
Umbral Symphony

In the ethereal realms where light and shadow entwine, a symphony of destiny unfolds. "Umbral Symphony" beckons you into a world where the skies whisper secrets, the earth conceals ancient mysteries, and the abyss cradles forgotten truths. Embark on a spellbinding journey where alliances are tested, magic echoes through forgotten corridors, and the true nature of darkness unveils itself in crescendos of revelation. "Umbral Symphony" invites you to witness an epic tale where every note carries the weight of destiny, and the harmony of realms hangs in the balance Step into the shadows and let the symphony guide you through a dark fantasy adventure that transcends boundaries, promising a symphony of suspense, magic, and the unknown. The overture has begun; will you join the ensemble?

Bardmin · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Disturbance in the forest

In the expansive depths of Biatus' ancient forest, stretching beyond the boundaries of Drygal city, a diverse array of trees blankets the landscape. Lamps, spaced every mile, cast a rhythmic glow along the path. The air resonates with a symphony of sounds – the soft rustle of animals blending with unidentified whispers. This venerable forest conceals many secrets, with uncharted territories beckoning exploration.


"Sir Aiden, have you ever heard these whispers? They're terrifying," Terol said, his eyes scanning the shadows around them.


Aiden, walking beside him, nodded solemnly. "Yeah, Terol, you'll get used to it. You only transferred last week, so just give it time."


"We didn't have this kind of forest in Poliper; there were only seas and beautiful beaches," Terol stated, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.


"Forget about Poliper. The whole kingdom is within this forest. You better make your peace with that and man the fuck up," Aiden replied, a stern expression on his face.


In the middle of their conversation, a shout cut through the air. "What are you on about, you there, Poliper boy?"


"Captain, I am a knight," Terol responded.


The captain chuckled. "Not yet you're not. Once you set foot here, you're just a baby who hasn't finished suckling on his mama's tit."


"Captain Reynald, why are we standing outside the walls?" said Aiden.


"Well, gentlemen, we have a job to do. The route between the city and the hunter village needs protecting, and we are the first patrol," replied Captain Reynald, his gaze focused on the dark expanse of the ancient forest beyond the city walls.


"Why are we the first patrol?" said Aiden, irritation evident in his voice.


"Stop your whining, Aiden. I will not have it today. Besides, it will be good for the Poliper boy," Captain Reynald replied with a stern tone, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Terol looked angered, muttering something to himself. "Fock this place. I did not come here to be insulted."


The captain glanced at him and said, "If you do not like it, you can take it up with the commander."


Swallowing his pride, Terol kept quiet.


"That's what I thought. I see you know the commander?" the captain inquired.


"I know only stories of his cruelty," Terol responded.


"Cruelty! Hh, that's about right," the captain retorted.


"I also heard that he is incredibly strong, to the point he can take on an entire army by himself," Terol added.


"Believe me, my boy, everything you heard is true," Captain Reynald affirmed.


As Terol was about to ask another question, Aiden interrupted, "Captain, we need to go now. We have four hours, and we need to finish before the next patrol and report to the watchmen deputy."


"Alright, let's head out," Captain Reynald said, his focus shifting back to the impending task. The trio set off into the ancient forest, the rhythmic glow of the spaced lamps guiding their way through the mysterious depths.


As the trio ventured deeper into the heart of Biatus' ancient forest, a couple of hours passed quietly. The rhythmic crunch of leaves beneath their boots resonated through the tranquil surroundings. Lamps, spaced every mile, continued to cast a soft glow along the winding path.


Despite the stillness, tension lingered in the air. Terol broke the silence, turning to Aiden with a hushed voice, "It's almost eerie, isn't it? The quiet, I mean."


Aiden nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the shadows between the trees. "Yeah, I can't shake off this feeling. It's too quiet, like the calm before a storm."


Captain Reynald, leading the way, overheard their conversation. "Stay vigilant, gentlemen. In these woods, silence can be just as ominous as noise."

Without warning, the air shifted, and the trio felt a sudden unease settling in. The captain raised his hand, signaling them to halt. "Hold on, something's not right."


The forest, once serene, now hummed with a subtle tension. The Knights gripped their weapons, eyes darting among the shadows. Terol's hand hovered over the hilt of his sword, his nerves on edge.


"Aiden, you hear that?" Captain Reynald whispered.


Aiden strained his ears, picking up on a distant rustle. "Yeah, it's too quiet. Something's not right."


