

Fabian don't tease fabi, she says she will never fall in love so why would she fall for me anyway am older than her she only considers me as a friend so shut your blabbering.

Thanks willy for explaining to this danderhead about me maybe he will now understand by your language and its not because you are older than me willy that's not even a reason for not loving you it's because I don't want to love then be left all alone like my mum left dad or worse how my dad left me,, you are my good good good friend and that's more than enough for me willy I won't exchange that for anything.

Woooooh sis but why do you think your love would leave you what if its the other way round you leaving him,,,, you should not think by that logic there are couples who had lived together till their old age think about it and find that someone who would hold on to you like forever because dying is inevitable.