
Chapter 26: Fighting Against Kane

  At the same time, the door was opened, Luca rushed into the room. Although he cannot turn into a werewolf, his speed was still fast.

  "Nooo, Stop!" Lucca shouted.

Bran heard a voice came from behind him. He knew that if he insisted on killing Rachel, then he would not have enough time to escape the person behind him. At that time, he would also be killed.

The best option now is to leave this room as soon as possible. Once he leaves here, he can use his skills immediately.

  Bran let Rachel go and ran towards the door.

  "No, don't let him leave the room! Don't let him across the door!" Rachel shouted.

  George also entered the room at this time, and he guarded the door to keep Bran from going out.

  Bran was sandwiched between three people, George and Luca two people guarding the door, Rachel was behind him. Seeing that he had no chance to escape, Bran turned back to Rachel.

  "Rachel watch out!" Luca and George shouted at the same time.

  "Spider Web!" Rachel used her Spider Web Wand, and a spider web bound Bran. George and Luca used this opportunity to press Bran to the ground.

On the other hand, Kane asked the other Bloodaxe members

"Do you heard a sound coming from the basement?"

"Yes, but I cannot hear it clearly." the Bloodaxe members answered.

  "Kane, how about I go down and check?" John asked.

  "No, you just wait here. Roffman, you go to the basement and check it out." Kane arranged for another Bloodaxe man to go to the basement to check out the situation.

Roffman followed the sound and went to the basement. No body was in the basement, but he heard the sound was from the room. He waited outside the room and heard clearly that Bran was caught.

Roffman rushed back up to report to Kane immediately.

In the room, Luca wanted to kill Bran and take the treasure which Bran found it in the city hall, but he was stopped by George and Rachel. They said

  "Jason and Charlie are upstairs. If we kill Bran now, they are also in danger." Then, they took Bran's short sword and bracelet out.

  "You bastards, let me go and give me back my things. Otherwise I'll let the Bloodaxe kill all of you!" Bran shouted.

  "Shut up!" George kicked Bran's knees and took out a rope from Bran's bracelet. Bran was tied by the rope. couldn't move.

  "What should we do, should we go up now?" Luca asked Rachel and George.

  "I think we should wait for Kane to come down. It's lucky we catch Bran, but with Kane's strength, three of us are not his rivals. The only chance is to use this room." George said.

  However, Rachel disagreed with George's words

  "No, although I modified the Magic Circle, four people in this room are maximize. More then four people, the Magic Circle won't work. Also Jason and Charlie are still up there. If we don't go to save them, they both will be in danger.

  George you stay and watch Bran here, Luca and I will go up. As long as Luka can temporarily attract Kane's attack, I have a way to defeat Kane!"

  "Lol! That's too funny!" Hearing Rachel say she can defeat Kane, Bran started laughing.

  "You think with just a few of you, you can defeat Kane? You guys are too underestimated Kane's power. I can only dodge Kane's attacks with my flash. Fighting him directly, I can't even guarantee to win him!"

  Luca kicked Bran again and said

  "Shut up, tell us what skills Kane has, or I'll kill you now!"

  Bran didn't say a word, just looked at the three coldly, as if looking at three dead bodies.

  Roffman ran upstairs nervously and reported to Kane

  "Kane, Kane, they caught Bran. They caught Bran!"

  "What! What did you say, say it again?" Kane didn't believe Roffman's words at all. He knew that Bran could flash, there was no way he could be catch that easily.

  "I heard they caught Bran, they locked him in a room!" Roffman replied.

  "Piece of shit!" Kane cursed, "I can't believe Bran is caught so easily!" After saying that, Kane turned his Giant Battle Axe toward Jason

  "What's your purpose? Say it now, otherwise I will torment you until you die!"

  Jason had quietly retreated back and at this time, he took his Invisible Hat on his hands.

  Kane saw that Jason did not speak, raised the Giant Battle Axe and cut towards Jason's head.

  "Run, Jason, you can't beat him!" Charlie shouted.

  Jason knew that he is not Kane's rival, so he used the Primary Bloodthirst, quickly ran away from Kane and put on the Invisible Hat, as well.