The captain's eyes narrowed. "Prepare yourselves, folks. We're running to the village."

With hearts pounding, the Knights broke into a run, the path becoming a blur beneath their hurried steps. The lamps, once comforting, now flickered with a sense of urgency. The forest, once silent, now echoed with their hurried footfalls.


The village on the horizon drew closer with each stride, but the air crackled with an impending threat. The unsettling feeling refused to dissipate, casting a shadow over the otherwise serene landscape.


As they neared the village, a chilling sight awaited them – a landscape of death and destruction. The captain's heart clenched in his chest, realizing that the quiet hours were the calm before a storm of unimaginable horror.


"What the fuck has happened here?" exclaimed the captain.


The village, once a haven of life, now lay in ruins. Buildings were charred, and the air was heavy with the acrid scent of burning. The gruesome tableau of severed heads, scattered body parts, and the remnants of what was once a thriving community stretched before their disbelieving eyes.


"There's so much death," murmured Aiden, his voice heavy with sorrow.


Captain Reynald's eyes swept across the devastation, grappling with the magnitude of the horror. "Anyone here… anyone, please… We are knights from Drygal… We are here to help… anyone."


Terol stood in stunned silence, his eyes locked onto the horrifying scene. All the anger and pride that had defined him seemed to evaporate in an instant. He now understood the gravity of the situation; he was in a different place, a world where darkness had left an indelible mark on the once vibrant village.


In a moment of profound realization, Terol shifted his gaze to the lifeless eyes of the fallen man. There, in the vacant stare of death, he saw more than just the cold emptiness – he saw fear and sorrow etched into the depths. It was a poignant connection, a silent conversation with a soul extinguished by the merciless hand of brutality.

Amid the desolation, a wounded man with a torn leg crawled on the ground, his agonized screams cutting through the eerie silence. The captain, Aiden, and Terol rushed to his side, their armor clanking with each hurried step


"Terol!" the captain called urgently, but Terol was lost in the grip of the horrific scene.


"Terol!" the captain called again, more insistently.


"Huh, yes, sir," Terol finally responded, snapping out of his trance.


"You know healing, right? Do something!" Captain Reynald commanded, a sense of urgency in his voice.


Shaking off the shock, Terol took a deep breath and activated his healing powers. A radiant white light emanated from his hands, casting a gentle glow on the battered form before him. Threads of healing energy swirled around the injured man as Terol focused on mending his wounds.


"Who did this?" Captain Reynald asked the injured man, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of impending danger.


Gasping for breath, the man coughed before responding, "I do not know. These dark figures... they came from everywhere, killing and slaughtering everyone in their path."


"You should not talk now," Terol advised, his voice gentle as he continued the healing process.


Tears streamed down the injured man's face, mingling with the blood. "My wife… my daughter… they're all dead… What a cursed life."



"No, no, no, please, no!" Terol cried out, his voice choked with grief.

Captain Reynald placed a comforting hand on Terol's shoulder, his voice heavy with sorrow. "That's enough. He's gone."


Terol, his hands stained with blood, turned away, struggling to process the harrowing scene. The reality of the devastation and loss weighed heavily on their shoulders, a burden they were now compelled to bear


"Sir, we need to move now," urged Aiden, his voice breaking through the despair.

"I know. Hey, get up!" the captain said to Terol "We need to go. You two need to activate your Pyroguard Enclave now. Whoever did this still lurking somewhere," the captain replied.


As they activated their Pyroguard, a transformative energy enveloped the Knights, molding protective armor over their bodies. The armor bore the fiery hues of vibrant flames, with interwoven red threads that seemed to dance with every movement. Each knight's armor, however, held its unique design and coverage.


For Terol, the armor covered his greaves, sabatons, vambraces, and gauntlets, providing a balanced blend of defense and flexibility. Aiden's armor mirrored the rookie's, sharing the same aesthetic, but with the addition of a robust cuirass that offered enhanced chest protection.


And then there was the captain, Sir Reynald, who commanded the manifestation of the entire suit, leaving only the helmet absent. The captain's armor, a formidable ensemble, radiated authority and strength, a symbol of his seasoned experience on the battlefield.


As the armor took shape, the forest seemed to acknowledge the surge of power, the air crackling with the manifestation of their abilities. The Knights stood transformed into a united front against the unseen menace that lurked within the shadows of the ancient trees.

"Aiden! Is there any outpost nearby?" Captain Reynald called out urgently.


