
Under The Blood Moons

What is the fate of a girl that so happened to be chosen by the very gods themselves to become a Celestial wolf against her will and have her mother sacrificed for it? This is the story of Seraphine, the strongest living werewolf with the weakest body who is called upon to save her pack from a strange disease that was killing them by the very person who cast her out of the pack. Will she agree to this and ascend to the very peak of her powers? Will she let the love between her and Cassian blossom despite the pain he caused her? Stay tuned for all the answers in ‘Under the blood Moon’

Busola_Olorunmo · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs

Chapter 1

"Do you think it'll rain mama?" Seraphine asked with bright curious eyes that shone towards her mother, whereas she simply giggled at the very thought that it might rain and gazed back to the sky.

It was pitch black, a night full of stars and the red crescent moon stood still across the silent horizon.

 Seraphine watched as her mother's face turned from playful curiosity to bewildered excitement as her grip tightened around the railings of the bridge they stood on.

"Isn't it beautiful Sera?" Her mother said with a calm shimmering smile as a strong wind blew through her orange locs. 

"What is it mama?" Seraphine wondered why her mother's gaze was such, so she looked up in awe at the sky that was now filled with swirling red vortexes that dyed the sky. 

Sera felt a gasp escape her as she came running to her mother and held her by the curves of her dress, "Mama, what's happening?" A sudden fear creeped in her as she looked up at her mother to see a cracked smile that had formed on her face.

"Mama?" Sera whispered again as she felt a shiver go down her spine to see her mother laughing and giggling profusely for no good reason.

"What's wrong, mama?" She asked lightly and started shaking on her mother. "Snap out of it," she beaconed but her mother just continued her hardy laughter.

Then suddenly came a triumphant sound and the sky began swirling , thunder and lightning crackling through the air rapidly in all its darkness and just grew more furious. 

The wind blew heavily, almost tossing Seraphine off her feet but she continued clinging tightly on to her mother's laps.

It was as though the very heavens had ripped open and what came through…a creature with shimmering silver fur, fleeks of gold and iridescent blue glowed around it. Its eyes were like pools of light, glowing like an inner fire, it was a celestial being.

 A rare wolf that was born with impeccable powers, brought into this world to cause utter mayhem.

 Her mother told her stories about this, and maybe that was just why they came to this place to start with, to see a celestial wolf, but she couldn't understand why her mother was acting so strange.

She knew her mother was always a bit too fond of the myths about myshic beings like celestial wolfs and such. She just couldn't comprehend that her mother would be this agitated to actually see one.

"Look closely Sera, this is where it all begins." Her mother muttered in a strained voice as she looked at the being descending from the sky. 

As young as she was, she had never felt something so powerful. Its magic radiated and filled the atmosphere around as it stepped on the wooden bridge before them. It smiled and Sera had never seen something more astonishing.

"Hello, little one." The celestial being uttered in its divine voice that caused ripples in the air. It slowly lifted its hand towards Sera and she couldn't help but tremble under its force and quickly hid behind her mother.

"I mean no harm to the child. I appear once every thousand years, but I have come for a purpose."

A purpose? Before Sera could ask out her question, the celestial being took hold of her mother's arm and she immediately shrieked in pain then began screaming profusely.

'Wait, wait…what are you doing?" Sera's mother shouted out, trying to release her hand from the being's grip. She had read and researched just about everything she needed to know about beings like this one and had discovered they were actually brought into this world to create miracles and not cause destruction, that was why she yearned for it so badly.

So what exactly was it this creature was doing to her? No matter how hard she tried she could not release her grip from it. She started feeling a burning sensation and shrieked in pain.

"What are you doing?" Sera screamed in panic as she ran towards them but the celestial wolf had stopped Sera in her tracks, she couldn't feel her entire body and was stuck in a place.

"Mama!" She screamed out as she squirmed her little body to break loose of its hold.

"Stay at a place child, this won't take very long." Its voice echoed amongst her mother's screams and she felt tears begin to run down her eyes.

"Mama?" She quivered as she watched her mother in deep pain, her heart sank and her skin went pale when she noticed her mother's body was slowly turning into ashes.

Her mother's screams increased as her body quickly began to disintegrate into petals of burning ashes.

"Mama? Mama!" Sera screamed, crying profusely as she watched her mother's body completely turn into dust. "Mama!" She continued crying out when the strong wind started carrying her ashes away. 

It was as though her world had stopped revolving, the tears falling from her eyes could not justify the immense pain and hurt she felt.

Sera finally broke out from the force that had been placed on her and went running to where her body once was. She could only make it in time to catch the little ashes that were yet to be taken by the wind.

She bawled her little eyes out as she held the remains of the ashes close to her chest. She couldn't understand what was going on in the slightest but one thing she was certain of was because of the creature behind her.

She stood and approached it with tears in her eye, "What did you do?" She asked weakly looking at the creature with so much pain and malice in her heart.

"Do not take this personal child but it has to be done." The celestial wolf said with a still refined voice.

Sera didn't know why but that made her mad, "Are you saying my mum had to die?" She screamed with a crack voice from all her tears.

"Correct." It said with a cold stone look in it's eyes.

"For you to be the next born Celestial wolf."