
Undefined Legend

A Story of stories, starting in a universe that shouldn't exist but does along with a race as well. A race created by the Destroyer of everything and tampered with by the God of the universe. Will this race bring ruin or bring peace to the unstable universe?

IWASOR · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Democratic Committee

During the World Awakening War, 385th year of the onslaught.

Standing at the giant brown redwood round table sitting in the middle of the cobblestone and steel hallway. On the east wall laid colored stain glass representing 25 different people that were also standing round this table.

The light blue spiked armor lightly condensated from the warm air touching it ever so slightly; Ilanaden stood arms crossed and eyes closed waiting for one of the members to finish up his report on the latest front against the Angels and Demons attack on their lands.

"-and if we continue on helping the humans, we could lose hundreds of lives. They are weak and I don't understand why we must help keep them alive? There must be a reason you're keeping them alive besides good intentions, Solitri," speaks a man covered in stone of various types but definitely strong as his fist hits the table and the table cracks slightly.

"The answer is simple. They are ingenious dumbfucks," grins a man upon his comment about the humans, he is also covered in black flames flickering as the light laps at his body.

The stone man turns to a man whose body seems to almost be like a ghost and flickers as the light casually passes through his body.

"I'm afraid you're wrong, Grendel. The humans are useful in being the ignorant lambs which seem to be the primary target of our powerful opponents; as such we must make use of the distraction and strike our opponents back but to keep the better interest of the humans we claim to help them. So we shall continue on the escorting of man to a new land while fighting off the Angels and Demons and hopefully demolish them in their blindness,"

The ghost like man, whose name is Solitri, turns to the man covered in black flames whose name is Grendel and then turns to the rock covered man, giving a soul staring glare that would give you shivers on the receiving end of it.

Solitri was the leader of this party of 25 members of the Democratic Committee; He was well know for his ability to control light to such an extent that it almost seemed like he could alter the very space of reality. Solitri turns to Ilanaden and nods in approval for speech, "Your report should hopefully give further light to those escorts I mentioned earlier?"

"Indeed, they are doing well. Only 20 human and 3 Changer causalities in the trek to the new continent that has appeared due south of us. We shall make it to the continent with 1300 humans by the third moon from now," Ilanaden coldly stated, tightening his grip on an eight foot long spear that glowed light blue and had a constant mist around it.

The spear seemed to almost freeze the air surrounding it as it was held. The gauntlet that held it matched its glowing color and mist as the rest of the armor pulsed like an extremely slow heartbeat.

Ilanaden is 6'5" with ocean blue eyes that look like they have a white frost creeping on the top half of the pupils. Also, his skin is pale like a corpse that was frozen past expiration. His white blue hair stuck up like spikes of the northern glaciers, he almost looked like he was frozen in place when you take a wayward glance towards his direction.

Solitri regarded his fellow general and friend with solace. Ilanaden had just recently received news that his wife Meriya had just passed away and it clearly affected him dearly despite turning anyone away when they asked if he was alright.

The biggest sign of this was the fact that the edge or the table was slowly frosting over and the air around him was slowly turning into snow. This was never seen from Ilanaden before and it almost seemed like his powers had escalated in power of the cold.

Solitri nodded and looked back at the rest of the members around the table. Ilanaden glared like he was staring through your soul as he stood there watching Solitri continue the meeting, slowly droning it out as memories of Meriya slowly were brought to the forth of his mind.

Solitri and the other general standing near him had to step a few meters away as the chill got even colder around Ilanaden. Meriya's slightly bony jawline and cheeks, her smooth but plumb lips, her long black hair which had white tiny dots that almost looked like little stars on a night sky; these images were slowly circling each other in his mind.

He could hardly wait until the meeting was over so he could return to his post back with the escorts.


"-and go to your tasks, return in six moons, and report if emergency calls for it. For Change And Glory!!"

"For Change And Glory!!"

Solitri finishes up the meeting and the rest of the generals join in chorus. Ilanaden merely raises his spear to the chorus but doesn't say anything. The generals slowly file out of the great hall along its long velvet-silk red rug and on their separate ways. Solitri gives a concerned glance as Ilanaden stoically strides away with snow drifting behind him.

'I hope he doesn't get himself killed in his depression. That would not bode well with the rest of us' Solitri thought as he phased through the back wall into a secret room with no doors and windows.

The room was stacked full of papers on three of four dusty desks. Quill and ink was on two of these dusty desks along with an official sliver ring and red waxed candle while the other one had a ball point pen and postage stamps stacked neatly next to the uneven papers and letters that also had some dust on them.

The last desk had a massive black and grey bulky computer that you could hear the clicks and beeps of motors whirring loudly; and had a small screen that was mostly black with small grey words.