"No, sir," Aiden replied, a hint of concern in his voice.


"Shit, okay. Prepare yourselves," the captain commanded, his tone edged with a sense of urgency.


"We're running to the city at full speed," Captain Reynald declared, determination ringing in his voice.


"Terol! Are you going to be alright?" Aiden asked, concern etched in his eyes.


"Why?" Terol replied, his attention momentarily pulled away from the unfolding chaos.


Aiden explained, "It's just that usually healing Knights do not use Pyroguard Enclave due to mental and physical stress."


Terol, still focused on the task at hand, responded, "Well, all I can do is this form, so there isn't much of a risk."


"Okay, but be careful. As you probably know, it uses your blood and soul power. We do not need our only healer to be drained," Aiden cautioned, emphasizing the importance of preserving Terol's strength amidst the unfolding crisis.


"Okay, get ready… go," Captain Reynald ordered.

They surged forward, running at full speed, and the wind erupted around them. The forest blurred as they tore through the path, the rhythmic beat of their armored footfalls echoing through the ancient woods. The Pyroguard Enclave shimmered with a fiery intensity, a testament to the power and unity of the Knights against the unseen threat that loomed ahead.


They ran towards the city with every ounce of their strength. As they drew closer to the city walls, the atmosphere grew quieter and quieter, until they could only hear the echo of their own footsteps. The sense of danger pressed in, the aura of death enveloping them.


Suddenly, they stopped in the middle of the road, an unsettling feeling washing over them. The cries of forest animals grew louder, a disturbing chorus of warning.


"The whispers! It's stopped," Terol stated, a sense of dread tainting his voice.


"Do not stop now!" the captain's voice trembled with terror. The abrupt cessation of the mysterious whispers left an eerie void, replaced by the unsettling symphony of heightened forest sounds. The once familiar rhythm of their journey now hung in the air, a prelude to an unknown threat that lurked within the shadows of the ancient trees.

Just as they took their first step forward, Sir Aiden's head floated in the air before them, an eerie sight that defied explanation.


"Oh gods, help us!" Terol exclaimed, his fear palpable. The sudden and surreal appearance of Sir Aiden's severed head left the Knights in a state of shock and disbelief

The captain's gaze locked onto the senior knight's severed head. "Do not look back, and do not stop. Just run... run, you fool. All the gods will not help you here."


They withdrew their swords, ready to fight, only to realize that there would be no battle after all.


They continued to run, the city they hoped to reach now seeming farther away than ever. The captain felt a sudden strike approaching, though the identity of the attacker remained unknown. Reacting swiftly, he employed his fire technique – a massive circle of fire erupted from his leg, forcing the attacker to retreat from the blaze's intensity

"Run… ruuuuun! There's a large area with no trees about a mile away. If we reach it, we can defend ourselves and find out what's attacking us."


Another strike occurred, catching the captain by surprise. The world turned upside down in a swift, seamless motion. It happened so quickly that the captain didn't even realize he had been cut in half. His thoughts were fading, dimming like a dying ember. "What happened... am I dead... shit."


The captain's consciousness slipped away, leaving behind a surreal aftermath. His demise marked a chilling turn of events, the forest now claiming the seasoned leader in a merciless twist of fate.


"Captain, we are getting close to the large area... we are here, finally," Terol's voice called out.


Terol looked behind and found no sign of the captain.


"Captain!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with panic.


"Captain!" he shouted, his desperation growing. But there was no response. The reality hit him like a blow.


As realization settled in, Terol came to understand that he was the only one who had made it to the area. With his sword gripped tightly in his hand and an angry roar, he challenged, "Come at me... come at me, you fuckers! Do you think you can take me?"


A heavy silence fell, even quieter than before, as a colossal figure emerged from the forest, clutching the top half of the captain's body. The grotesque sight added a chilling layer to the eerie stillness, casting a shadow over Terol's defiant stance.


"What are you!... What are you!" Terol shouted, his voice a painful mix of fear and desperation.


No response came from the figure. Terol's courage wavered as he gazed upon the captain's deformed body.


"No... please don't," he pleaded.

In a horrifying act, the figure hurled the captain's remains at Terol and then, in a soundless slash, severed the rookie's head.


The forest, now tainted with the echoes of despair, bore witness to the cruel fate that befell the last remaining Knight. Terol's final moments were consumed by the relentless darkness, leaving behind only the haunting memory of his valiant but futile stand against an unexplainable and malevolent force.