
Unalike: can’t you tell

Luna Sky Seong was adopted by a Korean family when she was young, ever since she has been living with them and love them like her real family and vice versa. She has never met her biological parents or anyone from her biological family so it doesn’t bother her much but she does get bullied for it in school. Her family then decided to move houses, so she now attends a new high school full of drama..........

NiagarapopoOT7 · อื่นๆ
31 Chs

Ch.7 ‘first day of new school’

I still remember that they when the teacher said that they were suspended, i was not happy because i knew what will happen when they return. But, a week after that my life seemed to become brighter when i heard we were moving in two weeks, so i will never have to see them again.

My alarm goes off very loudly, i turn around and hide in my blanket, then i realI've that today is my first day at my new school. I quickly turn off my alarm, kick my blanket off, i run into the bathroom, i brush my teeth, wash my face then i quickly get dressed into my uniform which is a black skirt, a white shirt and a short dress like uniform jacket which is black with hints of white and purple in it. I then put on my bag witch is black and purple so it looks nice with my uniform, i then put my hair in a light pony tale because i know if i put it too tight i will get a head ache. I then run downstairs to see my sister on her phone probably waiting for me to walk to school.

"Morning, come have breakfast" i see my mam setting out the table for breakfast and i feel bad but i dont want to be late on my first day

"its ok I'm not hungry but the other two can eat" those other two are my older siblings they go to college so they wake up and have breakfast later but they arrive home late

"ok, but make sure you eat your lunch, ok." My mam waves at us as we close the door

on the way we are just talking about what classes we have in the morning, Do-Yun has History, language, Literature and science then i have maths, English, art and biology which i find ok.

As we are walking and we get closer to the school we see many people walking in the same direction and then i see Hwan Park the guy that went to the zip line with me and Soo-Kim, i wonder if he's in my class, i also look around to see if Soo-Kim is with him but he's not, maybe he's already there. When we arrive at the school building i say,

"bye, see you later"

"ok, if your not sitting with anyone on lunch come to the library and you'll see me, bye" i wave goodbye and she's soon out of sight in the big crowd.

i realise I'm standing in the middle of the school entrance, i walk in to see one of the busiest places I've ever been. I walk down the long corridors down to my class, as i walk in i see Soo-Kim but i decide not to walk over to him as he is taking with someone, but the thing is i dont know where to sit.

i feel a tap on my shoulder, i flinch and turn around to be meet with a wide smile,

"hello, so, your in my and Soo-Kim's class, i knew there was something good going to happen this year, i guess i was right"

i smile back feeling like a bit of weight came of my shoulders as i had nobody to go over to or talk to

"yeah, i hope this year will be good" i say recalling my past at my other school.

I hope you like the new chapter!!!

I will be posting a new chapter every Friday as I have upcoming exams for the next two weeks but after that I will be posting nearly every day, thx !!!

NiagarapopoOT7creators' thoughts