  "Where is him! How you can suddenly disappeared, show up?" Kane shouted. Then a black light, cut to the place that Jason had just stood. "Let you see my "Black Light Chop".

  The speed of the Black Light Chop was so fast that it cut a huge crack in the wall. Jason would definitely be cut into a half, if he hadn't already escaped from the place where he stood.

  "He's your friend, right? Tell me why he disappeared and how to find him!" Kane asked, pointing his Giant Battle Axe at Charlie.

  "I... I don't know!"

  "Humph! You don't know?" Kane shouted

  "Kid, come out quickly, I'll give you 5 seconds, if you don't show up, your friend will die first!"

  "5... .4... .3 ...." Kane was counting down the numbers.

  "No!" John stood in front of Charlie and said to Kane, "Please Kane, don't kill Charlie, he's my son. Please let him go. Jason, where are you? Jason, where are you? Come out!"

  Kane looked at John without say anything. His mouth continued to count down

  "2.... .1.... Since you do not come out, then your friend will die for you!" Kane said, and he waved the axe directly cut to John.

  Charlie pushed his father away and used Stone skin, Primary Berserk together, but the axe did not cut down, a vine wrapped Kane's axe.

  At the same time, Jason appeared on Kane's back and stabbed towards Kane's heart, by using his sword. Rachel and Luca also arrived in time. Rachel wrapped the Kane's axe. Luca transformed into a werewolf and bit towards Kane. All of them attacked Kane at the same time.

  "Don't just stand here, Run! Charlie!" Rachel shouted with difficulty.

  Charlie dodged Kane's axe, and Rachel's vine was also cut in half.

  Jason surprised, his sword failed to hurt Kane. Jason's attack, was defended by the armor that Kane was wearing.

  "Little bug, do you want to assassinate me?" Kane yelling, and then he used Primary Berserk, kicked Jason away.

  "Buy me some time!" Rachel shouted.

  Charlie heard Rachel's words, took out his weapon and rushed towards Kane.

  "No, Charlie, don't you go, come back!" John shouted in desperation.

  "You're looking for death!"

  Kane waved his Giant Battle Axe and kept attacking them, Charlie and Luca could barely dodge, not daring to fight directly with Kane's axe.

The other Bloodaxe members, surrounded towards Rachel. Jason stood up and came to Rachel's side to protect her. Rachel was concentrating her attention, intending to use Primary Silence on Kane.

But seeing the Bloodaxe men were surrounding her, she could only give up using Primary Silence and protected herself first by using vine.

  "You guys come and help us! We can't hold on!" Jason said to the guards. But they looked at John, waiting for his order.

  "No more hesitate John. If you hesitate again, Charlie will be in danger!" Jason said to John while protecting Rachel.

  John saw Kane was attacking Charlie, and made up his mind at this time.

  "Help them!" John said. Then he first joined the battle. Other guards saw John has already in fight, they also followed John, joined the battle.

  The sound of the battle soon spread to other hospital places, more and more people in the hospital join the battle. Although the level of the Bloodaxe men were high, the number of them was less. They were soon defeated by Jason and the others.

  "You guys, You guys force me to do this!" Kane took out a bottle of potion from his bracelet and drank it directly.

  "No!, No! Run! Run!" Roffman saw Kane drink the potion and hurriedly told the people around him.

  Kane's eyes turned red, his body became three times larger than before, and the Giant Battle Axe was now like a toy in his hand.

  Kane's body became incomparably hard. He waved his Giant Battle Axe, kept slashing around.

  "The wall is going to be cut down by him, get out of here, the building is going to collapse!" Rachel shouted.

  Everyone hurriedly ran outside. Kane rushed into the crowd and slashed at everyone, regardless they are his enemies or companies.

  The hospital soon collapsed. Although Jason, Rachel, Charlie and some others ran to the open space, the most of people were not that lucky. Some were killed by Kane, some were buried under the hospital ruins.

  "Run, he drank the Troll Potion, there is no way you can beat him!" Roffman, who escaped first, said to Jason.

  "No! We have friend who does not come out yet, we can't leave him. We have to save George," Luca said.