
Under The Blood Moons

What is the fate of a girl that so happened to be chosen by the very gods themselves to become a Celestial wolf against her will and have her mother sacrificed for it? This is the story of Seraphine, the strongest living werewolf with the weakest body who is called upon to save her pack from a strange disease that was killing them by the very person who cast her out of the pack. Will she agree to this and ascend to the very peak of her powers? Will she let the love between her and Cassian blossom despite the pain he caused her? Stay tuned for all the answers in ‘Under the blood Moon’

Busola_Olorunmo · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs

Chapter 4


Years later, a strange ailment befell the Moonlight pack.

"Alpha! Alpha!" One of his guards came rushing into his office. Cassian looked up and just knew there was a problem.

"What is it?" He asked in an impending alarm looking at the guard's face. 

"Another one Alpha." The guard said, pointing towards the direction of one of the houses outside his office. 

"Take me there at once." Cassian said and the guard led him to the sub urban room where he saw a woman laying down in pain. Half her body was black and rotting. Her relatives that stood besides her were all shrieking and crying in pain.

One walked up to him, holding his hand in hers, "Please Alpha. Please do something for my mother please." She said in between sobs as she started breaking down into tears. 

"Please." The people in the room all turned towards him, it was always the same thing

 If he had the power to heal every single one of them, he would do it in a heartbeat, but there was nothing he could do than watch his people in pain.

Suddenly the woman's face began rotting right In Front of them, her once fair face was turning brown then darkened as her skin began sprouting holes. The ailment spread quick but never his quick.

Cassian's heart sank as he thought back to how this disgusting virus had first started.

It has been about a year when the signs of this strange ailment started appearing in the pack. First it was children between the ages of birth and infants coughing out blood, to the point of some even dying of it.

Then it graduated as black spots that would spore randomly on their body, then your skin and tissues would slowly die until they'd die from bacteria eating infections.

It was a slow storm before, but recently it started attacking more and more people. Dropping many dead and leaving few in suffering pain. It started attacking his guards, leaving the sick and weakening his defenses.

This was the last thing Cassian needed in this sensitive time. The enemy pack was becoming more active.

Their aim was to begin a war that would end up with them taking their territory and now that they were vulnerable, they were open and weak to their attacks.

The pack specialists did everything they could but could neither find a cause nor a cure to this mysterious ailment, it had been months of research but it still came to the same dead end.

Cassian went to his office to clear his mind. Numerous thoughts went swarming in his head and he couldn't think straight.

He was this close to losing absolutely everything, his territory to the enemy pack and his people to this strange disease. He felt powerless.

"What do I do?" He whispered trying to think of a solution, complaining or whining about it wouldn't do any good, neither for his people or him.

He first had to figure out how he could cure this disease before the enemy pack got anymore active. If the pack's best researchers and specialists couldn't figure out what was happening, who on earth would.

He lowered his head to his desk and allowed his mind to wonder. He didn't know why his mind went back to a certain occurrence in his past, something that hurt him more than a thousand people's deaths or losing his very own pack.

It was the very day he told the only person he had ever loved to leave from their pack.

"Seraphine." He whispered her name as he closed his eyes, still reminiscing about how she looked. Her reddish locs always fell gracefully on her shoulders. She had perfectly shaped lips and her eyes were astonishingly gorgeous.

He had only seen her in her wolf form once by chance, deep in the forest one day. Although he had no idea what she was doing there, he saw her transform into her wolf and it was just breathtaking, her fur was pure white without a stain. He didn't know rare wolves like that existed.

Yes, she was rare. The more he thought of her, the more he regretted letting her go so easily. He thought a million times he should have been on her side no matter the conveniences ,that he should have at least scolded the people who called her useless.

She was never useless, she seemed to have a weak body but the pack had no ever been in such good health, there were rarely any complaints whatsoever. She treated each person with love and care.

Why did he let her go?

And just then, in the midst of thinking an idea hit him. If he had tried simply everything and nothing worked, he really had nothing to lose.

Seraphine was the best herbalist at the time and trying. 

Cassian knew that this was a long shot and she might not want to see him ever again for what he did to her, but he was too desperate to turn back.

"Sebastian!" Cassian called out to one of his personal guards standing outside his doors. Sebastian came in, giving him a slight bow.

"Yes sir?" He said softly.

"Get me everything you can on Seraphine, an exiled member of the Moonlight pack