
Ultimate Principal System !!!

Starting from a culinary arts program, Star Academy has produced world-class talents one after another! Many years later, the still youthful Principal Ye Chen looks back. His students are already spread all over the world! All the top talents in every field worldwide are his students... And Star Academy itself has become the most incredible giant conglomerate in the world!

OasisTL · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
24 Chs

The teacher is a little ordinary but trustworthy!

"Hello, students!"

"I am your Shandong cuisine teacher, Chef Xavier!"

"Today is the first class of the Shandong cuisine course!"

"In this first class, I won't be teaching you how to cook or practice basic knife skills!"

"Instead, I will prepare a meal for you!"

"This meal won't be the top-level Shandong cuisine because many ingredients are too expensive, and the school can't allocate that much funding!"

"But I can assure you."

"This meal will be the most perfect Shandong cuisine that ordinary people can eat in their lifetime!"

"This meal will be prepared by me and two other Shandong cuisine teachers together!"

"Since some Shandong dishes take time, and the classroom stoves are not enough, they are now preparing in the practical training room."

"As for me, I will use these ingredients here to make three dishes!"

"When all the dishes are ready, each of you will get to taste them..."

"The purpose of this meal is to let you understand what true Shandong cuisine is like."

"With a goal in mind, you can go further and steadier on the path of Shandong cuisine!"

Chef Xavier's voice wasn't loud, but the confidence in his tone was clear to all the students.

Especially what Chef Xavier said.

To be honest, most of the students present thought it sounded a bit boastful.

The best Shandong cuisine an ordinary person can eat?

Doesn't that mean...

These three teachers are the top Shandong cuisine masters?


If they were really master chefs.

They could easily make a fortune by making videos, doing cooking tutorials, or exploring restaurant videos and live streaming.

Why would they come to teach at a vocational school like this?


Among the crowd, Roy Wang thought the same.

This Chef Xavier indeed had a bit of a master chef vibe.

But Roy didn't believe he was a true master.

It wasn't that he doubted Chef Xavier.

He doubted New Star Arts College.

A small college with only six hundred students could hire real masters?

That's laughable.

If they were masters, they would at least be professors at some university.

Not to mention, the tuition fee of twenty thousand dollars a year wouldn't be enough to learn from a master.

If real masters were teaching, the school would have advertised it long ago, right?

So, Roy didn't believe Chef Xavier's words at all.

He thought this old man might just be a bit better at cooking than ordinary people and thought he was a top master!

A group of freshmen naturally wouldn't have the best classroom discipline.

Many students had already started whispering, making the classroom a bit noisy.

Chef Xavier naturally noticed the students' doubts.

But he just smiled without saying much.

As a leading figure in Shandong cuisine from another world.

He had the pride and patience of a master.

A chef doesn't need to say much; cooking skills are the best proof.

The culinary classroom was equipped with gas stoves and cooktops.

Cutting boards and sinks were all available.

To make it easier for teachers to give more direct demonstrations during theory classes.

Standing in front of the stove, Chef Xavier straightened his back, slowly taking out the pre-prepared ingredients, and began cooking.

The students, who had been whispering moments ago, were now quiet, all eyes on Chef Xavier.

Roy frowned.

For some reason, standing in front of the stove, Chef Xavier's aura seemed different...

Roy couldn't pinpoint what was different.

But looking at his cooking posture...

Hmm, it looked much more professional than when his mom cooked.

However, the doubts didn't lessen; some students were still whispering.

But as the aroma filled the classroom.

It became completely silent.

All the students couldn't help but look at Chef Xavier and the pan in front of him.

Their eyes filled with surprise.

The aroma, with a hint of spiciness, was just too captivating...

With the added perception from the Chef's Talent enhancement, the students' sense of smell was heightened.

They could guarantee they had never smelled such a delicious dish in their lives.

Many couldn't help but start to swallow their saliva.

When the first dish was plated and placed on the table.

All the students' attention was drawn to it.

The students at the back even stood up to get a better view.

"Is this Kung Pao Chicken?"

"It really is, but it looks different from the Kung Pao Chicken I've had, the color is so vibrant!"

"Isn't Kung Pao Chicken a Sichuan dish?"

"I looked it up, Kung Pao Chicken originated in Shandong cuisine, initially called Sautéed Chicken Cubes with Sauce, it was later introduced to Sichuan."

"Oh my, I had Kung Pao Chicken rice at the cafeteria yesterday, and it's worlds apart from this!"

"Just by looking at it and smelling it, I can't stop drooling! If I had this plate of food, I think I could eat three bowls of rice!"

Chef Xavier smiled slightly as he listened to the students' remarks.

He had heard far better compliments.

These students' praises lacked a bit of literary flair.

Today, Chef Xavier aimed to thoroughly impress all the students.

So, for the second dish, Chef Xavier took out a prepped fish, heated the oil in the pan, and began deep-frying it...

The students' eyes were drawn again.

They originally thought Chef Xavier was just like the chefs at any restaurant, maybe even the kind who had to come to a vocational school for a job because the restaurant couldn't keep running.

But that one dish of Kung Pao Chicken had astonished them.

They now only wanted to know what the next dish would be.

And soon, as the sweet and sour aroma filled the classroom.

The students sniffed the air, swallowing hard.

"Sweet and Sour Carp!"

Sweet and Sour Carp was also a common dish in the country.

But Chef Xavier's Sweet and Sour Carp wasn't lying flat on the plate.

The carp in the plate had its belly pressed down.

As for the head and tail, they were curved upwards.

It looked like the fish was alive and could leap up at any moment.

With the sauce on the fish, it had a special beauty.

It made the students' eyes widen.

While the students were already fantasizing about the taste of the Sweet and Sour Carp.

Chef Xavier had begun the third dish.

Once the oil was hot, he put the pork belly and chicken gizzards into the pan, then added various seasonings and sauces.

After a quick stir-fry, the third dish was also ready.

However, this dish was far less famous than the previous two.

The students, smelling the aroma and swallowing their saliva, were almost drooling.

"Teacher, what's the name of this last dish?"

Just the aroma and presentation of these three dishes were enough for the students to genuinely respect Chef Xavier.

Chef Xavier smiled while sucking his fingers, "Crispy Pork Belly and Chicken Gizzards!"

This dish wasn't well-known.

The students were all puzzled.

But even if they hadn't heard of it, they didn't doubt its taste.

At that moment, all they wanted was to take a bite, even just a small one.

Just then.

There was a knock on the classroom door.

The other two teachers entered, each pushing a trolley filled with dishes!


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