

(A/N: Before you proceed, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. UNDER REVISION. Thank you and Enjoy! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧) (FRIENDLY REMINDER; TWO CHAPTERS THAT AREN'T AN UPDATE: - AFTER CHAPTER 100 (ARC 3) - AFTER CHAPTER 188.4 (ARC 4) IF YOU ARE CURIOUS WHY DID THE AUTHOR NOT DELETE THOSE TWO? THE REASON IS SIMPLE, IT CANNOT BE DELETED IF A CHAPTER IS PART OF THE LOCKED CHAPTERS/PREMIUM CHAPTERS. ADDITIONALLY, IF THE CHAPTER IS ON THE 100 AND ABOVE CHAPTERS, IT WILL STATE THAT IT CANNOT EXCEED 100 WORDS FOR DELETION SO IT CANNOT BE REVISED. I JUST REVISED THE EARLIER CHAPTERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING! ENJOY! THIS IS MY FIRST EVER NOVEL. ) ---- Xanxia, a diverse realm divided into ten continents, in which the continents had their own varying cultures, traditions, and advancement. In the farther north hailed the top revolutionary chefs, in the west were closed off species existed, in the south where intellective students were known, in the farther east where blood and war breeds - and finally, at the center where the smallest continent located was a girl in male clothing lived. Chun Shuho, an androgynous beauty who could attract 'bees and butterflies' around the place was born to hide her true gender due to an oracle. Because of her lost memories from five years ago, she decided to travel on the surrounding continents to retrieve her scattered, fragmented memories. Together with her was the mysterious butler that was not only a former prince of the demons but he had many secrets hidden behind. And because of a fated event, she encountered Zero, an existence that defied logic was somehow connected to her due to an extinct bloodline. As she journeyed on, a chase between time and space brought her back to the past and led her to the future which made her discover the secrets of her identity and what was her true purpose. This is a story of reincarnation, cultivation, systems and other interesting theme that would surely pique your curiosity. ---- Let yourself fall into the vast and unbridled world of imagination. 'Fortes fortuna adiuvat' -AToastForADay (Author) Warning: There are so many RECAPS in some parts of the story but bear with me as some are put as a flashbacks. Though, you can just skip that. Just do what you see fit. Thank you! cover from the respected owner. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

AToastForADay · แฟนตาซี
217 Chs


The night sky was truly beautiful as it was consisted millions of shimmering glinting dots.

Flying across from the clouded dark sky was a large bird carrying a caravan that was big enough for ten people but as one looked inside, it only contained a seated silver haired youth cladded with her sky-blue robes and lazily waiting for the trip to end. Infront of her was a young man on his twenties who wore a suit and tie with a pocket watch on his left hand. His eyes was a shade of gray and blue hue, and had a perfectly clean cut of raven black hair, he adjusted his golden rimmed glasses.

The large eagle-like bird was known to be Agillon, the third fastest bird in the whole Xanxia. It can travel five kilometers for ten seconds and it was said to be a difficult bird to train unless it grew with you during its hatchling period. This personal bird of the Shuho household was a gift from the former queen of Phoenix continent who was the grandmother of Chun.

Even though Chun has less connection towards her maternal family because of her father's interference but her grandmother always found a way on communicating with her yet their last connection was during the last three years and she never heard of her anymore. Shenin knew the bird came from the former queen yet he just overlook it because he knew that the woman would not reveal the presence of Chun.

As bird glided to the night sky with its fastest speed, it did not affected the people who rode on it due to the magical runes encrypted in the caravan.

"Young lord, we will land for about fifteen minutes" Art told the lazy youth as she yawned.

"Art, how much time do I have if I would stopped by at an eatery?" Chun prompted her left cheek and stared at her butler, listlessly.

"It would be ten minutes and twenty-three seconds before the closing of registration in Harconia Institute."

"Is there another enrollment for tomorrow?" She asked Art once again as she flicked her sleeves, entertaining herself. Her neck-length short hair was dishevelled becaue of playing with it for the majority of time.

