
Ultimate Throne

In the grand tapestry of existence, mortality serves as a poignant reminder of the transience of life. Fish succumb to the whims of hunger, their fate a mere trifle in the grand scheme. Humans, on the other hand, surrender to the allure of wealth, a fleeting dream that vanishes like smoke on the wind. Yet, in this world, the currency of trust proves far more perilous. To entrust one’s fate to the wrong individual is to invite despair, to drown in a sea of regret. Trusting a devil will only leave one imprisoned by the chains of pain. When I say “devil,” I don’t mean it in a spiritual sense, but rather a human with the characteristics of a devil. A person capable of lying to himself until his mind believes it to be the truth. Someone who views the world with disdain and wouldn’t care if it disappeared in the next second. On the planet Ablauf, where the extraordinary has become mundane, abilities both grand and trivial are woven into the fabric of existence. like turning into an insect, to the all powerful like reversing time, mind control, and turning illusion into reality. Tito Roux Z, a broken soul from Earth with the ability to turn into flames, lands on this planet with no goals in mind. However, from the second day onward, when he heard about the “Ultimate Throne” granting the rights to be Sovereign of Ablauf from Encender Tohil, a fellow inmate at the time, other thoughts began to form in his dark mind.

Platofox · ไซไฟ
123 Chs

Another's Curse, Is A Blessing To Another.


All life forms are equal. However, is that truly the case?

Humans will always place themselves above all life forms. There may be various organizations that advocate for equality among humans, animals, and plants.

They say that if you encounter a snake, you should call the national snake control unit first so that they can take appropriate measures. But will you do that when the snake is attacking your younger sibling?


You, reading this text now, do you believe that all human life is equal?

Someone is throwing a party on the Pomona Islands daily while a child in a forgotten part of the world is dying from hunger.

Money is what sets us humans apart.

When a problem arises, they first call the wealthy, while the poor are relegated to manual labor. To make matters worse, they first feed someone who has been sitting in their car doing nothing, and only the leftovers are given to those sweating to solve the problem.

After money, there is always power...

Countries A and B are in a dispute with no threats of war. Wanting to take advantage of the situation and make both countries their subordinates, the leaders of Country Z send military supplies to Country A to take down Country B. Country Y, which has had a long-standing rivalry with Country Z, hears of this and, with the ambition of trying to take over both countries, sends military assistance to Country B.

With strong support on their side, both countries engage in war. Countries Y and Z begin developing weapons to prove who can create the best. In the end, it is the people of Countries A and B who suffer.

If you want nothing to get in your way, have money and power. Always remember that nothing is equal in this world, and know that no life is more special than another.

As we kill snakes to save ourselves, snakes also kill us to protect themselves.

Only death is the thing we fear, which doesn't fear us in return.

We are made from dirt, and that is where we all belong.


A loud battle cry echoed in the air as thousands of inmates rushed toward the X Block. When Hyde opened the cell bars, he took pleasure in informing everyone that the X Block has an elevator that leads to the second floor. He also activated the recovery system, and the elevator that Raiden blasted to smithereens began to be repaired.

The Warden felt infiltrated to the core, with veins popping out of his face. "Just what is that bastard Hyde doing?! Why did he decide to open up the cells at a time like this?!"

The thought of Tito bullying the poor guy didn't even cross his mind. To him, Hyde was supreme, and without the restraint to respect the correction officers, he would undoubtedly overpower Raiden.

"Could something have happened to Hyde?"

Raiden quickly pushed that thought out of his mind; Hyde was a miniature god, and only a few things could actually hurt him.

Standing on the broken wooden door, the Warden felt helpless, as Meron's wilder ability was a bad matchup for him. She could twist her lightning into negative or positive current, and everyone knew those two didn't mix well when Raiden changed to another current.

An idea popped into his mind, and his first target was Meron, with his body charged to a neutral current. The old alien switched between negative and positive currents.

He is in neutral charge!

Meron's thoughts screamed as her green eyes glared at the sharp green lightning blade formed from the Warden's hand. He moved so quickly that all his previous speed seemed like a joke.

Meron felt a slight numbness in her body before the attack even reached her. Encender threw her sword, which sliced through the air, but compared to Raiden's speed, it moved like a tortoise.

Encender's sensory opia screamed at her, and she propelled herself in Meron's direction. However, no matter how much strength she used, she wasn't fast enough.


Raiden swiftly swung his right hand, now shaped like a double-edged sword, to the left, slicing through Meron's head in half as if it were an apple.


The part of her head with wide-open eyes fell to the ground and rolled to Encender's feet, leaving a trail of blood and dropping Meron's half-cut brain onto the ground.

The last part of her head sprinkled blood like fireworks into the air. After a brief moment, her dead body fell to the ground with a thud. Her mouth seemed to try to say something, but it no longer had the energy without a brain.

Encender's sword passed through Raiden, who had a huge smirk on his face, but it did nothing to him as he was now lightning.

Meron's leader arrived, and the words in her mouth dried up as she shed a stream of tears onto the ground. The same was true for Rajah, who stood up and stopped pretending to be dead.

The once lively yellow-skinned girl, who liked to brag about her wonderful boyfriend, was now cold on the floor with her head split in two.

The green eyes that once showed courage and determination were like pebbles staring at the ceiling, with no sign of blinking again.

Her glowing yellow skin was now slowly losing its color, becoming dull as it showed that blood was no longer pumping through her body.

One might ask if she would simply come back to life, as she had twice before. The answer is no; only her hearts possess the ability for restoration since they came from Rajah's body.

If she had drunk all the blood in Rajah's body, she would have become immortal, but that is an 'if' that is far different from reality.

As they say, the third time is a charm. Meron had been killed twice before and managed to keep her life, but the third time truly sent her to her ancestors.

In this case, the third time is a curse; honestly, charm and curse are two sides of the same coin.

Another's curse is someone else's charm.