

I thought it was unfair for you mother hen and your chicks to come troubling me for no reason but how could I not have known you had one,,,, it's fair now let's deal with it then.,,,,you little chicks claim only your mother hen deserve to be with Fabian right????? Then why are you here wasting your time with me am I Fabian or his advisor on who to love or not????. Don't get me wrong but which guy on his right mind would look at you miss rainbow you have coloured your face to much and dressed like a call girl.

Shut up you bitch and you three did you follow me to listen to her or help me teach her a lesson???? Drag her to music room there she will know the consequences of insulting me,,,.

Vio why don't you deal with her here in front of everyone so no one else will ever dare to mess with you,,, taking her might put us in trouble if we got caught and we can't take that risk.