
Under The Blood Moons

What is the fate of a girl that so happened to be chosen by the very gods themselves to become a Celestial wolf against her will and have her mother sacrificed for it? This is the story of Seraphine, the strongest living werewolf with the weakest body who is called upon to save her pack from a strange disease that was killing them by the very person who cast her out of the pack. Will she agree to this and ascend to the very peak of her powers? Will she let the love between her and Cassian blossom despite the pain he caused her? Stay tuned for all the answers in ‘Under the blood Moon’

Busola_Olorunmo · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs

Chapter 3


Sera felt her blood run cold, they had already concluded her trial?

"What do you mean?" She whimpered under her breath still not believing what she just heard. How was her trial done already? She had barely gotten the chance to prove anything to them.

"It means we've come to a decision about your position in the pack." He said plainly with no form of emotion in him. She couldn't explain how much she hated this man, he probably felt nothing for her. 

To him, she was just simply a task, something to get rid of.

"Ensure that you are in the pack court before dawn." He placed both his hands in his trouser pockets and swiftly turned back to the door muttering, 

"Do not forget that this is essential for you." He said then finally left through the door.

She felt herself finally releasing the breath that she held within her the entire time. Nathaniel popped out from her back. "Aunt Sera, don't you like Alpha Cassian?" He asked in all innocence.

Sera turned towards him, "Nathaniel, you should start getting home." She urged him, nudging him to the front door.

"But Aunt Sera, you haven't taken your glass of water." He retaliated but she gave him a big hug.

"You can come back soon sweetheart, Aunt Sera has something important to handle. And I'm fine now." She waved Nathaniel goodbye as he ran off. 

Sera quickly took a seat on her sofa trying to figure out what was happening. What would the elders' decision be for her? She sighed as she felt a headache coming on.

Dawn came quicker than she expected and she made her way to the pack court. She took a deep breath staring at the doors of the court hall.

"You can do this Seraphine." She whispered then walked in.

The five elders were seated alongside Alpha Cassian on the high chair. He watched her as she walked in and took a seat in front of them. He would be lying if he didn't admit that every second of this was hurting him.

He reminisced the night the elders had come to him regarding the Pack's defenses. They felt each member of the pack was playing a substantial role in the pack and felt the she-wolf Seraphine wasn't doing enough and was weakening their pack. She could die at any point in time and needed to get rid of her.

He could still feel how devastated he was when the elders all agreed that they would put her on a trial immediately. He was never ready for this.

He didn't know exactly when it began

But he loved Seraphine, a secret he would bear till the end of time maybe. He didn't only love her, he felt a deep connection with her and didn't know exactly how such a deep feeling came about.

He wasn't looking for a mate, and had a feeling if he ever interacted with her in that way it would do more harm than good. And he was supposedly correct seeing the amount of hatred the elders harbored against her.

He looked at her small face and long reddish locs that fell effortlessly over her shoulders. He couldn't go against the elders, if it was what they wanted, he assumed it was what his people wanted and going against them would not only be suspicious but it would be wrong of him as the leader of their pack.

"What have I done to deserve this?" Sera blurted out, obviously holding back hot tears that threatened to fall. She knew very well that if she couldn't strengthen the Pack's defenses, she was a healer, she could help.

"We did much thinking over the past weeks you've been on trial and came to the joint decision that it would be best if you left the Moonlight pack." Sera felt her body go cold as her breath caught in her throat.

 Did she hear them well? She didn't know if it was because of the headache that was making her head spin or the fact that they were about kicking her out of her own pack for no solid reason.

It took Cassian a lot of self control not to show the deep torment he was going through. He felt his body tremble the more he saw the traces of deep pain on her face. He couldn't stop blaming himself inwardly.

"What exactly have I done to deserve this? What have I done to be as far as banished from my own pack?" She shouted out, she didn't realize when tears began rolling down her eyes. She had been so frustrated this entire time. It wasn't as though she wanted this life, it wasn't as though she wanted this body.

She lost her mother and became something she didn't want or agree to, it was a pain no one else could understand besides herself, she had to hold on to such a secret, she had to bear her mother's loss all on her own.

No one at all knew, so what gave them the right to force her out?

"That is the decision we have all come in terms with." One of the head elders said and her hands tightened into fists. "We can't just have a…wolf of your sort in this pack again."

"A wolf of my sort?" She said, quivering from chere rage and anger.

Cassian stood from his high chair and looked dead straight at Sera. 

"As the Alpha of this pack I command you to leave this moment." He said in a voice void of any emotion, Sera was utterly stunned, she couldn't utter a single word, all her words fell flat right before her.

They all really wanted her to leave, despite everything she had done for this pack, every cut, every ailment, but they were going to ultra seize her because of her body.

If they needed her to leave so much, that was what she was going to do.

She stood and silently left.