
Chapter 3

"Hey are you ok!?" asked Loyd with a concerned face.

Kennen put his palm on his eye and took a deep breath.

"....I just had a nightmare that's all"

Loyd laughed in relief.

"The dream I had....almost seemed real"

"It's fine" Loyd replied reassuringly.

"Wait!, I haven't introduced myself"

"My name is Kennen and thank you for saving my life!"

Kennen bowed his head whilst thanking him.

"I promise to pay you back!" Kennen yelled with a determined face.

"You don't owe me anything Kennen"


"...still, thank you for saving me" he muttered softly as he lowered his head.

Flashbacks appeared in Kennen's mind of the near death experiences, haunting him.

He started to remember the situation he faced before in his hometown Bham.

"I guess I will re-introduce myself too" Loyd said, breaking the tension.

"My name is Loyd Reno and my older brother who just left the house while you were asleep is called Lock Reno"

"you.. have an older brother?"

"Yes and everyone says we look alot alike but I don't really think so"

"wow that's amazing, I didn't know...



Suddenly a deafening sound erupted nearby.

"What was that!? " Kennen screamed

"I'll go check it out right now, you stay here"

"But I can go with y....

Loyd dashed out before Kennen got to finish his sentence.

He darted out the living room sliding on his shoes and out to the front of the house.

While Loyd rushed out the house, Kennen thought to himself, 'I need to go see what happened myself'

'I hope this isn't what I think it is' He shivered

Then he made a conclusion and decided to make an attempt to look out the window first.

'Urgghhh' Kennen screamed as he struggled to move out of bed.

His wounds were still unhealed causing him pain for every small movement he made.

But with all of his willpower and determination, Kennen mustered up the courage to force himself to get out of bed.

Kennen, now all sweating and burning in pain, he managed to get out of bed and stand up.

His limbs had somewhat regained functionality allowing Kennen to move ever so slightly.

He grabbed onto the bed and trampled forward holding onto nearby furniture and objects.

He plowed through the living room stumbling towards the window.

He pressed his hands and face on the window and peeked outside.

*Shadow appears in the kitchen*

Kennen suddenly fell the chill of a presence behind him and pivoted his head instantly.

*Shadow is gone*

*Scene ends with Kennen biting his lip in anxiety*

Meanwhile Loyd was outside, glancing around to find the location of the sound.

Glancing around, he came across the houses on the right side of lane.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

A humongous explosion had just took place right on his own street.

Fire spread devouring the houses like prey.

Loyds face turned to utter shock.

Slowly, he trudged closer to the houses caught up in flames.

The flames generated a huge smokescreen covering almost half the street affected.

Screams of people panicking erupted causing the tension in the air to become chaotic.

Loyd covered his mouth with his hand to avoid inhaling the smoke as he moved closer.

Suddenly Loyd could hear rumbling.

He squinted hard in the smoke and observed carefully to the rumbling origin.

Gradually, visibility in the smoke became stronger allowing Loyd to start seeing some shadows.

But something was wrong.

Strangely, there was a number of shadows all lined up, appearing closer in the same pace.

Loyd moved cautiously.

All of a sudden, terror shot up through Loyd's entire body and he froze on the spot.

He was paralysed in fear of what he just witnessed right ahead.

Up ahead...stood a wave of soldiers armed with strange looking swords, guns and unrecognisable technology.

Loyd immediately knew what was happening.

His hometown was under an attack...