
Erase the imprint.

Knowing that Chen Zoe had identified his true identity, Lei Wei decided to transform back to his original form. Given their unpleasant past encounter, Zoe couldn't help but be suspicious of him.

Observing Zoe's caution, Lei Wei kept his distance and spoke while letting out a sigh. "I don't have any intention of harming you in anyway. So please relax."

"You want me to trust you… Then tell me the truth, what the hell was that happened last night? Why did you take us here?" Not holding back, Chen Zoe speak out.

"How could I explain this? It's a long story…

Fifteen years ago, my sister… I mean, the queen of dragon and demon realm came to the human realm for a peace treaty. But she went missing after coming here…" A flash back suddenly came to Zoe's mind, his father showing him the severed head of the dragon queen. His face turn pale, but he continued to hear the story while pretending he knew nothing.

"At that time, she was pregnant with her child and no one knows what happened to her who coming here. The demon and dragon realms joined hands to find her but we didn't get to know anything.

However, apart from others, I found out about her son and he turned out to be Yuzhen, your disciple."

"You were well aware of everything; then why did you leave him here instead of taking him? What exactly are you scheming by leaving him in this human realm?" Not understanding Lei Wei's motive, Chen Zoe asked.

"There was a prophecy that came down from generation to generation in our royal family. 'When a child born from a demon and dragon, the stopped cycle of destruction begins to move again.'

My sister who never believed such prophecies, stubbornly married to the man she loves and give birth to a child of prophecy. Until yesterday, I wasn't sure about the prophecy but after witnessing his power last night, I can't deny it.

Just think, the power that he showed wasn't 1% of his actual power. So what will happens once he does?"

Zoe couldn't believe it; everything felt so different from the actual story that real Chen Zoe showed him. Everything was changing and it's getting twisted as he learns more.

"So, you want to take revenge for your queen, that's why you left him here to kill us all?" The only conclusion Zoe could come after hearing all this was that.

"You are getting me wrong again. As you saw before, how Yuzhen's body reacts to demonic energy. Right now, he can't withstand any of our power.

If he consumes, he will completely lose his mind and the destructive power will take over his mind and body. So, I have no other choice than let him suffer in this human realm." Lei Wei tried to explain the situation.

"That means, you left him here so he can survive…" Getting a positive response, Zoe continued. "Ok, I understand… But what now, everyone knows about his existence."

"Not yet."


"What do you think, why am I coughing up blood like this?

I used my power to erase everyone's memory about last night. They only remember the demons attack, nothing else." With a proud face, Lei Wei spoke but his composure worsened by coughing again blood.

'How much he used his energy to end up like this?' Seeing Lei Wei's condition, a slight amount of sympathy arose in Zoe's mind.

"Then why didn't you erase my memory and take me here?" Helping Lei Wei to sat down, Zoe curiously asked to know the reason, why he was an exception.

"No dragon attacks their own kind's companion." That statement totally shocked Zoe, the truth that Chen Zeon hid from him all this time eventually unfold through Lei Wei. "Also, I believe on my judgements to value a person. You are really kind."


"Aren't you aware of that? You were imprinted by my nephew…" Lei Wei surprisingly looked at Zoe as how he never realised it yet.

"I think you are mistaken me for someone else. There is no chance I be his companion or something." Chen Zoe tried to deny the fact, but Lei Wei eventually told the past to prove his words.

"Then do you never wonder why your powers were so strong compared to others? Even yesterday, when Yuzhen's power exploded, you were the only one who was unaffected by it. Think about why it happened, when the demons were affected by that power?" The dragon threw the pieces of puzzle in front of him to join.

"Whatever it is, I don't want to be a dragon's companion, especially his. Can you erase it?" Rejecting strongly, Zoe speak out his words. Instead of being a dragon's companion, (especially a playboy's companion: Zoe's view of future Yuzhen) and dying again at the hands of humans, he was ready to be single for his whole life.

"If you accept one of my requests, then I will help you." Forwarding a demand, Lei Wei continued after getting a positive reply. "Until he turns eighteen, can you please take care of him? I promise, no harm will fall upon you or your kind because of him."

"OK, I will take care of him, but can you really erase this imprint?"

"Yuzhen did it accidently at a young age, so it be a weak imprint, easy to be erased by a high-level dragon like me. Give me a moment." Lei Wei used his power to erase it but was shocked by the after result.

"How can it be?" A surprise spread over Lei Wei's face.