"Yes but it is not an enrollment for students. It is for hiring talented teachers," Art turned to his master, instantly decrypting the mischief expression on her face. It entailed something that involved his master's enjoyment.

The butler knew if that kind of expression appeared on her face, it doesn't included good things. As her butler for twelve years, he was well-versed of his master, he knew her like an open book.

"Does young lord wants to explore first?"

"Love to."

The sunlight broke through the day as many people travelled through the streets. Shops opening, vendors selling their things and others were going on with their business.

At the top-floor of a tavern, a penthouse was located there where Chun was to stay for her attendance in Harconia Institute.

The penthouse was lavishly intricated with fine architectural designs and some hidden runes for danger purposes. The interior was crafted with careful hands through its delicate furnished and the use of fined hardwood was explicitly elaborated, the exterior was simple but still it has this kind of noble aura.

The tavern was one of the assets of the Shuho household which was named under Chun's. Though the people only knew that this tavern was owned by a prominent family but they did not knew which one. 

Speaking of that youth, she was lazily lying on her soft white matress. The studio type penthouse was made according to what the silver haired youth preferred.

In opening the frontdoor, it welcomed the living room were one long sofa bed was placed, two one-seater wooden chairs, a small glass table were a potted cactus was in-place, facing the sofa bed was the twenty inches flatscreen T.V. and other potted plants beside it.

At furthermost back was the kitchen area-slash-dining area were high quality kitchenware was situated there, stocks of white plates, tea cups and other kitchen materials. The refrigerator was forty inches long and twenty-five inches wide, enough for a one person's food. All in all, the inside color consisted of pastel yellow, and black and white.

The most favorite place of Chun was at the center where her king size bed inlayed, at the side of her bed was a big walk-in-closet consisted her organized clothes from lighter shades to dark ones. Looking through her closet, Chun was satisfied by the masterpiece of her butler. He never disappointed her.

Opposite of her closet was two pastel yellow doors which has signs contained of a smiling face and a sad face, she directed it to put face expressions on her only separated two doors in order to distinguished them.

The sad face was her library room and work room (if she 'had' work). The library was not very big nor small, it's just enough for Chun's delight. She liked to read books but not really that obsessed though she had a fair share of massive library back at home. And there was her pastel yellow table and swivel chair which was a bit contrasting to the colors of her office/library room due to their wooden colors and the professionalism the room it brought.

In the smiling face door was the fitting room and the bathroom. A normal size bathroom contained the shower room, the toilet, the bath tub, the lavatory with the mirror and the other side has this full-body mirror and a stool infront of it.

After looking and inspecting the penthouse, Chun released a relieved sigh. It was modelled according to her blueprint and it amazed her that the person who architectured this place greatly matched what she truly portrayed.

"Are you satisfied, young lord?" Art inquired Chun as he prepared her morning tea and breakfast.

"Yes. Satisfied would be an understatement," Chun begun as she sliced her deeply soaked-sauce steak. Putting it in her mouth and savoring the feeling of serene and calm atmosphere. She could die fulfilled.


"Young lord, before I break your enjoyment, I would like to remind you your registration at Harconia Institute as an instructor."

The youth grumbled for her dense butler as she slowly sipped on her chamomile tea. Setting away her finished food, she gestured for him to continue.

Art adjusted his golden-rimmed glasses and cleared his throat, "The Headmaster is one overseeing the test for the teachers and it would be best young lord to prepare yourself."


"Headmaster Spinther"


They rented a common-looking carriage towards their trip to the institute. The journey was two hours long because the school was located at the center of the forest, they rode through tall trees as they reached the massive metal gates with the prestigious symbol of the school and the name at the top of it 'Harconia Institute' it was in italicized bold golden letters.

Chun innocently looked around as she walked out of the carriage, stopping the coachman to go further.

"But sir---"

"Here's your tip and thank you for the ride," dismissing the carriage away.

"Let's go, Art. We have some showing off to do."

"As you please, young lord."

The coachman just stared at the furthering back of the youth with her butler. As she confidently stride towards the institute.

And that's the problem the coachman wanted to voice out, the Harconia Institute was five kilometers away from the gate.


AToastForADaycreators' thoughts