
Undefined Legend

A Story of stories, starting in a universe that shouldn't exist but does along with a race as well. A race created by the Destroyer of everything and tampered with by the God of the universe. Will this race bring ruin or bring peace to the unstable universe?

IWASOR · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Keep moving!

Ilanaden turned back towards the caravan with a stern look of fury, the cold around him seemed to flare in white as it sensed his anger, giving a small light blue glow and snow around his feet.

The spear gave five pulses of sinister frost from its head, spreading for a good distance before fading into mist far into the sky. The humans who followed Ilanaden recognized this strange signal and felt immense panic fill their bones like one would a glass of hot cocoa, immediately yelling out orders to the rest of the overly large caravan to become single file and all able bodies to prepare for battle with whatever they could manage.

Some whimpered while others felt the adrenaline tingle down their backs. It was already intense and awe-inspiring to see the amazing race of Changers fight, but it was even more so when they thought they could fight side by side with them.

Despite the grim and desperate environment they found themselves in, the Changers gave them hope that they could at least survive, at least most thought this, there was a small group within the large caravan that was slowly going mad from the fear of death looming over their heads.

That any moment, mere second of time, and they'd suddenly cease to exist. That was the powers of the Angels and Demons, as well as the Changers, could do to another being.

This fear only needed to spark and Ilanaden knew this, but trying to stay the course to the rendezvous point in a quick manner while avoiding long delays like trying to fend off powerhouses, like a seraphim and a Sin, were proving to be even more difficult than imagined.

All it would take is just seeing one and the chaos would decimate the caravan before the seraphim or Sin even lifted a finger. The risk was very much stacked against them and Ilanaden stubbornly ignored it, confident that if they got some assistance with molding the landscape, they could get by unnoticed.

After a few hours of stalling here and there along the hurriedly made path that the small platoon of Changers made, Ilanaden and Seidonal felt a chill creep down their backs, in fact all of them did.

The sounds of clanging metal, screams, and explosions were a bit quieter than before but they knew this eerie feeling wasn't because of that. It felt like they were being watched and that judgment was upon them.

"I see you."

Everyone heard this deep guttural but surprisingly and strangely comforting voice in their heads as they slowed to a stop. Ilanaden immediately got into a fighting stance and Seidonal, seeing her compatriot do so made her curse under her breath. They'd been spotted by what Ilanaden was hoping to avoid, the seraphim.

Over the mountain to their left they could only see 6 massive feathered wings of multitude colors in a weird sort of rainbow effect around what one could only describe as looking at another sun, the brightness from it cast long shadows behind the caravan that seemed to ominously whisper a slow and sinister death.

Ilanaden speared the ground to the left and created a massive ice wall blocking the strangely sinister, but comforting rays of light that one would feel during a summer vacation on the beach, and barked to the Changers making the semi-clear path to hurry which they didn't delay in trying.

There were a few screams of panic as several of the humans started to try to split from the caravan and Seidonal was moving to try to calm down the frenzied fear only to feel a ice cold hand on her shoulder.

"Leave them, if they wanted protection, then they'll stay," Ilanaden spoke with spite that sent shivers down Seidonal's spin. "Bu-" A loud explosion interrupts Seidonal as shards of ice fly past the two at speeds neither could truly grasp.

A single eye changing into a multitude of colors per millisecond stared at them through the blinding light that surrounded it. Seidonal felt the immense lure to give in to the sweet, peaceful passing but took all her willpower to resist.

The strange soothing light was suddenly cut off by a light blue color and Ilanaden gripped her shoulder, "Are you alright?"

"Y-y-yeah, I t-t-think I'm go-good," Seidonal spoke through gritted teeth still struggling with the psychological attack.

"Yar lucky lass, many humans are now mindless fucks under a seraphim's 'ight," a short heavy bearded human welding a overly large battleaxe with a long chain connected at the bottom. The chain wrapped several times around his left arm that also had several runes that lit faintly green against his dark ash skin.

Seidonal hissed in irritation that this strange human didn't realize she was a Changer, "Some human you are!"

The short human chuckled and provided a relatively small bow, "Feisty, eh? I like me women feisty. Anyhow, me name iz Carmen, pleasure to meet yah."

"The time for pleasantries will be later, focus on defense," Ilanaden cuts in while spearing the ground in several spots sending large waves of ice up next to the side of the caravan.

Seidonal glances at the state of many of the humans, besides Carmen who just hmphed while going off to help the Changers carving a path. Besides the few that were either screaming in panic or gritting their teeth in courage; some of them stood drooling, eyes glazed, completely limp like ragdolls.

"Will those humans be alright?" Seidonal questions while looking disappointly at the humans.

"Any who don't have a strong instinct to live will be taken by the seraphim's gaze, their souls are lost," Ilanaden answers with little care given the state of survival and focus he gave to protecting them from the seraphim.

One could see as shards of ice were being blasted above the continuous remade wall that Ilanaden focused with grim expressions that they had to push forwards or risk annihilation.

Many humans that hadn't panicked or given in to the seraphim's light also realized that the Changers were struggling to make a path forwards quickly and went to try and assist only for a Changer who had glowing brown symbols all over her body to step in front of them and yell, "Move the carts and horses towards the side of the path first and grab what is only necessary for your survival! Only then will we make a run for the coast!" The Changer's symbols glowed a little brighter as she finished her statement and then turned to focus on helping with clearing a path.

The humans who were panicking heard this and started to rush to the horses before anyone could stop them. "Are you sure we shouldn't stop the ones from leaving the group?" Seidonal questions Ilanaden as she continues to spread the ice walls and reinforce them with water.

Ilanaden just frowned in response while continuously spearing spots along the ground next to the caravan that were still visible to the seraphim's gaze.

"You fools!"

"Hey, stop them!"

"You're only going to kill us!"

Many humans yelled at the ones now on the horses, charging ahead of the caravan and past the Changers clearing a path through the steep hills.

The Changers ignored them, trusting Ilanaden's leadership about their survival and they weren't wrong in doing so. As soon as the horses past the ice like shield and into the gaze of the seraphim did they collapse immediately into the ground, seizing and foaming at the mouth, throwing the panicking humans off into the dirt.

Many realized their mistake but it was too late as one second they stood up to turn back and the next a blinding light. After that was only the spazzing horses on the ground and the many footwear of what used to be humans.

"Fools," Ilanaden coldly whispered and those humans close enough to hear that shivered, glad that they put their trust in the Changers and didn't panic like those poor souls.

After what felt like several hours of constantly running with Ilanaden and Seidonal making a wall to block the gaze of the seraphim did they finally see the coast but to all their surprise there was no ship there waiting for them like promised and the remaining humans that were now 350 or so started to get confused.

Ilanaden started to worry for the worst.