
Ultimate Power Holder

In every world we see that power is the source for everything Power is present in novels which have romance and power is present in novels and comics which are based on it. When power is devided it gave rise to certain loopholes. Those loopholes in terms gives rise to a a power check between the ruler and ruled. Everything the ruler says is right and the ruled are the ones to bow before the will. 'Secrets ' a mysterious word that is their in every world , the thing which make the rich more richer by giving them the power to control the rest . Planet Liva is no different from that game. The power abuse gave rise to a protestant class will their leader be able to turn tables or will he become one of them,The association that our protagonists will face and how their fate will entagle with each other further and many secrets will be revealed.

Meosi · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

An Ironical Grip

Soon both of them walked away and reached in front of a room which was surrounded by guards standing on both the sides of the walls.

The soldier generated a blue lighting streak that was confined into a meteor stone and showed it to the guards, who stood there and the token was placed into a stone which had a keyhole.

"Mr. Darcel this is the farthest upto where, I can accompany you." Said the guard and bowed slightly towards the boy then left.

Darcel didn't say anything and instead walked in directly. She knew that this time it was genuine and put the thoughts of the ambush in the back of her head.

When he entered the room the door automatically closed down and he saw a long passage whose walls were made of laterite rocks and fire torches were Lit there,the only distinct features was that the fire in them was not of reddish yellow it was rather of blue colour.

"If I am not wrong, these torches hold the fire of the blue meteorite which was once produced by the healer race."thought Darcel, whose hands clenched into fist as he remembered that race.

"What is this ?" Darcel questioned in a low voice,when he saw some strange patterns drawn on the top surface of the walls .

Those patterns were made from different animal symbols and one of them was the lion which was placed in the midst of the rest of the paintings.

"Yo,I thought, you chickened out after you got ambushed by a weak ranker."said a similar yet mocking voice.

"You know that, I nearly got ambushed." Said Darcel, while turning her eyes from the upper end of the wall towards the human figure.

He saw the tall prince, standing at the side with his back slightly leaning on the wall.His eyes were not looking at Darcel but were rather fixated at the designs of the wall.

"I think before dying from any ambush, you might die for disrespecting the royal family for not using proper words and terms to address them." said the Prince, straightening his back from the wall and unfolding his blue sleeves.

"I am sorry Your Highness, you shall punish me for my impudence."said Darcel, while clenching his hands into fist with his teeth slightly greeting at the sight of this, Royal blood.

"So, As for your question, this is my palace and, I will know whatever is going on and as for you." Said he, before pausing and taking a look at her slender figure.

"You might look fragile as a girl but, I know how much strength you actually do hold and if you can't even handle some low level magic user,then I shall say I misjudged your abilities."he finally finished towering his eyes to lock his gaze with Darcel's gaze.

For a moment Darcel's heart sank in fear and she thought whether he had detected something about her identity but then she knew that it was because she looks quite weak and maybe, he just made a casual remark.

"Don't worry, your Highness, I still want to be respected and Live my life peacefully, so I won't run away."Darcel commented, while lowering her head and the brown fury hairs just reached her brown's shading

her vision.

"Peace, in my service, yes if you wish for eternal peace without any disturbance."said the Prince, while coming near Darcel and sneaking a snakish smile.

"Anyway, enough of this chitchat, now come with me to have a look at your surprise."said Livion, his face soon losing emotions and eyes widened into seriousness.

Darcel bowed first and then started walking with the Prince towards a chamber.On his way he saw that the paintings on the wall were disappearing and a hot water spring came up .

"Well, well, Let me tell you something, hold on to me while we cross this spring, if you don't want to get fried up."said the Prince while offering his right hand for Darcel to hold into it.

Darcel knew it was a trap and hence he held the Prince as he was ordered and soon a fiery bubble covered them and they started walking.

Darcel was looking at the surface of the spring and also the surrounding areas when he heard Livion telling him something.

"If you think that you can sneak here then you are wrong because this area is only accessible to the royal family and only to the chosen ones after the king."Livion said to Darcel,as he knew that Darcel would try to sneak here.

Darcel after hearing unconsciously loosened the grip of hers hand and soon she was about to fall from the bubble when Livion held her arm and pulled her back to his chest.

Darcel with great difficulty managed his posture and balance and then looked at the Prince who was now holding her in an almost hugging position.

"Did any of my earlier words didn't reach your ear that you loosened the grip and tried to sucide." Said Livion while staring at this person in his hand, who everytime like to be careless and manage to get injuries.

"I am sorry, I didn't want to lose the grip but…."Darcel stopped what she was trying to say and couldn't complete the sentence.

"And for that reason you don't move until we reach the place." Said Livion while making his clutch more tight.

Darcel eyes widened into surprise and slightly into disgust too because she knew this was the same person, who she had to take revenge from as others and also this person is the one who not only tortured her but also made sure for her to get humiliation and yet he was here trying to protect her from a spring what an irony it was.