
Unalike: can’t you tell

Luna Sky Seong was adopted by a Korean family when she was young, ever since she has been living with them and love them like her real family and vice versa. She has never met her biological parents or anyone from her biological family so it doesn’t bother her much but she does get bullied for it in school. Her family then decided to move houses, so she now attends a new high school full of drama..........

NiagarapopoOT7 · อื่นๆ
31 Chs

Ch.4 ‘wonder has started’

Maybe, she's just different. I sit down on the table that Soo-Kim picked that is in the corner beside the large window looking out at the busy street.

"What did she say, Did she say we have to bring the money back?" Soo-Kim asked while giving me a knife and fork to eat my slice of chocolate cake with. He got a coffee and a slice of pecan pie, while i got a peach Ioved tea and a slice of chocolate sponge brownie. He is just staring out at the window, it feels a bit awkward so i decide to try to talk to him.

"So, whats your favourite subject ?, my favorite is history." Regretting what i had said, i take a sip of my drink while staring at the floor.

"i like maths and home economics" He answers while turning to looks at me with a cold stare, i think i must have said something wrong

"Cool….." gosh…this is so awkward, i just want to be sucked up by the floor.

"Do you know anyone in the new school you are going to start in"

"ummm….apart from my sister and you, no"

"You dont know me, so, you now no one ?" He looks at me as if he's thinking about something

"well, if i dont know you, then i know no one" i decide not to debate because he doesn't look like someone you should debate with

"Don't expect too much ion this school, its not all as you say it is" he says while standing up and leaving because he finished. But I'm not finished my cake, it's ok, i run after him.

"we're are we going?" The house is the pother way

He ignores me and keeps on walking thru busy crowds of people, when we finally arrive after walking for about twenty minuets, i see a sign for a zip line, 'cool, i think to myself i love zip lines, wonder if we are going on it' i think to myself

"Soo-Kim, are we going there?" I point at the sign

"yes, my mam gave me these tickets and they have to be used within ten days so we can go today, do you want to go?" He says while handing me a ticket

"of course, i love zip lines. But why do you have three, is there someone else coming with us?" I notice he has three tickets, there must be someone else coming with us then"

"yes, there will be someone else coming with us, he also goes to the same school"

"Ok…then i might know someone from the school then" i smile then turn around by hearing a bright voice saying


i see a guy with a bright smile with brown hair and has a good sense in style..walking towards us, he goes to Soo-Kim and says

"Hi, friend, its been a while…and, who's this" while turning to look at me with a smile and greets me

"Hi, I'm Hwan park, I'm Soo-Kim's best and only friend unless you became one. Nice to meet you." These two are best friends, they have such different personalities.


After greeting each other we enter the gate and go to the reception

"hi, three please" Soo-I'm hand the receptionist the tickets, then she leads the way for us to put the harness on. As we all line up to let the people put it on, a girl comes over and tells me in English,

"excuse, me i can't talk English well so one of your friends will have to translate"

i answer back in Korean

"it's ok, i can talk korean"

she looks taken aback, but then just continues to put on the harness and not look at me for the rest of the time. We had soo much fun, the zipline was soo long and it went really fast, i loved the view of the mountains. I like now that i already know two people so I'm not alone now in school. When we finished we went and had tteokbokki, the only way we could get it was because Hwan brought money with him. Then Hwan went home so Soo-I'm walked me home.

"thank you for today, i had a lot of fun" i say grateful for the day

"Does that happen a lot?"

Just as we arrive outside the door of man new house, he asks me that.

"what do you mean" i turn to him with a puzzled face

"What that woman said in the zipline place"

"oh…that, that's nothing"

"I dont think its nothing, your expression saddened"

"No, its fine. Anyway i should go in, get home safely" i wave at him and walk in the door..........

The truth is…..yes, it happens all of the time and whats worse is that thats only a bit of what happened before we moved here.