
Un-Eventful Life

D4_rk · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 1/Beginning

It's my first day at school, everyone has their plan for the day. same for me of course, I planed that I will not ganna talk to no one and stay at my corner not bothering anyone. I personally hate people but I don't bother them, left and right I only see students talking to each other, smiling happily to see one another. Even though I hate people I can't be mad at a student who has a big smile on their face right.

I Was waiting for my teacher to arrive but suddenly

a person grabs me in the shoulder and ask-

"Brad! do you know where section S classroom is?

aka my section.

And I answered-

"Yes, that's my section are you in the same class?"

he answered-

"Yes! so this is our classroom then?

I answered-

"Yes we were just waiting for our teacher to show"

I thought that he was gonna make friends with me but I guess not. our adviser came and discuss the rules and our teachers in every subject. We have a total of 7 subjects, Math, English, Filipino, History, Mapeh short for-Music/Physical Education/Health, Science, TLE or

technical and Livelihood Education/Esp or Education for Personality. Yes in the Philippines a lot is going on in a day, we go to school at 7 am

and school ends at6 pm it's like a full-time job.

well back to the story our adviser(mapeh) is done explaining everything to us so we proceed to our next subject while waiting a guy from my class look at me and offer me a drink he seems a nice guy so I did what a normal person will do I shook my head and refuse. In my head, people will take interest in you if they found you're useful to them or they can use you for something. I have a mind that after realizing everything that happened in my life was misfortune and tragic my mind became a metal wall that no one can penetrate, my emotions are getting stuck inside and it's building up slowly. That's why anger sadness sorrow is mixing and becoming experience. Nothing is exciting happened on that day because it's our first time meeting each other and were total strangers to one another. I don't trust people who are being kind to me Because I see them as my enemy who's trying to use me I trust no one except myself and I'm proud of that, Because of that, i became a fortress that no one can conjure. I know that I don't have people who can see me as an equal or friends they say, but I know someday I will see my past self smiling at me because I made it here and I did not give up on my journey. But this doesn't mean that I don't feel sadness and loneliness inside me. I feel it every day but I don't have the strength to fight it so I just keep it inside and let it take over me someday.