
Chapter 21- A Natural Marksman

"He was Jack. Captain, we can use the equipment I want to recruit Jack, but he wants to try our club first." Arvin said with a smile.

"It's not like I want to spoil your fun Arvin, you know that our club consists of all the marksman in the whole world. So I say what do you think will happen if I let you make use of our equipment that isn't a member of our club and without the profession of a marksman?" The Captain took a deep breath as he continued.

"They will think I am using my authority I can't use my reputation for a non-member of our club, right?" Captain Rex said with a hint of sorry.

Arvin smiled and said. "Then Captain, do you think I can use my credit?"

Captain Rex face change as he said. "Didn't you said that credit was important to you?"

"Well, a friend is more important for a mere credit, right?"

Captain Rex helplessly smiled. "Okay, your Credit is around 1030, so after using the Credit for your friend. The club will deduct 50 points of your Credit for the equipment."

Jack who was beside Romnick ask. "What is the use of Credit anyway?"

"Didn't you read the School guide?" Speechless, Romnick asked Jack.

"Well, I already forgot about it." Suffering from the curse before, it was no surprise that Jack already forgets the school guide.

"You have to read it, or else you won't know the benefits of enrolling to this school. Anyway, the Credit has its use in various ways you can even exchange it with money. Using that way was a waste, so I don't recommend it. Arvin wants to use the credit to enter the police department of this country to broaden his knowledge and ability."

"Arvin wants to surpass his father but I didn't know what he means at first, so after knowing that his father was an inspector. Now I know why he wants to enter the police department that much, but I wonder why he used his Credit casually." Romnick touches his chin, deep in thought.

"Oh;" Jack swear to read the school guide after this.

"Guys come here." Arvin gestured to Romnick and Jack.

"Jack, take each one of those then come in the front." Pointing at the bow and quiver that neatly arranged in the corner, Arvin looks at Romnick and said. "You too."

"I am allowed too?" Pointing himself, Romnick asked confused.

"At first, it's not, but the captain deducted my credit for the two of you."

"Tell me, it's discount, right?" Romnick whispered to Arvin.

"Yeah, to use the equipment for an outsider who was not a member of the club will at least cost me a 100 credit but if I include you, it will be 200 credit in total. But captain used the pretext of Credit to allow the of you to use the equipment of the club." A gentle smile appeared on Arvin's face.


A black haired youth wearing a school uniform, black pants, and the top was ash grey, standing in front of a wide area, without the presence of any human. The youth look at the target with concentration, on his hand, was a bow. Pulling the string with an arrow attached in the bow, he releases it without hesitation as it flew in a different direction missing the target in a large margin. The Arrow hit a nearby tree as it pierces deep burrowing the arrow in the tree, the youth let out a satisfied smile as if he hit the target successfully.

"As I thought, archery can't measure my awesomeness." The youth muttered to himself as if what he did was the best result he has ever seen. On his side, a chestnut-haired boy was gnashing his teeth as he looks at the youth in front of him.

"Romnick, you i..idiot! Don't act like you were an expert, you missed, alright!!" Arvin was on the verge of exploding when he heard Romnick praise himself after missing the target.

"What miss! Arvin, missing is not on my vocabulary, didn't you saw that I hit the target, in the first place I am aiming for that tree!" Romnick said without feeling embarrassed.

"Then why are you focus on the Target if you are aiming for the tree! That tree was almost 15 meters away from the Target so how the hell did you even think, I will be F00LED, you shameless brute!"

Romnick shrugged his shoulder as he said shamelessly. " You are blind, that was a feint to fool the target."

"The target was not even moving how the hell, did you call that feints, are you high or something."

"Anyway, you can't understand my way of archery, HAHA." Romnick laughs while mocking Arvin.

"Well, do I have to take my turns or not?" Jack said while looking helplessly to the two.

When they are ready for their first try, many of the club members already occupied the practice area, and only one seems to be available. They exchange a look and seems to make a term that Romnick will be the first one to try. Jack agreed as he wants to see beforehand on what is the basic of archery, seeing Romnick professional stance, he thought, he was good at it. But after looking at the fired Arrow, he carelessly smiled and thought he was still inexperienced, that he couldn't tell that Romnick was an amateur, and only know the basic on how to fire an Arrow.

"Get away, you shameless brute." Arvin kicks the laughing Romnick as he was irritated by his shamelessness.

Standing in front, Jack felt his mind widen as he instinctively releases his psychic sense, a lot of thought entered Jack's mind but hurriedly retract it as he finds it annoying. Taking a deep breath, Jack took a stance and put the arrow in the bow, and pulled it with gentle force. Looking at Jack posture, Arvin thought. 'isn't the same stance of Romnick earlier?'

Jack concentrated and aimed the point of the Arrow on the Target, with the sense ten times of that average person. He can see the Target like it was 2 meters away from him, holding the nock of the arrow carefully, he releases it with the right amount of force to avoid changing its direction because of excessive Strength.

The arrow made a gentle sound as it beautifully flew on the target hitting it in the center. Jack release a sigh, adjusting his mental condition to the high level made him exhausted spiritually. He looks at Arvin and saw his serious expression, while Romnick was dumbfounded to the point he was speechless. "Arvin, what happened?" Jack asked him, but Arvin didn't say anything but grab his shoulder.

"You were born to become a marksman;" Arvin said with eyes shining brightly.

When he saw that the state of Jack and that stance, he was stunned to see his calmness, it was like he was one with nature. This kind of State can only attain through practice or born with it, Jack integrating with the environment was like a leaf as it followed the wind. This State was the dream he wants to attain, an extreme focus where there are no external things can disturb your state of mind.

"Huh?" Jack said confused.
