot and charming, Adrian.

Adrian and his young sister Joana were still at the dinning table eating dinner, Prim looked awayand kept eating her food.

Joana.....Aisshhh!!!! Girl, your so dirty and you stink of gabage.When did you last shower?

Prim....Huh? Sorry, i shiwered today.

Joana....Liar! Adrian, dont you smell that gabage like smell?

Adrian.....I dont care, am going to my room.

Governor.....Come back Adrian, i have some news for everyone.

Hilda was angry.

Governor.....This is your sister Primera, i've adopted for reasons i and your mum know about.So, she is a Houdin too.

Joana.....What?? Seriously dad?? You gotta be kidding me! She is a goddamn smelly rat from the gabage, she cant be part of our prestigious family, hell no!

Adrian.....Whatever you guys decide on, i dont care.

Adrian stood up and left to his room, Joana also left angrily.Prim was given her own bedroom which she spent the night in after the governor told her his plan to take care of her.

In the morning, she woke up early and went to see her sister.

Era.....Prim, where were you last night? I was sick worried about you.

Prim....Sorry to make you worry.I have good news for you, your going to start studying and i already got for you a school.

Era....What? For real? Thats the best news ever, but where did you get the money?

Prim.....I've been saving up so that you can go to school.

Era....Thanks but what about you? Are you going to work for me as i study? No, i cant agree to that.

Prim.....Am also going to study at a school far away from here, i dont want to be apart from you but its for the best.I will write to you from time to time and send you allowance money.

Era.....But why?? Am going to miss you Prim.

Prim.....And i will miss you the most Primera, never forget how much i love you Orimera, okay?

Era.....Never, and i love you too Primera.

Prim.....You will always be my number one angel, forever.

She started crying because she lied and didnt even talk about her pregnancy.

Era.....Your making me cry too, please stop crying Prim.

Prim.....Am sorry, i didnt mean to make you sad.

After making sure that Eera got to her new school safely, she went back to the governors house.Adrian and Joana were dressed in their school uniforms but their dad had left.

Hilda.....Where did you go early in the morning? 

Prim....Am sorry, i just went to get my clothes from my friend.

Joana....Seriously? Mum, you cant allow her to bring here clithes, she will spread ticks and cockroaches all over the house.

Hilda.....Nanny, come and burn everything she has brought.

Prim.....Huh? Please dont, thats my stuff.

Hilda....Re you talking back?

Prim....Sorry mum.

Hilda....Dont call me mum, nanny, get her clean clothes so that we can go to school on time.

She was given new clothes and they were driven to a school she has never seen before.It was a private school for only rich kids.Joana and Adrian went to class and Hilda took Prim to her office.

Hilda.....Here, read that, those are my school rules and regulattions a student here must follow.

Prim....Your school? This is your school? You own it?

Hilda....Yes ofcourse, i dont know why my husband adopted a grown up person like you, but trust me, i will find out.

Prim.....Thank you mrs Hilda for letting me attend at your school, it really means alot to me.

Hilda....Now get your ass to class and dont embarass me, maje sure that no ones finds out that your a Houdin, okay?

Prim....Okay ma'am.

Hilda.....And also, stay away from my children, they are not, nor will they ever be your siblings.

Prim.....Got it mrs Hilda.

Prim went to class and made a friend, Tong who was chinese.

Tong.....Girl, your so pretty.

Prim.....Thanks, am Prim.

Tong....Call me Tong, friends?

Prim.....Yeah, sure.

They went together to the cafeteria.

Tong.....Let me summarize to you how this school works.Only rich kids are here, and am not from a rich family.

Prim....Huh? Then how did you get in?

Tong....Brains, if you have the best grades, the highest scores in all subjects, then you can study at this school.

Prim.....Good for you Tong.